Went to Bunnings and they had no idea what I was talking about :-/ despite everyone having ant invasions around here at the moment (you'd think it would be a common enough request). Anyone know a national chain that sells it (I am in Canberra) or a type of shop I might not have considered? I have only tried Woolies and Bunnings.
Where to Buy Diatomaceous Earth?
shock it was like the 3rd link in google too…. :)
I want to buy it from a brick and mortar shop if possible.
Pool shop/barn used in the older pool filters
Yeah no good if he's using it for health reasons. :)
She, and it is for ants
The ants are using for health reasons?
Are you after food grade DE or filter grade? DO NOT get them mixed up if you are going to be eating it. :)
Food grade, yep I remember reading about that. Won't get them mixed up, thanks :)
Will be using it to sprinkle around my trees to slow the ants down that tend aphids and sprinkling on ant lines in the house
It's great for hair, nails and teeth too. :)
It sounds too good to be true…
From fossil power site:
“Used as a daily treatment, diatomaceous earth may alleviate the potentially deadly risks of high cholesterol, high blood pressure, and obesity, ameliorate annoying and stressful issues stemming from intestinal bacteria, worms and parasites, bronchia inflammation, kidney and urinary infections, irregular bowels, as well as assist with vertigo, headaches, tinnitus, insomnia, and acts as an anti- inflammatory.”
I have minor tinnitus, so should I shove a bit into my ears every day?
I doubt DE has any health properties, as it doesn't work as an insect killer if it gets wet. Eating it would make it wet.
It is a great source of silica and does have health properties though YMMV. Personally if I'm taking it I notice my nail growth really takes off. The mechanics of how it kills insects (and internal parasites) is different from how it provides silica and other nutrients that may benefit your health. Some further research wouldn't go astray. :)
but a scientific fail in the first sentence.
"Silica is the second most abundant element on Earth, second only to oxygen. Silica is literally silicon dioxide…"… lol@minksta: So how about you DYOR instead? I just posted the first link that popped up, plenty more out there.
"Silicon dioxide, also known as silica, silicic acid or silicic acid anydride is an oxide of silicon with the chemical formula SiO2, most commonly found in nature as quartz and in various living organisms.[5][6] In many parts of the world, silica is the major constituent of sand. Silica is one of the most complex and most abundant families of materials, existing as a compound of several minerals and as synthetic product. "
Abundance in Earth's Crust (lithosphere)
(46.6%) Oxygen is by far the most abundant element in the earth's crust. Scientists estimate oxygen comprises nearly half of the mass of the crust. It also accounts for 21 percent of Earth's atmosphere. Oxygen is a highly reactive element capable of combining with most other elements. For example, oxygen and iron (Fe) form various compounds we know as iron ore.
(27.7%) As the second most abundant element in the Earth's crust, silicon accounts for over 28 percent of its mass. Combined with oxygen, silicon dioxide is the most common compound in the crust. Most people know silicon dioxide as common sand, but it can also take the form of quartz and other crystalline rocks.
@EightImmortals: Minksta was correct - the first sentence they quoted contains an error. Silica is not an element. Silicon and oxygen are the elements that make up silicon dioxide.
My sister gets them from health food shops
Great idea!
Easy to buy on eBay. I bought some on eBay's $5 voucher day and paid next to nothing :) I'm using mine on silverfish, didn't know it works on ants as well?
Any small crawling insect
How'd it go?
so does it kill ants or deter them from where you put this product?
It kills them.
Have you tried Dolomite Lime, Coffee Grounds or Borax?
Yep I mixed some borax and honey to smear in my bin - they're loving it. Can't put borax in the garden though. I'll investigate dolomite and coffee grounds, thanks!
Diatomaceous earth is listed on the Petstock website -
https://www.petstock.com.au/product/chicken/ozz-organics-dia…There are Petstock stores in Canberra at Fyshwick, Belconnen and Tuggeranong - it might be worthwhile giving one of them a call to see if they have it in store.
Awesome thanks!!
I would strongly advise against using DE. It is a known carcinogen especially in powder form (OK when wet) - Don't think its worth the risk. It is used in filtering beer in large quantities but the OH&S around this is very strict
I don't plan to eat it, just use it to help protect my fruit trees from ants and aphids, and get rid of elm beetles
I believe you're incorrect - its only the pool filter DE thats the health hazard, that one has been treated at high temps whereas 'food grade' DE isn't a health hazard at all. They're very different things.
Wikipedia quote:
Diatomite produced for pool filters is treated with high heat (calcination) and a fluxing agent (soda ash), causing the formerly harmless amorphous silicon dioxide to assume its crystalline form.[32]
I buy my DE from https://www.diatomaceousearthonline.com.au/
I haven't been able to find any hardware stores that have it & diatomaceous earth online has great quality DEYikes some folks are being rorted on this - any good agricultural supplies (hardware places will NOT have it , you need an ag store) store should have it - I live in rural area so easy to find but I'm sure metro areas have them as well. 20kg bag was around $35….and yes thats the proper DE, not the pool use one - which IIRC has been treated at high temps and as such is a potential major health hazard if you breath it in.
Wherever they sell stuff for chickens or bees.
OP did you find it? Thinking of using it in the pantry and under the bed, for silverfish.
I think online might be your best bet. I think you need the food grade one