I wonder what is your experience with chiropractic in relation to treatment for neck and/or back pain as a result of poor sitting posture.
The main reason I ask is because of the huge costs and it's way above the limit of health extras usually cover (correct me if there is one that has 2-3k a year)
In the end of the day if it does what it promises to do, then it is worth 4 or 5k.
Therefore I wonder what is your opinion/experience?
Wow so much hate in the comment section
I think chiros are ok IF and ONLY IF you know what you are getting your self into
Chiros are:
There to release stress and tension in the back area/muscles (much like going to massage therapist)
Chrios are not:
Healers that can cure back/neck/hearing or some obsurd problems you have in you body.. please go see a physio or real doctor
I go to a Chiro whom I trust from time to time (every few months) like having a massage (health benefit from company covers them anyways)
But for my wrist problem (busted it in sports) and other pains I go to a physio/doctor.
So to answer your question, if you are looking for a temporary relief massage type therapy, yea chiro is good but probably not more worth it than going to a massage parlour
If you think you need to "cure" your neck/back pain… see a physio plz