Good games for PS Plus this month.
PS4 - For Honor and Hitman: Complete First Season
PS3 - Divekick and Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriots
PS Vita - GUNHOUSE and Rogue Aces
Good games for PS Plus this month.
PS4 - For Honor and Hitman: Complete First Season
PS3 - Divekick and Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriots
PS Vita - GUNHOUSE and Rogue Aces
Every month, ozbargainers compete to be the first to post the monthly PS Plus deal to get internet kudos
i got the email this morning…did not even click on the link…
i just knew someone will post it here
Username doesn’t check out :p
I completely understand I went to post a repco deal last night after seeing the catalogue. Once typed up turned out it was already made 14 hrs earlier.
The earlier the better as more people can possibly make use of it.
But yeah internet points is (profanity) weird. IG, FB likes and reddit karma especially.
Yeah I struggle to justify that this is a deal/bargain. Its like announcing that there is a new dlc released to everyone who has a season pass for game xyz.
Hitman!! Being a patient gamer has paid off!!
Shoulda got it when the whole season was free via the legacy content usable in Hitman 2's prologue.
Didn't you have to own Hitman on PS4 already in order to redeem the legacy pack in-game, while it was free on the Xbox store due to a price error?
Don't know why, but a little part of me had hope they'd actually include something decent for PS3 and Vita's last round of games
Yeah hmm they're all a bit avg again :/
Well this is the reason they are being phased out. Scraping the bottom of the barrel is in effect.
Off the top of my head for Vita alone there's
Assassin's Creed: Liberation, Call of Duty: Black Ops Declassified, Tearaway, LittleBigPlanet, Borderlands 2, Amazing Spider-Man (not the best Spidey game, but could have ridden the hype of the new one), all of them are AAA games and more than old enough that they're on sale regularly for very little. Other candidates would be things like the newer Lego games since there's been a fair few on Vita in the past for Plus (but Avengers and Force Awakens are probably the best Vita ones in terms of actual quality), or The Walking Dead season 1/2, Wolf Among Us, etc. from the Telltale library, a studio that's made many of their games hit Plus (and Gold) and who could also do with a quick cheque at the moment, or even things that a tonne of people (though not me, not my thing) have been clamoring for like the Persona dancing games, and so on. Me personally, I was really hoping Ridge Racer would be on Plus before the service ended, guess I can go buy it now and not worry at least.
Like I get it, you don't wanna be losing money (Sony), but these 2 dollar games hit even harder than usual when it's the last month all together.
Yeh, I meant scraping the bottom of what they are willing to give away. I agree with you though, going out with a bang would of been nice.
Divekick is great
Are we getting only 2 games in March?
If we are, I won't be renewing.
They are at least ending PS3 games with a bang!
IMO nothing does it better than MGS4 for the PS3
I wasn't a fan of watching cut scenes for half a game :(
I actually thought the cutscenes worked very well for this game - almost like mini rewards for playing - and tied up the narrative from previous instalments
Does anyone know whether Sony will increase the PS4 game lineup from 2 each month now that they have gotten rid of the PS3 and Vita games?
Was hoping they might do this too
Has been no word on that; they might be hoping we don't kick up enough of a stink and they just fall in line with their Gold competitors. I at least hope the quality of the games is uppped.
I don’t think they will. They’re expanding cloud storage from 10GB to 100GB from next month, I guess this is what they’re offering in place of PS3/Vita games.
What if I told you, I don't use cloud saves at all and only joined for PS3 games in the day, Sony?
They would say thanks for the money leave any time you like
I’d say that you probably shouldn’t renew your subscription. Given that there’s no native PS3 backwards compatibility, and the PS4 is over 5 years old, I don’t know how much longer Sony should be expected to support PS3.
I used to think like that back in the day, then my PS3 died and took a 200+ hour Oblivion save and a 50+ hour Fallout 3 save with it.
Having those backed up to the cloud would have been nice.
@AngusD: I'm just taking the piss and doing the Morphius gag to see if anyone would bite.
Any saves I care about are backed up on my hard drive. How Sony handles cloud saves is bullshit, needing the game installed to actually download the save to your console? Why? If the save couldn't stay on your console once you delete the game, I would understand, like how on Vita the game file and the save file are one, but the save can sit on your console forever, but you can't download it without the game installed, or at least you couldn't used to be able to anyway. It's ridiculous. No, that doesn't affect the usefulness of the cloud saves, I know, but it irks me and as such I haven't bothered to it tbh.
How Sony handles cloud saves is bullshit, needing the game installed to actually download the save to your console? Why?
100%. Microsoft handles cloud storage a lot better than Sony.
@AngusD: Cloud saves are a good thing. But I don't see how your saves can take up 100GB. Mine take up less than 1GB. It's not a meaningful upgrade.
@lostn: Oh, it's unlikely I'll ever get near 100Gb. But I was replying to a comment about not using them at all, and they certainly have a valuable use, especially in a situation like I described when I didn't have them.
At the end of the day, more storage is better than less storage, assuming the price is the same anyway.
@AngusD: To me it sounds like camoflage.
They offer you something that sounds useful but in practice you aren't going to use it, so they get to claim they're giving it to you but don't actually have to.
Since you can't put your music and photos on their cloud service (and wouldn't want to), you're not going to use that extra 90 GB space. Save games don't take that much. They claim they're giving you something but don't actually have to. And this is to make up for not giving you any more PS3 and Vita games — something you will feel, unlike with the upgraded cloud storage.
@lostn: I don't think it's necessarily directly related to the removal of PS3 / Vita games - they've increased the cloud allocation in the past without it being linked to the removal of anything else.
In all honesty, as nice as they are, I doubt most people will notice the removal of the PS3 / Vita games. The number of people who actually own a Vita is pretty low (especially in this country), and I don't know how many people still have PS3's hooked up to their TVs and in use. Hell, I own a Vita and still have my PS3 connected to the TV (mostly for use as a media player) and I don't play the PS3 games at all and very few of the Vita ones (my Vita generally only gets used when I'm travelling). The exception being the ones that are cross-buy where I usually at least give them a try on PS4.
It remains to be seen what the impact of losing the PS3 / Vita games will be. If we end up seeing 2 really good PS4 games every month (and presumably PS5 games when that comes out probably next year) instead of 6 fair-to-middling games across 3 platforms then I think most people will probably be happier with that.
@AngusD: If the justification for their removal is that no one owns a Vita, then they should have stopped offering the games years ago. The same justification would have worked back then.
I actually love playing my Vita and was waiting for some titles to be free but they didn't even bother. They didn't try at all with that system.
When you go from offering 6 games to 2, that will be noticed. Especially when the Vita/PS3 games they offered before were cross buy, effectively giving you 4-6 PS4 games. You won't get double ups from cross buy anymore. If they give you 2 really good PS4 games every month, they will eventually run out of really good PS4 games to give out. Let's be honest, there are a finite number of them, and there's a lot more less than very good than there are very good. In less than a year, all the best AAAs will have been expended.
You are not even guaranteed to get better PS4 games. That's just your hope. If they keep it at only 2 games, they're going to get destroyed by the Xbox's GWG offering.
I don't think it's necessarily directly related to the removal of PS3 / Vita games
I'm not calling the added cloud storage directly related to the removal, I'm calling it camoflage conveniently timed to appear to soften the blow. They were going to increase it anyway as they've done before, but they timed it strategically to make it look like you're getting something back. The truth is, very few people will use up 100GB. It costs them nothing if they don't, so it's not even as generous an offering as people think.
No, still only 2 PS4 games per month.
I guess we can hope that it will be more AAA games and less cheaper ones - 2 AAA games this month is hopefully a sign of things to come, but only time will tell.
They will run out of good AAA games in less than a year. Can you name 24 really good ones, because I can't.
I'm certain you won't get any EA or Activision or Rockstar games, which reduces the available pool even more.
Divekick is awesome if you have a Vita or PS3 still around
HOLY HELL, A month of semi decent games and I dont own them :)
MGS4 took 11 years to give away. If you can believe it, they gave away MGS5 a year before they gave away MGS4.
Cause MGS4 was good, 5 sucked :P
5 was a good game, just not a good Metal Gear game.
My memory of MGS4 isn't as favorable as my feelings as I was playing it. I loved it at the time, but I think time removed my rose tinted glasses.
Chapter 3 where you tail a guy through some dark alleys was bad. Chapter 5 lasted all of 30 minutes. 1, 2, and 4 were good, but I think we've been too forgiving of 3 and 5.
I agree with AngusD that MGS5 was not a good Metal Gear game. It doesn't feel like a Metal Gear at all.
Yes it's a little troublesome if you have limited data usage quota but it's definitely worth the upgrade.
PSA: By owning Hitman Season One, you can upgrade all the levels into Hitman 2’s engine for a major visual and slight gameplay upgrade, but the process is somewhat obscure.
Redeem the season on PS+.
Download the main “Hitman” app that it comes with, the level files shouldn’t be needed.
Launch the game.
When prompted, redeem the “Legacy Pack” on the main menu.
>Download “Hitman 2 Prologue” for free on the Playstation Store, along with all the “Legacy Pack” files.
And that’s it, feel free to delete the original “Hitman” app.Edit: The Prologue is currently under the name of “Hitman 2 - Snow Festival” due to a promotion where it comes with one of the Season One levels, but because of the upcoming Plus deal, that doesn’t matter much. It’s still the same Prologue.
Source: Reddit -…
Just bought hitman 2 digitally not long ago. So does this mean the first season will now get the upgrades you get if you owed both. Read something but not entirely sure how it works
I’d prefer new to recent released PSN titles rather than full disc based games that have been out for a couple of years already.
Or 1 disc based and 1 newly released PSN title
I’m still on 10gb, when is the 100gb kicking in?
Why you need that much?
Because I’m out of space and keep getting upload error notifications
Once you buy Hitman Season 1 through PS+, download Hitman Season 2 Prologue for free and you can play the Hitman Season 1 levels in the new Hitman 2 engine.
Also you get the Hitman 2 prologue.
It’s confusing at first but you’ll figure it out.
To play the hitman season 1 levels using hitman 2 engine do i launch the hitman 2 prolouge or the season 1 game?
Also whats the difference? Is it a better experience?
"Load up the first game once its fully installed. There's an option on the main menu to get the legacy pack and then it starts downloading straight away.."
I must remember to purchase mgs4. I was thinking of getting a ps3 to play that game.
Oh and this is last month ps3 & vita games will be included.
Also the cloud space available is going up from 10gig to 100g