• expired

Velocity Frequent Flyer 15%-25% Points Transfer Bonus from AmEx Membership Rewards


New promo from Amex, just in time before the devaluation comes in April.

Transfer your Membership Rewards points to Velocity between 15 February and 15 March 2019 and you’ll receive 15-25% Bonus Velocity Points*.

To transfer Membership Rewards points for Velocity Points you must be enrolled in Membership Rewards Ascent, Gateway, Premium Ascent, Business Ascent or David Jones Membership Rewards program and be a member of Velocity Frequent Flyer. To receive 15-25% Bonus Velocity Points you must transfer Membership Rewards points to Velocity between 15/02/2019 and 15/03/2019.

MR Points Transfer Amount Velocity Bonus Points Awarded
Up to 333,334 15%
333,335-666,667 20%
Over 666,668 25%

A minimum of 2,000 Membership Rewards points must be redeemed for Velocity Points at any one time and must be in whole numbers. The redemption of points will be administered solely by American Express, will take up to 3 business days to transfer into your Velocity Account and is subject to the Terms and Conditions of the American Express Membership Rewards Program in which you are enrolled, available at membershiprewards.com.au/termsandconditions.The Velocity 15-25% Bonus Points will be administered by Velocity Frequent Flyer which will also take up to 3 business days to transfer into your Velocity Membership Account. Velocity Membership and Points earn and redemption are subject to the Velocity Membership Terms and Conditions as amended from time to time, available at velocityfrequentflyer.com

Referral Links

Business Explorer Card: random (2)

Referrer: 40,000 Reward Points

Centurion Personal Charge Card: random (10)

Referee gets 200,000 MR points. Referrer gets 150,000 MR points.

Related Stores

American Express
American Express
Velocity Frequent Flyer
Velocity Frequent Flyer

closed Comments

  • -4

    no bonus for 300,000 points :(

  • +4

    And apparently an even bigger bonus from Ascent Premium holders (credit to Doctore1003 on AFF)

    MR Points Transfer Amount Velocity Bonus Points Awarded
    Up to 333,334 15%
    333,335-666,667 20% + Gold Tier for 12 months
    Over 666,668 25% + Platinum Tier for 12 months
  • +3

    Is this it? The last hurrah before devaluation? Slim chance of anything better between Mar 15 and devaluation time, aye?

    • Yeah probs time to cash out I reckon

    • +31

      what was the point of this comment other than to flex your e-peen

    • +2

      They had 40% for over 750k last year.

      • My old friend POTM, are there any other bonus transfers for airline points apart from velocity?

        • Qantas will likely do a transfer bonus too.
          I don’t remember a bonus for any other amex airline transfer partners in recent times.

          • @potm: Ah not applicable for me :(
            Qantas is only for ascent premium hey

          • @potm: Hopefully, but its doubtful to be as generous as this

            • @jaygee: Qantas had up to 40% bonus last year. Needed over 2mil for the top 40% bonus though.

  • +1

    Epic post, just in time!

  • Will have to work out whether amex>velocity>krisflyer will yield more points in light of this bonus or direct amex>krisflyer

    • +1

      Let me know how you go!

    • Exactly my situation. I transfer to krisflyer at the end of day. And it is not worth it since 1 amex point to 1.15 velocity to appro. 0.7415 krisflyer

      • So what's the conclusion? Kris vs Virgin?

        • +1

          It is pretty obvious, kris. 1 amex to 1 kris if you have plat edge or plat, 1 amex to 0.75 if you don't, but even if you don't, you can only transfer 1 to 0.75 (+15%) velocity, so even worse when transfer to kris after divided by 1.55, so 0.5564

    • Also interested in knowing this. It also depends on the redemption rate too I guess.

    • +1

      Velocity -> Krisflyer reduces your points and you end up with 74% of your original Velocity total (1.35 point down to 1). This means that any transfer bonus below 35% is going to make you worse off. To give an example, a 20% Velocity AmEx bonus to then transfer to Krisflyer means 1.20 * 0.74 = 89%. The advantage would be that your points are more versatile (you could decide to redeem them via Velocity or Krisflyer when you’re closer to booking a flight) and they won’t expire (vs 3 years once they’re converted to Krisflyer).

      • +2

        It is 1.55 velocity -> 1 kris pt now.

      • It's actually now 1.55:1 (since turn of the year)

        So it's no longer 74%. You now only get 65% of your original Velocity total.

        edit: Beaten.

        But your other points are fair.

        • +1

          Thanks, didn’t know that. Well, in that case, only a >55% bonus points offer (which is never going to happen) would make this a worthwhile excercise (purely from a point-for-point perspective).

          • @bozbargain: Thanks all. A 55% bonus points or more offer would be required to make the amex>velocity>krisflyer worthwhile. I've diarised Amex>krisflyer points transfer on April 8.

    • Better to transfer to Velocity as you can still book Singapore one-way biz to Singapore for 65k and 95k for First Class (suites) so there's still value there.

      • +1

        checked availability compared to KrisFlyer….?

        • No is it bad is it? Thought only the Velocity call centre can check the availability for you

          • +2

            @nightelves: Very little availability on Velocity, you need to be flexible with dates(better than US but)…..much more on KrisFlyer, and can get most dates you want. This is for business class, not economy.

            • @Coops1: Coops, can you give me some examples of fares using KrisFlyer? (To from and points). Also do they ever do reward seats like virgin and qantas? Thanks

      • I thought you couldn't book First Class on Singapore Airlines through Velocity and it was only possible through KF?

  • Should I wait for Membership Rewards points to Qantas, or convert now to Velocity if I want to travel to the US next year?

    • +1

      Just make sure you're on Membership Rewards Ascent Premium if you want to transfer to Qantas, because you otherwise you won't be able to transfer to Qantas. It's not even an option for non-Ascent Premium members.

      • How does one check if they are on this option? As i have an amex platinum edge card.

    • I am waiting for Qantas bonus 2 as Qantas is part of one world, I’d like to take Japan airline

  • Any idea what time zone they use? I transferred all my points over at 12:15am AEDT this morning.
    Email confirmation shows 14/2/19 as the transaction date.
    Talk about great timing :(

    • I think it is US time

  • Anyone had any luck on Amex doubling your points to stay?

    • Yeah. I received a letter confirming they will be doubling my points balance after the devaluation. I think the date they are doubling was 1-2 months after the devaluation date.

      I have the Platinum Business Charge Card (and companion Reserve Credit Card), so Membership Rewards Ascent Permium.

      • Mine are doubling as well, you planning to hold onto yours until after they double?

        • What sort of spends did you need to get double balance?

          • @brettd: Not sure, I have platinum charge and just got the letter before Christmas. We spend typically 2 - 3k a month on it

          • @brettd: I think it has nothing to do with spend. I think all people with the Amex charge card ($1200 year rrp) got the offer. Someone uploaded a photo of the letter with the offer a while ago.

  • I think you might have the transfer rates wrong.
    in the T&C its
    Up to 250,000 15%
    250,001-500,000 20%
    Over 500,001 25%

    • It's showing a different rate for me: https://imgur.com/a/zSWz1g7

      • Strange, that is what I see http://imgur.com/8G3Yb3b

      • Those rates are for gateway points (explorer etc) which normally transfer to airlines at a rate 25% less. The 15% rate up to 250,000 are for ascent points (plat edge etc)

      • I'm getting the same rates as Gluewell.

  • For the uninformed my scenario is as follows. It's getting close to devaluation point.

    I have roughly 750k membership rewards points. They appear to pool into my Platinum edge card, does that mean I'm on Ascent rewards and not premium? I also have 1 Explorer which I obtained after the Plat edge and also 1 Velocity bus charge card (which transfers directly to Velocity). Am I better off moving my points now?

    I sadly don't fly enough but will just hoard/ save them for the time being. To wherever I transfer the points I'd like to have some flexibility too to fly Business class with my entire family, will take on any suggestions or help!

    I'll add that I do have a Krisflyer account however they tend to expire quickly after I tested a transfer and did nothing with them!

    • I have roughly 750k membership rewards points. They appear to pool into my Platinum edge card, does that mean I'm on Ascent rewards and not premium?

      If both cards are linked to the same account, AmEx will pool all of them in Ascent.

      I also have 1 Explorer which I obtained after the Plat edge

      Explorer is linked to Gateway, unless you also have an Ascent card (PE), which would make your Explorer card earn into the Ascent scheme. The recency of cards should not matter.

    • +2

      There's some good commentary on pointhacks.com.au - suggest you read there.

      Long story short, you're strongly advised to transfer pre-devalution (unless Amex have written to tell you they're doubling your balance).

      If you don't have a specific redemption in mind, Velocity is a good option to park the points for now (particularly with this promotion). Retain some flexibility to book Virgin, Etihad, Singapore, Hawaiian, Air Atalia, and some other Virgin partners direct, or transfer to Kris Flyer for greater Singapore availability if you need (albeit now at a terrible rate) but low risk of expiry (Kris Flyer has a 3 yr expiry).

      And Plat Edge = Ascent Premium

      • What do you mean by expiry? Wouldn't the velocity points not expire if you have activity on it? E.g) swipe the card at BP when you fill petrol

        • Exactly. There's very low risk of expiry in Velocity, as it's easy to maintain activity.

      • +2

        And Plat Edge = Ascent Premium

        Plat edge is ascent not ascent premium though

        • Ah, quite true!
          Can't see how to edit on mobile?

      • +1

        plat edge is ascent normal, not premium

        edit: beaten

      • Yep would go velocity, not as good a rate as Krisflyer but Krisflyer expire after 3 years so unless you have plans to fly soon then Velocity is better for hoarding.

        • What sort of countries/destinations is better for taking free economy/business flights with krisflyer vs velocity?

          have an amex plat edge and abit confused also with who to hoard with. I have no idea if im going to use it for europe or US or god knows where so what would be the 'safest' program to store in?

          I was worried about expiring points so velocity is easy. Currently we're saving/saved close to 300k in qantas points for a europe honeymoon or round the world ticket with qantas so not sure if I shoudl just stash everything in velocity as the next yr is just accumulating annual leave for the honey moon… so no immediate travel plans?

          Presumably with the devaluation of the amex plat edge to $200 travel credit I no longer get domestic flights free so we could use velocity for these?

          Probably even more hard of a decision when you consider there's asia miles and a the other programs - although I presume the debate is always between krisflyer and velocity so these are the better of the two?

          Can velocity be easily used on partner airlines for flexibility in booking OS flights, as i assume virgin aus aren't as great of an 'international' airlines as singapore air?

          • @SaberX: 300k Qantas points is not enough if the 2 of you want to travel business to Europe. What you could do in your case, is use the Qantas points for a return to Singapore and then use KrisFlyer for a return between Singapore and your European hub of choice. Or you could consider flying Qantas to Dubai, take the bus to Abu Dhabi and use your Virgin points to fly Etihad from there to Europe. Please note that the above is not necessarily the best redemption option points wise but it’s a good way to use Qantas and MR points for a trip to Europe.

            • @bozbargain: 300k points though is for myself only i should clarify. Supposedly round the world ticket on qantas is 270k or so? The mrs has her own points which should be close to 300k also… so i presume we have enough?

              If we dont… like you suggested we should use qantas for specific legs of journey until when we can use etihad for virgin? Essentially if i was to transfer MR to virgin it is best to tweak the routes so rather than selecting straight from Perth to say zurich,one would just choose a city route that a partner airline runs?

              Is it fairly bad value for points to use virgin velocity points to access other partner airlines?or do they given ok availability and pricing??

              I guess my main concern was amex is running 15% bonus redemption on credit card charges to be paid off… if say my 100k amex points are worth 700 aud plus 15% bonus ,do i get alot more than $700 worth of flights with partner airlines of virgin by converting all my amex points to velocity??

              So far the examples i ran you needed a heck of a lot of velocity points so wondering on a dollar value are flight points superior to just cash in hand via amex charge redemptions??

      • Even if they double your balance, using this offer now versus after the points double will yield same amount of velocity points.

  • -2

    So nothing for explorer card holders ?

    • +1

      That's the card I have and am enrolled in the Membership Rewards Gateway program.

  • +2

    I have the Explorer and have been thinking about the options… Is anyone considering Asiamiles rather than Kris and Velocity? Asiamiles seems to be quite flexible in terms of partners.

    Let's say 500,000 transferred to Velocity today = 375,000 + 20% = 450,000
    Asiamiles or Kris would be 375,000

    I compared a return flight from MEL to AKL for November, in Business class:
    Velocity: 56,000 + 45,200
    AsiaMiles (Qantas*): 30,000 + 30,000

    *I selected Qantas but other airlines were available.

    • +1

      Asiamiles is terrible to deal with though for service, availability can be poor, and almost everything (transferring points between accounts etc) involves ridiculous fees

    • After comparing Asia Miles, Krisflyer and velocity, I found Asia Miles miles ahead for the situation I wanted.

      Managed to snag some business class tickets with them for a low amount of points.

      The only caveat is it is very hard to get them on the phone. The toll free number seems to be engaged all the time.

    • +4
      1. Why would you spend that many miles for a 737 biz seat. whether it be qantas or virgin

      2. Also, the velocity figures you are quoting have the taxes paid in points!

      • They are just examples, I would probably fly economy + leg room or premium if the flight is less than 5h.

        I haven't been able to use my QFF points or AMEX rewards, the reason why I am trying to understand what is the best option considering my 600,000 Amex rewards. I fly internationally twice a year, and I like to fly business for long flights to have a flat bed and sleep. I usually buy premium economy or economy and try to upgrade but that depends on the destination and airlines. My last flight to Chile I bought LATAM economy and offered an upgrade to business (money, not points), which was accepted. I'd love to use my points for that, but I haven't been successful trying to use points for flights or upgrades. The way how we have to struggle to find redeemable tickets is awful…

        1. I am no aeroplane aficionado so I can't claim to know the different but the plane is a 787.

        2. That certainly changes things! I will look into velocity more carefully next time. Although the points velocity was asking for was more than what I would have even after conversion

        I need to learn much more about points traveling.

    • Had transferred some to asiamiles thinking to redeems for flights but process to hard, have to call to enquire and redeem. Ended up redeeming for some earphones on promo. Plus think the points expire after 2 years.

  • Not sure if I should wait or take advantage of this offer.

  • +2

    Does anyone know if this can be stacked with Velocity's deal on 15% bonus on first time transfers?

    • Would also love to know, it's looking pretty tempting and I haven't transferred yet.

    • What's that deal?

      • +2

        From the Velocity website: 'Velocity members will receive 15% bonus Velocity Points on their first transfer when they transfer points from any partcipating credit or charge card partners, hotel partners, flybuys or KrisFlyer to Velocity within 45 days from the date you joined Velocity'

        If it stacks, that's about a 33% bonus! Will give them a call during business hours and update here.

        • Would also like to know, let us know how you go with the call. Thanks

          • +1

            @klassicklaz: Velocity say only one promotion can be applied per transfer unfortunately! Going to give it a go anyway and see what happens

    • +1

      Hey I just got through my points and I got +30% extra in two 15% bonuses so it does work. Pretty happy with over 1:1 transfer rate.

  • not being a very active with virgin,
    anyone with good maths work out what % worse off youd be transfering with 25% bonus on Ascent normal to velocity
    comparing to Kris

    trying to work around kris expiry of 3yrs

    looking at long haul premium flights to europe or USA for the family

  • How do you think about this:

    12 months of Gold and Platinum status are on offer for Ascent Premium (Platinum Charge cardholder).
    Membership Rewards Points Transfer Amount/Velocity Bonus Points Awarded:
    Up to 250,000: 15%;
    250,001-500,000: 20% + Gold Tier for 12 months;
    Over 500,001: 25% + Platinum Tier for 12 months.

  • Better than spending against charges?

    • Spending against charges is the worst thing you could do. If you never fly that is.

      • Are you sure about that? Your non-flying options are basically:

        • Products
        • Spend points against charges
        • Gift Cards

        I would say spending points against charges is either equal to or better than gift cards. AMEX sometimes also offer bonuses on spending against charges.

  • Can you combine two explorer points accounts into one velocity? My wife and I both have Amexs and was thinking I'd cancel the cards to become eligible in 18 months for another bonus. Didn't know if the velocity accounts needed to have the same name as the amex.

    • Can you combine two explorer points accounts into one velocity?

      Technically no, but what you can do is you can transfer up to 50k AMEX points to another AMEX member within a calendar year.

      Didn't know if the velocity accounts needed to have the same name as the amex.

      It's supposed to. As to whether it's enforced, I don't know, but the method I shared above will safeguard you. Just because a transfer ends up going through, it doesn't mean they can't claw it back - as to how often this occurs, I don't know, but I think there are checks in place.

  • +1

    Also not sure whether to convert to Velocity or KrisFlyer

    Going to be travelling SingaporeAir to UK in July and was wanting to build up some Velocity points to upgrade on our flight to US next year.

    Don't really travel domestically to build status points with Virgin - is there any chance of upgrading with them without points?

    Only have 100k AMEX points

    • Don't really travel domestically to build status points with Virgin

      I wouldn't say this should be a consideration as to whether you send the points over to VA.

      I would simply say, if you think you might be travelling domestically, VA is sometimes a better (cheaper) option than Qantas. VA are also generally known for having better redemption availability.

  • +1

    I tried to compare Velocity, Kris and AsiaMiles for a return flight from/to MEL from/to FCO (Rome), in November, Business:

    AsiaMIles (CX104/CX293/CX292/CX163) 7-21 November 2019
    170,000 Miles + AUD 574 (return)

    Kris (SQ208/SQ366/SQ365/SQ207): 9-19 November 2019
    232,000 Miles + AUD 194.48 (return)

    The same SQ flights 9-19 November 2019 are Points 1,066,800 (return)
    Cheaper options include Etihad flights and two connections (Darwin and Singapore): 279,000 + fees OR Points 315700

    I haven't selected any particular aeroplane; the flights were found using the websites and available flights around the same date.

    • that is most likely because there were no "Business savers". Velocity availability seems to be non-existent especially when not flying in their metal.

      • Somebody gets it! Your right, likely an Any Seat award instead of a Reward seat. And highlights that Amex reward points are much more valuable being transferred to use with KrisFlyer etc, as international business are much easier to find and book.

        It’s very easy to earn Velocity outside of Amex, much much harder to earn KrisFlyer etc outside of Amex. Thus why I won’t even think about transferring under this offer.

        • It’s very easy to earn Velocity outside of Amex, much much harder to earn KrisFlyer etc outside of Amex.

          Agreed, but there are several options.

          • ANZ Rewards
          • (St George) Amplify Points
          • NAB Rewards

          Don't think you can transfer Commbank Awards to KrisFlyer.

          So yes, definitely still easier to earn Velocity points, but I wouldn't say earning KrisFlyer is hard.

          • @illumination: ANZ rewards transfer to Velocity at 2:1 and KrisFlyer at 3:1. So you have always been better off transferring them to Velocity and then to KrisFlyer with what was the 1.35 conversion hit.

            While the hit is now 1.55, With the twice yearly 30% or 50% velocity and ANZ bonus offer (instead of the 15% norm) you are still much better off sending them to Velocity. With the ANZ Black rewards this was like getting 1.5 velocity points per $ spent.

            Not sure what the conversion is for NAB or St George, but presume just as bad f you goto KF direct…?

            It just highlights you should transfer Amex to KF or AM at 1:1, and your warehoused earn on other cards goto Velocity and Qantas, with supplementation from Velocity to KF only when needed.

  • -1

    1.06 million points


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