This was posted 6 years 1 month 1 day ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

Mount Franklin Still Water 20x500mL $5.50 + Delivery (Free with Prime/ $49 Spend) @ Amazon AU

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This is on special again.

Pure Australian Spring Water
• Australia’s favourite & most trusted water brand
• Bottles made with 100% recycled plastic (excludes cap, label, which are 100% recyclable)
• Multipack water, 20 x 500mL PET bottles
• Perfect for drinking on the go

Price History at C CamelCamelCamel.

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Amazon AU

closed Comments

  • cheers bought 4 :D

  • +25

    Struggling how this is a bargain.
    Coles 24 x 600Ml @ $8.40 = $0.58 per litre
    MF 20 x 500Ml @ $5.50 = $0.55 per litre

    And let's not go into the complete pointlessness, and environmental impact, of bottled water in Australia.

    • +14

      Different product, also delivered to your door.
      Why don't you drink tap water instead?

      • +9

        because it cost a lot of money to glorify water

        • +1

          Thank Mr Franklin for good health and hydration.

    • +8

      Different products, especially for businesses that are going to re-sell them.

      You've also just said that these are cheaper than the Coles ones?

    • +4

      Tap water = 0.00244 per litre

      • +1

        lol, thx for the morning chuckle

  • +8

    Dont forget to recycle the bottles for a further saving of $2!

    • Lol I came here to mention exactly that

    • +5

      I think most people recycle them anyway tbh, bit of a bodgy tax grab for government IMHO.
      I mostly don't bother going lining up at machine, all the hassle of it, just for $1 (if I only have 10 bottles) . I still recycle the bottles in recycling bin .

      I'm wondering, do these amazon sellers not have to pay the 10 cents per bottle tax/deposit ?

      An amazing deal if you're in NSW (or other states applicable) and if you can be bothered driving to Woolworths with your bottles in a bag and going through the tedious process of inserting 1 bottle at a time for 10 cents each.

      • +1

        The machine's actually pretty fast.

        My young kids collect the bottles for pocket money. Usually we take a big bag to a drop-off point (80 cents in petrol…) but once we went to a machine and it was quicker than I expected.

        • +3

          There's usually a line up at my local one, so about 10 minutes wait when I tried it. At Woolworths also, and I shop at coles.
          Definitely a bit of fun and rewards for lil kids
          If you have no kids, it's not anything the average person would want to be doing.
          I think there should be something where those of us that recycle at home bins, we should get that tax/deposit back still.

  • +25

    Can we not buy bottled water please?

    Perfect for drinking on the go

    How difficult is it to bring a bottle?

    • Tap water tastes like trash

      • -6

        Aussie water in general tastes like trash.

        • +13

          Huh? Pretty sure Australia has some of the best drinking water in the world

          • +10

            @ScruffTheJanitor: These fools clearly have never been overseas to a less well off country where you can't even take ice in your drinks coz if it was made with their tap water it'll make you sick. Don't know how damn well we have it here. First world issues.

        • +4

          Not sure where you live but all the different areas of Melbourne and Victoria that I have been too the water is fine. Tassy was excellent as well.

          When I lived in NSW it was a bit ordinary, and always a bit odd in Queensland.

          • +2

            @pdtmathieson: I'm in Perth. Aussie water in general is really hard. Go to another country with soft water and you'll appreciate how much better it tastes.

            • +1

              @[Deactivated]: I think Perth is generally regarded as having the worst water. Melbourne and Tassie water definitely tastes better.

      • +1

        oh the power of suggestion works really well.

        • Username does not check out.

      • +2

        Depends where you are. In Canberra the tap water tastes great. In Adelaide where they get the leftover water after it's been through Victoria/NSW it tastes awful.

      • It doesn't. Stop killing the environment.

      • +1

        That's because you live in SA.

      • Where I'm from, we call it "town water". At home, we have rainwater catchment which can become contaminated at times, and that's where bottled water comes in handy.

    • Well its my money and my choice, I don't see why i should not buy bottled water.

  • +1

    A bit annoyed…. Shipping in March to April!


    • +57

      If only there was a way to get drinkable water almost instantly.

  • +3

    Shows $8.5 delivery for Prime members?

    • It's on backorder, order from here by adding the $5.50 deal to cart.

    • Found it. You have to go “other sellers on Amazon” to qualify for Prime

  • +27

    Water delivered in small plastic bottles by diesel powered trucks. To homes in areas with some of the world’s best water flowing through the taps. This is why the planet dies.

    • -4

      Do you post this on every consumerable product deal?

      Eg all those cheap electronic products from China… Costs to environment of mining heavy metal ores, transporting to China to process ores and then manufacture products, to then transport back to Australia, isn't great for the planet either.

      • +11

        I don't know about you but electronics do not come out of my tap

      • +1

        I agree that any waste is bad, and we should consider being wasteful for any purchase. However, I think this is different and particularly wasteful because clean water is freely available from the tap for most people that buy bottled water. Yes, I'm sure there are some (rare) situations/events where bottled is needed, but it should be avoided wherever possible IMO. I'm happy for 00 to post and remind us regularly.

        But a deal on clean bottled mountain air with free delivery, that would be amazing.

    • +1

      I have tank water which is to acidic to drink. Which is why we buy bottled water.

      • Water in Melbourne's Western suburbs is acidic and awful.

  • +3

    Just get a water filter on your tap at home and buy a camelbak water bottle.

    • The spout on the Camelbak Podium insulated water bottle is just a grime breeding device.

      • +6

        So are you if not washed..

      • +3

        Been using them for years and never had an issue. Suck it up!

      • -1

        that's right! the PR team is worth every $$$

    • +3

      Might I suggest a Nalgene bottle with a simple screw top. Easy to clean with no straws, had mine for 2 years and it's still going strong!

  • Damn paid $7 on Sunday.

    At least mine is coming today. These will be dispatched in two months lol. Wow.

    • mine says coming friday and I ordered this morning at 5.50$

  • Or go to Officeworks instead of waiting for a month or two. Water is water.…

    • +1

      Not true, lots of places will buy this to resell it. I don't imagine there is many people drinking Mount Franklin water at home.

      • I do?

  • +12

    Buying bottled water LOL. People who buy this for everyday type regular use are such a blight on the environment and quite frankly an affront to human intelligence.

    • +2

      buy it because all the expensive advertising insinuates a better lifestyle when you drink bottled water

      • Or, you know, the filtering for bottled water just tastes better than tap.

        • +3

          Oh no, not the taste! Perfectly healthy drinkable water at our finger tips but no, the TASTE isn't quite right. So instead of doing the intelligent thing and buying a home filter, we need to be a blight on the environment and buy a crapton of plastic bottles to encase our useless water in. Not to mention the price. Truly a first world problem.

          • -1

            @Smol Cat: I also went and bought new BMW when i could have driven my old one for a few more years or i could have gone and bought cheap KIA. I chose what i spend my money on. its called Freedom, everything you buy can be a blight on the environment depending how you dispose of it. People like you make me want to toss it out of car just couse.

  • +1

    Mine is saying this item isn't available for prime free delivery

  • Make sure you select Amazon as the seller, which is the $5.50 one not the $5 as it charges shipping.

  • Can't wait for this waste of resources (plastic production, transport emissions, disposal costs or wildlife killing trash) to be outlawed.

    • I sure hope we get a very proud environment government in very soon.
      I would rather they go over the top of ban everything rather than what we have now.

      • its called Dictatorship - lots of them to try around the world. go and see if you like it first.

        • Lol. Get a grip mate. Banning clearly harmful things is a mark of progress - or are you advocating a return to child labour down the coal mines?

  • Shows "Usually dispatched within 1 to 2 months." hrmm

  • +3

    What a cheap way to help kill the environment!

  • -3

    you can only order 5?

  • Wish this was sparkling water, as much as I hate plastic bottles they are the best way to drink it without a soda stream.

  • I look forward to receiving my surprise water delivery in 2 months time when I've totally forgot about it!

  • -1

    Lots of complaints about the impacts of bottled water on the environment, typed from various electronic devices consuming energy, emitting radiation, and/or housing lithium-polymer batteries containing toxic materials. Why don’t you environmentalists spend less time on a consumer driven website where almost nothing we post or buy is really needed, and more time saving the planet.

    • +7

      Ozbargain is the ideal place to discuss consumption with consumers. No harm in being reminded to consider need vs impacts. I buy plenty of great and considered bargains on OzB (not bottled water!) and also care about the planet, they are not mutually exclusive.

    • +4

      Is you're argument seriously that you can't be against bottled water because you're typing on a phone? Just awful.

      Bottled water is a selling a product that you can get way cheaper out of any tap.

      What's that alternative to using a phone again? Something that you buy once every year at worst or once every couple years for most.

      Yes this site is about buying products, but you can do that and still not be wasteful.
      Finding a cheap deal on a flight = not wasteful.
      Buying bottled water or those 2c plastic toy garbage from China = wasteful.

      No one's saying stop consuming all together, but you can limit that to stop being so wasteful.

      • Finding a cheap deal on a flight = not wasteful.

        Aviation in general = exceptionally wasteful.

        • Swing and a miss. Go look up what 'WASTEFUL" means. You seem to be getting wasteful confused with hurting the environment.
          You dont need to drink out of a brand new plastic bottle every 500ml of water you drink. Thats 4 BOTTLES a day if youre drinking the recommended water intake. I N S A N E L Y wasteful.

          Now lets say I want to go to America. What are my options?
          Flying once every couple of years when thats the only option v about 1460 plastic bottles per person per year instead of using cheap much more environmentally friendly tap water. Bizarre you would even think thats an argument.

          • @ScruffTheJanitor: So your objection to plastic bottles isn't an environmental one, just that it's wasteful?

            Anyway, air travel is objectively a waste of resources, especially if the travel is discretionary and solely for your own entertainment. Why not use those limited and high emission resources for human progress instead?

            W A S T E F U L

            Pretty sure that carbon emissions and environmental impacts from one intercontinental plane flight would eclipse someone exclusively drinking bottled water, especially if the bottles are recycled responsibly and not dumped in landfill / the environment.

  • +3

    So here is my story:
    1. Bought 2 sets last time saw this deal.
    2. Brita deal shows up:
    3. Loved the taste after water go through Brita and decided to give up these bottled water.

    And I do think you can give a try if you simply don't like the taste of tap water.

  • Not available at 11:25

  • -2

    I don't have any problem consuming tap water, only thing I can't figure out why an excessive amount of Flouride needs to be added, if you drink 2 litres of water you already exceeding daily Flouride limit plus showers will double that amount, then toothpaste, mouthwash and other things that we are taking it has flouride. We don't need that much flouride and it is lab made not natural. Just my opinion I know most of us won't mind exceeding 4x flouride limit.

    • this is just your opinion. but he fact is, the amount of fluoride consumed is safe

  • -3

    Lucky enough to be born in the last 1% of human history. Roll any other dice and you would've suffered grueling poverty, french peasants in the late 19th century spent 3 months in a state of hibernation during winter huddling with family doing, nothing, & eating very little, because they can't afford the food needed to replenish the spent energy if they gone active. But now the environmentalists look at the human filth who just want to live better lives, a luxury that was not available at any other time, and their first thought is to CRUSH IT. how dare they try to live more luxuriously in the form of 20 bottles for $5.50 + delivery. I care about the environment just as much as any other reasonable being. but environmentalism doesnt have to mean anti-human. theres 6~ billion waiting ecstatically to jump to our standard of living. are you going to block them too?

    • What is your point in all this. It looked like you were going anti plastic by showing how good we have it but then you go into even though we have it so good we should kill the environment to have it a little better (but not really because bottled over tap is next to no different)

  • …and it's back.

    • Usually dispatched within 4 to 7 days.

  • The item Mount Franklin Still Water 20 x 500mL from this seller has a limit of 2 per customer. We have updated your quantity of Mount Franklin Still Water 20 x 500mL to 2.

  • EXPIRED! There are currently no listings for this product.

    • Back in stock!

      • Thanks ordered MAX (two lol)

  • +1

    Dahmmit it only allows me to buy 2 cartons!! If only Sydney Water didn’t taste like swill. My plain water consumption increased exponentially Vs. soft drink after ditching tap water. Filters that soften the water too cost way too much so may as well just get spring water.

  • Water has never been cheaper on ozbaragin great deal.

  • Thanks OP ordered for the wifey who can't drink out of the tap.

  • -4

    How is buying water in bottles a bargain when you can just buy 1 refillable bottle and walk to your kitchen tap?? Wtf is this site turning into?

    • I use these when driving from sydney to the gold coast with 3 kids. They come in very handy.

    • +1

      Not sure why Smol Cat is getting down votes, it is a very valid point. The only reason I see for using bottles like this in Australia is simply for convenience for events or parties (where yes this a bargain). Even that use is a luxury convenience that isn't completely necessary. Any other use is an unnecessary use of plastic and at a higher cost than filtered tap water.

      • It's a good point about bottled vs tap water, but an invalid use of the negative vote.

        • +1

          Yeah agreed. But can definitely understand where they are coming from and why they are passionate about it.

  • Thx OP..

    Order limit is 2, so i had to max out all my amazon accounts :)

    Any cage egg deals going??

  • I got the last order delivered to post office. Almost broke my back carrying those!

  • +3

    Same price at Coles this week..

  • Water in Melbourne's Western suburbs is acidic and awful.

    I am buying bottled water untill my southern Cross pottery filter arrives.

    Thanks for the deal.

  • +2

    $0.55 / L or 55 cents per Litre for water lol oh boy.. hey man if you feel like throwing away your money maybe start donating to a charity or volunteer association or group

    Your tap is fine guys we don't live in a third world country

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