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Cottee's Ice Magic 220g $2 @ Woolworths

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dont think its been posted, rarely 50% off ..


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closed Comments

  • +8

    It's even better straight out the bottle

    • +9

      When you drink it straight sometimes you can taste the gorilla mixed in with the palm trees.

      • +1

        So to choc orange contains traces of Orangutan?

  • I didn't even know they still sold this!!
    Choc orange or nothing.

    • +3

      Nostalgia 101 with this stuff

  • +13

    If I took someone down to the ice rink and covered them in this, would it trap them like Han Solo when he was trapped in carbonite?

  • -3

    Is it at Amazon? I can't find it.

    • It's at Coles

  • +11

    Solid Cracking deal

  • +3

    Gonna buy some for the nostalgia of being a kid

  • +3

    Best flavoured body chocolate going.

  • Do people use this to make milkshakes?

    • There are cheaper alternatives for that

    • +2

      not this stuff - this was mostly oil and chocolate really. When it gets cold it kind of hardens up a bit. you want chocolate flavoured topping - cottees makes it, and there's some generics.

      definitely cheaper alternatives to make milkshakes with!

      (the oil is probably coconut oil and that's how it solidifies)

      • oh right thanks

        any particular brand you recommend for "chocolate flavoured topping"

        • Edit

          Just saw you said cottees

          Would chocolate syrup work better?


          • @ATTS: Yup! You can buy that hershey's stuff also at Woolies. I usually go for a cheap one. On Amazon maybe you can get the OG holy grail Edylln stuff but that comes in like a 2l pump pack.

            (I know you can get other commercial cooking stuff from Amazon.)

            I usually would go for the Cottees Thick and Rich, or the one in the glass bottle from Coles.

            • @missLJ: Oh right thanks

              Now i just need a milkshake machine

              Any good place to get one?

              I was waiting for aldi to sell one.. again

    • +2

      This could be good in like a KFC Krusher, which has chocolate chunks in it. This isn't actually very nice as far as chocolate goes. Better off melting normal chocolate, get it cool so it's about to harden but still runny, then pour a thin layer of that over your ice cream.

  • a good squirt of this between 2 biscuits, chill and enjoy. Use Butternut snaps and you’ve almost got a homemade Kingston.

  • I wish they would bring back the caramel flavour.

  • +1

    Ice Magic was disappointment in a bottle for this kid.

    I thought it would taste like that dipping chocolate from the ice cream truck but it tasted as bitter as myself, and that fake, low cocoa butter chocolate from the days of Franklins' No Frills.

    When I thought it couldn't get any worse I tried the "special" flavours, and they barely even solidified. And tasted like a chemical not intended for flavouring.

    5/7. Dark and mysterious, almost as good as the dark knight.

    • +1

      it was like that for me! I bought some Choc Mint one from Aldi's and it was so oily I was offended and will only get choc tops from the cinemas or Maccas (thinner coatings.)

  • Childhood memories. Definitely magical first time when I saw it

  • $1.97 in the Coles catalogue starting on 6/2/19

  • +1

    Is that a chocolate bee?(youtube.com) Or some giant alien flea, on top of my ice cream?

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