This was posted 6 years 13 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

[PS Plus Members] Free: Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriots @ Playstation Store


If you're a PlayStation Plus member, you can download this item at no extra cost and it's yours to keep until your membership ends.

Compatible with PlayStation®3.

Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriots is set in a battle-scarred future where huge conglomerates fight for supremacy using armies of hand-picked mercenaries. This devastated world is seen through the battle-weary eyes of an older Solid Snake who has been charged with infiltrating a number of key locations across the globe, including the Middle East, South America and Eastern Europe. As such, the epic end to Snake’s story offers ground-breaking combat elements, a refined control system that offers unprecedented control over the aged hero, and the tying up of key plot lines and loose ends.

1 player
5GB minimum save size
HDTV screen resolution: 720p
Network Features

Shout out to Adorablemunchkin on UKHD, Cheers from Downunder! o.O

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closed Comments

  • +4

    Damn got excited it was able to be played on PS4

    • Same, wen I sore it on UKHD o.O

  • +4

    part of the feb ps plus list.
    PS4 - For Honor and Hitman: Complete First Season
    PS3 - Divekick and Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriots
    PS Vita - GUNHOUSE and Rogue Aces

  • +3

    There's also a companion download that's free:…

    • +14

      There are still people asking people still playing PS3?

    • +4

      Why not? Lots of good games, many that aren't available on PS4. Plays PS1 discs also for nostalgic shits and giggles. Cashies sometimes sell 120GB PS3 slim's for as low as $30.

      • I should have really said that I'm just genuinely shocked there is still a market for Playstation Plus on a PS3. Do any games have servers still online with people playing?

      • -1

        I got my main PS3 from Cashies about 3 years ago, came with 2 official Sony controllers (one is a SIXAXIS), and all the cords and shit, and at the time a DualShock 3 on it's own was still like 50 odd bucks at the cheapest.

        …oh, and it's a 60GB fatty with PS2 BC. I wouldn't part with it for anything less than a grand. The thing is an absolute beauty. Warranty seals still on there and everything, I think it's never been repaired, never had a fault. Works a treat for me, just the other day I platinum'd Disney Infinity 2 with the missus (did the online trophies back before the server shutdown, but nothing else) and that was probably a good 15 hours over maybe 2 or 3 days, thing was on for hours at a time and never got loud or anything, and this was when we were having multiple over 40 days.

        I play my bloody PS3 more than PS4, I've barely turned that thing on in 2 years outside of Spider-Man.

    • +1

      I certainly still play on mine. Quite often, in fact.

      • Ive got many peripherals that I can not use on PS4… and for the time I actually get to play, I'll stick with the PS3 for a while yet.
        - PS Move and 2x move wheels (which can turn into motorbike handles for the MotoGP games!).
        - GT5 wheel with a padded seat frame.
        - Hori fighting stick for Street fighter, MK, Soul Calibour, Tekken…
        -Guitar Hero, Logitech Guitar…

        Phew! quite an investment Id say, oh + a superslim PS3 (still got the Fat (Thyroid issue, the poor thing) PS3 OG).

  • +4

    Reminder? Really?

    Not even referencing to:

    What's next? A reminder for Hitman: Complete First Season being free for PS Plus this month? One post for PS Plus per month is not enough, we now need 1 post per game (or we now need individual reminders for every game)?

    • -7

      Wow… chill.. I admitted mistake…

      Yes really!

      I changed it to reminder after realising it was already posted…

      Next is calling you out for being a dick!

      Nevamind all the extra helpful information this thread has prompted…

      It's people like you that make me not even wanna share bargains I see for everyone…

      And of course now I likely won't…

      Thanks for reference, saves me time, your right, had I known it existed, I would have done it, it's as simple as that…

      Why would anyone wanna share to a community that hosts attitudes such as yours - A rude, arrogant, self-righteous, smart ass against someone simply trying to share?

      Don't like it? Become a mod and fix it!
      Until then, change the way you construct sentences…
      Your attitude stops people from wanting to share…

      Want bargains?
      Take the bad with the good idiot!

      Get all that? or do U need dotpoints?

      • -3

        To be clear:

        I'm thinking others see attitudes like yours and it refrains them from posting what could be a great deal…

        Then everyone misses out.

        • +3

          Honestly, let's be realistic here. If you have PS Plus, you will most likely check PS Plus once a month.

          Also, my main point is reference to the original post. Isn't it better to let others know there are other free games for this month's PS Plus?

          Thirdly, nowadays, there is often an OZBer able to find the let us know next month's free games in advance. That is fine - happy to know the new ones coming.

          That original post has some interesting discussions, including this is the final month of the PS Plus including PS3 and PS Vita games.

          If missing out on these is an issue, let the mods know so they can raise the original deal to the top / front a few days before the deal is set to expire.

          I just don't want other individual posts for every single PS Plus game available this month.

          • @netsurfer: (profanity), sorry. I spent a fair few minutes typing my response up while on the john, if I saw you pop in I wouldn't have bothered speaking on your behalf.

      • +2

        First off, admitting a mistake doesn't undo the mistake. Remove the post.

        Second, don't call someone a dick when they've done nothing rude to you or anyone else at all. You made a completely unnecessary double post and they made light of the humourous nature of it, you go and call him a dick for that? Okay, well guess who I think is the dick.

        This thread hasn't added any helpful information. If you pay for PS+ and don't know how to get the games, that's your own fault. This thread has helped nothing, at all. It's unnecessary completely.

        "It's people like you that make me not even wanna share bargains I see for everyone…" you put up useless shit that had already been put up and the guy (pretty politely and not insultingly) pointed out the irrelevance of your post. You don't want people like that? We don't need 50 posts for the same thing, and to paraphrase yourself, it's people like you that make me not even wanna use this site.

        "Why would anyone wanna share to a community that hosts attitudes such as yours - A rude, arrogant, self-righteous, smart ass against someone simply trying to share?" Nothing rude about what he said, nothing arrogant about what he said, nothing self-righteous, or really even smart ass compared to most of the shit on here. Unlike you, insulting him, name calling them, and so on. YOU are the rude, arrogant, self-righteous, smart ass here. "Oh, woe is me, I posted a dupe deal and someone pointed it out, what a (profanity) (profanity) that guy must be, amirite?"

        "Don't like it? Become a mod and fix it!" Not that simple
        "Until then, change the way you construct sentences…" says you, ending pretty well every line with an ellipsis.
        "Your attitude stops people from wanting to share…" your attitude stops people from wanting to use the internet all together.

        "Take the bad with the good idiot!" Right, he's the rude one here. There's good and there's bad, and then there's people putting up dupe deals and insulting people for calling them out on their own bullshit.

        "Get all that? or do U need dotpoints?" Here's a dot point
        . Realize you aren't being nice
        . Be nice


        • -1

          Ok 😁

  • MGS4 and Heavy Rain were the best games on PS3. Even if you're new to MGS it's worth paying 4 for the record breaking cut scenes. I hope that an upscaled version remake will one day be available on PS4.

    • +1

      Agreed, especially on MGS4. It's an amazing game and the story is great, tear jerking at times. I hardly played a MGS game before this, I went back and really enjoyed the previous 3 afterwards though I admit I hated the 5th.

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