Hi all
My Adsl modem router is broken. I need a replacement, but i will get nbn FTTC soon
I prefer to get everything in one package then have to deal with bridging
Any deals / suggestions
I have read some existing threads but find all the information a bit confusing. E.g. Asus RT-AC86U or Asus RT-AC68U vs the dsl version?! Is that the same?
Thanks in advance
ADSL Modem Router Is Broken, Need Replacement, Will Get FTTC Soon

The Asus models with "RT" in the name are only routers. The ones with "DSL" in the name have an ADSL/VDSL modem in addition to the usual router stuff.
Obviously if you are getting FTTC or FTTN you will need a VDSL modem and router. My advise, get the DSL-AC68U if you don't want to spend a lot.
The DSL-AC68U seems to be a favourite here on Oz.B, and probably with good reason. I have this modem/router and it’s the best one I’ve ever used here. Bought it to replace my ADSL that died while I waited for VDSL. Soon as NBN was switched on, I just changed the settings and away I went.
I also have a DSL-AC68U. They're excellent.
You don't need a modem with FTTC, it is supplied by NBN.
The DSL-AC68U is incompatible with HFC/FTTC NBN supplied by any of the TPG group of companies (iiNet, Internode etc).Why would the DSL version be incompatible with HFC? You can use a LAN port as an EWAN port and assign a VLAN to it. Or is there something else preventing it from working?
TPG requires VLAN ID 2, which the firmware reserves for the DSL side only (won't allow "2" to be assigned to the EWAN port).
@ssquid: If I get the ac86u either rt with an adsl modem or dsl version would that work with tpg nbn? Thanks
Should be adsl routers in any op shop that sells electrical stuff.
Just get a used Modem off Gumtree.
They're a dime a dozen these days as more and more people switch across to NBN.
Even better, ask around your family, friends and colleagues.Sounds good idea but can be broken and no refund through gumtree some time .
Pretty unlikely… most people aren't arseholes, especially not for a mere $30.
Have a look around, Wouldn't be surprised to see that you can get them for close to nothing.. I bought 2 Telstra Home Gateway TG799 modems for $20 and $5 each respectively… People get sent these things for free by Telstra when the neighborhood is switching across to NBN.
The Telstra Modems are really good hardware… somewhat crippled by the software, but for a short term unit they're a bargain.And friends and family are even less likely to waste you and their time giving you something known to be broken.
Your decision mate, spend $200 on a decent new modem, spend close to zero on something equally good or $50 on something pretty crappy.
you only need a router for fttc, the modem/network device is supplied by nbn, and it reverse powers the network device in pit so you cant use your own.
rt-ac86u is a great router, it is an updated version of rt-ac68u
dont get any asus stuff with a built in modem e.g. dsl-ac86u , as the firmware is miles behind their router only firmwareI could be wrong here, as I've only got FTTN, but is FTTC not essentially the same as FTTN, in terms of anything into the building is probably handled via an older copper connection? (i.e. RJ11 'phone line' connection to VDSL/ADSL2+ modem rather ethernet from NBN box into WAN port?)
nbn supplies the ntd / network device that plugs into the phone socket. the supplied network device is a modem, but it special in that it also supplies power to the dpu in the pit outside.
fttn the nodes are self powered.
Oh that's good to know!
How long until you expect to get NBN? Who are you going to go with for NBN? They will probably have a particular modem/router that they sell, and if you talk to them, you may be able to work something out.
Hi mate,
Depending on where you're located (I'm in south west Sydney), I actually have 2 spare Netgear ADSL2+ Modem/Router's lying around at home. I have no use for either of them so you are welcome to either of them. From memory, they are the Netgear D6000 and Netgear D6300. Not sure if either are good or not but if you just need something to get you by, they may do the job?