Lastpass New Pricing $36 USD a Year

Hi Guys,

I've been with Lastpass(LP) since they've first started out. Now for the pricing to jump from $12 dollars a year, then they've jumped to $24 a year not too long ago, now with the recent announcement it's $36 a year for their premium account.

When my subscriptions end, I'll be evaluating my options and see what other alternatives are available.

With the new pricing structure of $36USD a year for LP, would you consider staying with these guys? And if you are staying with them what are your justifications for paying $36USD?

Link to the price changes.…

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  • 4
    Keep my Lastpass plan.
  • 34
    Finding alternatives to Lastpass.

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  • +15

    Free version works fine for me…

    • Which browser you use? Free version slow down my Firefox quiet significantly.

      • Chrome

      • what.. premium is better in firefox? also the free firefox lastpass is really bad compared to the chrome one in terms of options.

  • I’ve been with them for a while too - and have paid for the premium because I found the software so useful. I did a two year stack on a deal last year, but I won’t be renewing at this price.

    The paid version gives some extra security features, but that and the other features can’t let me justify $US36. It will be the free version or nothing for me. I think they are trying to get rid of individuals and just focus on their business accounts.

    The alternative I have been trying is Bitwarden, an open-source manager. It doesn’t have all the bells and whistles that the paid version of LP has but it does the trick and I will probably even pay for it to support them.

    • I'm in the same boat with more than a year to go on my stacked subscription but, $36/year holy crap!

      Will have to start investigation..
      Does Bitwarden do app fill on Android?
      It's the reason I started paying for Lastpass back in the day

      • +3

        keepass2android does.

        Keepass + KeeAnywhere + Google Drive/One Drive + Keepass2android is the perfect, free combination for cloud based password storage.

        I've tried a bunch of other solutions but always fall back to Keepass. It's free, opensource and works great

      • It does on IOS - but sorry don’t know about Android.

  • +1

    What exactly does the paid version do that the free version doesn't?

    • Multi Authentication i.e. Yubi key, Google, Lastpass Authenticator App.

  • +3

    When my subscriptions end, I'll be evaluating my options

    I use to pay for it, but when it doubled to $24USD and the dollar was crappy, I let my premium sub expire and to be honest, I haven't noticed any differences. Everything I want to do, I can do in the 'free' version including mobile access/fill in.

    SO instead of finding alternatives, how about you make your first alternative to be lastpass 'free'.

  • +3

    Free version is pretty much the paid version back in the days, I used to pay to be able to sync and use Lastpass on both pc and mobile. Now I just use the free version, paid version not required unless you really need to use the extra features of the paid version. So just let it expire and use free, if you never use the extra features that the paid version offer, you won’t notice any difference.

  • +3


    • +1

      +1 for KeepassXC

    • What is the difference between Keepass and the Keepassxc?

      • KeePass is written in C# & requires .Net or Mono so targeted towards Windows. KeePassXC is written C++ and cross platform. KeePassXC doesn't support plugins which is a pain. Plugins make KeePass much more useful.

  • What features do you get in the paid version? I can't think of anything I would need that it doesn't give me in the free version.

    • +1

      I use the same setup but with OneDrive. I use the KeePass plugin KeePassHTTP to integrate passwords between KeePass and Chrome on the PC. Chrome requires an extension chromeIPass to talk to the plugin.

      • +1

        On PC I just use the global hotkey ([Ctrl]+[Alt]+[A] is the default I believe).

    • +1

      KeePass 2( (PC) / KeePass2Android( (Android) for me. With Google Drive sync between all devices, and the Android app updates the local cache if it finds updates to the cloud version (and supports fingerprint login :))

      I haven't had too much issue with integration: PC supports global hotkeys, Android has support for auto-fill service and a custom keyboard with one-button auto complete (or two-button: one for username, one for password).

  • I've used Roboform for over 20 years . Have tried the others, but have found Roboform to be the best. Currently Au$36/year, syncs across all my devices.

  • I've got 3 years Premium that I got cheap via Ozbargain but no way I will pay $50 a year after that expires. I idly consider switching now to a free open source password manager now but it's a hassle and I'm lazy.

  • At the risk of getting slammed by the security conscious folks here - why not just use chrome, login, and allow it to suggest randomised 25 letter passwords?

    • App Fill

      • That's it? Ok I feel less dumb now.

        • How do you generate and remember your 25 character long randomised passwords for the apps that you sign up and log in to outside of the browser?

          Chrome password management used to be an unencrypted eecurity nightmare, can't comment these days though.

          • @ESEMCE: Basically nothing I care about is an app. If you want to delete my Spotify playlists I will be upset, but I'll recover. I also have a backup come to think of it.

            But yeah, banking is all memorised, and the rest is uber and whirldroid… No PayPal details are saved on eBay etc.

            Am I just making excuses or is this a viable way to live?

            • @ozbjunkie: Whatever works for you.
              As long as you're using long, complex, random and unique passwords for each site, you're pretty well covered.

              This especially the case for communications platforms and accounts that might otherwise be used to identify you as a person… It's not really your finances that you need to worry about, they're largely recoverable.. It's your identity that is what you need to protect, once some has your identity, it's very difficult to shake them out of your life and the lives of others you are close to…
              Nothing can guarantee your security, but doing the above will minimise your exposure to the point that you'll be safe against all but someone who is truly determined to ruin your specific life.

              • @ESEMCE: Sounds good. I have two factor on everything that takes it. Should slow them down, unless I lose my phone in which case I'll just break down in the street.

                Alright cheers for the info.

  • I got Roboform on a sweet lifetime deal an have been happy using that for the best part of a year - has it quirks but overall works fine.

    Before that I was on LastPass free an it worked for myself, Sad to see they going up again but have to do what you need too i guess.

  • I have gradually switched to Bitwarden(, unfortunately it isn't as nice looking as Lasspass but it is open source and quite new.

  • $36USD per year brings them into line with 1Password & closer to Dashlane pricing at $40 per year but DashLane includes a VPN. I was looking into using LastPass with YubiKey which you need premium for.

  • Bitwarden - free, or $10 per year for:
    * 1GB encrypted file storage
    * Two-step login with YubiKey, FIDO U2F, & Duo
    * Password hygiene & vault health reports
    * TOTP authenticator key storage & code gen.
    * Priority customer support

  • I like Lastpass and will continue to support. Price jack is a bit BS but if you have a few people you can split a family account with that works out really cheap. It costs about 10% more but comes with 6 premium licences. So if you share it between 6 people it should work out less than $1 p/mth.

    Every license gets their own premium vault and the only real 'family' perk is that you can have unlimited shared folders between members and that is up to you if you want to use that.

    Reading up on the FAQ it looks like any money left over on the premium license for members who are already premium subscribers will credit towards the next renewal, so there's no downside to moving over straight away.

  • Look at Enpass. It's one time purchase. I've been using it for the last 3 years, no issues.

    • +1

      Interesting, how can they survive with this once off pricing model…

  • I use laspass premium to have the emergency access and TFA features, although with the new price, I might reconsider this

    • Enpass my friend. Have a look

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