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Kogan Universal 45W Type-C PD Charger $39 Delivered (Was $59) @ Kogan


I bought one of these for my MBP Pro 13" thinking at only 45w it would at least trickle charge the battery on standby, but I was pleased to find it both powers and charges the computer at the same time. At the normal price + shipping it's not much of a contender, at $20 off and free shipping it makes for a decent price. You could probably find moderately cheaper on eBay/Amazon/whatever but this one is guaranteed to have an AU plug plus it's local warranty.

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closed Comments

  • +9

    Seems risky trusting Kogan product with your MBP…

    Then again I wouldn’t even trust Kogan with toilet paper personally.

    • +1

      You're always taking a punt with a cheap off-brand charger, no matter what brand it is. I just couldn't afford (or justify) the genuine Apple charger, and after nearly two years this has been fine. Maybe I struck it lucky and got the good one.

      • +7

        I just couldn't afford (or justify) the genuine Apple charger

        But you have a Macbook Pro 13 inch? Prior to the introduction of USB-C/PD, most people are quite happy with single charger (the original one provided). Now, with these USB-C/PD, suddenly, people have the need for 3rd party, inferior chargers?

        I had bad experience with Kogan branded products. Knowing Kogan, they would simply get a cheap one and put their sticker on it. Even the sticker they put on just has bare minimum info (we have no idea which company actually made these). Is it really worth spending $39 on a 3rd charger to power your MBP (at a reduced speed)?

        And think about Bimo's comment further down:

        Need to check if it is grounded. My kogan charger was not grounded and cause electric shock.

        • Prior to the introduction of USB-C/PD, most people are quite happy with single charger (the original one provided).

          1 x at home, 1 x at the office.

          • -1

            @Chazzozz: If you bring your Macbook Pro to work, it makes more sense to bring an original charger. My mate bought a spare (original 61W) for $60 delivered a while back.

            Work provided me with a Macbook Pro, I just carry the charger with me if I have to bring it home. Work has lots of Macbook Pro's, no one uses 3rd party charger (even for those people who bought their own MBPs).

            • +1

              @netsurfer: I agree, but when I first got my MBP I couldn't find a genuine for less than the $99 RRP, hence why I settled with a third-party job. I work in an all-Windows environment but we are starting to see quite a few Mac users connecting these days, so I've been asked to become 'The Mac Guy'. As such, I'm arguing they can spring for a proper dock (I have my eye on this one) which should solve any power questions.

              • +1

                @Chazzozz: This charger is no better than any cheap and nasty charger you buy elsewhere. I don't recommend you use any of those cheap chargers, but at this price, it doesn't make sense. For $6 more, you can get a Dell one.

                I've done tests with USB-C cables, chargers (using a USB-C meter). You cannot just test it by checking laptop is charging or not. I wasn't impressed when an USB-IF certified cable sold by Amazon failed to engage in USB-PD fast charge on MBP 13 inch on occasions (and it was charging at 5V - the laptop shows it was charging; I had to disconnect and re-connect it for it do fast charge). Neither Google nor Apple cables had this issue. Also, that cable consistently charges at lower voltage and current. Honestly, I don't want to bring a USB-C meter when I use a third party product to ensure it is working properly. Just stick with originals.

                It doesn't make sense to use 3rd party chargers, especially for OZBers. Reason being, you would have got your MBP/laptop at a discount that saved you enough $$$ that even if you must buy a second original charger, you would still be way better off. Honestly, there is no reason to get another one. All USB-C does is entice you to buy another charger.

                That TB3 dock doesn't make sense unless work pays for it. If your MPB has 4 ports, you are really wasting money getting that dock. Based on the design, it is clear that it is still limited due to the bandwidth 1 TB3 port provides. But if your MPB has only 2 ports, I can understand why you would want one. Apple was really arrogant to make MBP ports with just USB-C/TB3 ports.

  • +1

    will this charge dell xps13? the dell charger says 45w 19.5V/2.31A

    • +1

      I don't see why not. The specs on the Kogan don't specifically mention 19.5v but it does say 3A @ 15v and 2.25A @ 20v, so it should come pretty close. My MBP is supposed to use a 61w charger, hence why I was initially reluctant, but it works fine.

      Hmmm…I've just been reading up on the USB-C spec and apparently there are profiles for the various voltages. Since the Kogan charger doesn't actually specify 19.5v then I don't know for certain, even though the power specs either side of it suggest it should be okay. YMMV

    • +1

      Consider this instead?

      Original 45W Adapter Charger Dell 689C4 5FX88 + Free Cord - $45 delivered. You might still want to shop around for a cheaper deal.

      If I have to get another charger, I'd rather try to get an original cheap. Too many dodgy 3rd party chargers out there.

      I am confused about the 19.5V/2.31A. That's normally not a USB-C charger (it is against official specs to use 19.5V for USB-C I thought). Make sure your Dell charger is USB-C/PD type.

      • Thank you for the reccomendation! My dell is a few years old and doesn't have the USB-c charger. However it can be charged through the Thunderbolt USB-c slot and I was looking for an extra charger for it!

  • Is this charger compatible with switch dock?

    • +2

      It look s like the Switch requires a PSU that uses the 15v profile for the USB-C spec, which this one says it has in the specs on the Kogan web site. Having said that, a quick web search suggests there's a mixed opinion on whether you need the genuine Nintendo or whether any USB-C charger supporting 15v profiles will work. If the genuine Nintendo is not much more then I'd suggest sticking with that.

      • I use a Kogan 5 port charger (one of which is 45w usb-c-pd) to run my switch in its dock, works fine.

        Even works fine in the dock when powered from an omnicharge!

  • hmm no luck replacing my Dell 130w usb-c charger then

  • +3

    Need to check if it is grounded. My kogan charger was not grounded and cause electric shock.

    • Like I said above, I may have been one of the lucky ones to get a good unit. Mine's never popped a circuit breaker; in fact, funny story: when the Test 'n Tag guy did the rounds of the office he helpfully checked my Kogan charger (I think he was paid per unit tested) and it passed. I'd expect if there was any trouble with correct earthing it would have shown up during the test.

      • Does it have 3 pins? Apparently all two pins can cause mild electric shock

        • Don't bother with this. jonas wrote:

          Can't recommend one of these vs the original charger for macbooks due to build quality.

          He got a replacement from Kogan, still broke a few weeks later. Bad USB-C plug (low quality).

          From my tests (with a proper USB-C meter), even some of the third party so called USB-IF certified cables/devices are not reliable enough and failed to correctly charge occasionally. The voltage and current are both consistently lower than Apple / Google originals. It's not worth the hassle.

    • You should report unsafe products to the ACCC using the form on their Product Safety site:


      Don’t wait until you see a report on the news about a child that was electrocuted by an ungrounded Kogan charger.

    • +2

      many chargers aren’t grounded, they are double insulated ….especially usb chargers …..even xiaomi ( the favourite of bargain brand) chargers only use 2 pins, double insulated, no earth, hence plastic case,

      as chargers are for global market, countries like usa don’t earth ….only 2 pins for global market …..people need to read up on double insulated.

      • USA has 110v only.

        • and most chargers are 110-240v ….and only 2 pins and double insulated ….

          110v ac can easily kill …..

  • Price error again..?

  • Can't recommend one of these vs the original charger for macbooks due to build quality.
    Bought one, the USB C plug went in well there first few times then started to fail. Dodgy connecting that didn't charge everytime. The cord was never pulled on just normally plugged in daily.
    Kogan sent me a new one only for it fail in the same fashion a few weeks later, fairly cheap USB connector. I ended up buying a genuine one which works flawlessly.

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