Hello all! Long time lurker first time poster here.
My partner is thinking into a career change. She is currently a lawyer and is not enjoying what she does. She is thinking of studying something else and the Bachelor of Emergency Management sounds really attractive to her.
We are looking for experiences or opinions from someone studying (or has studied) a Bachelor of Emergency Management.
Is there a market? Is it hard to find a job? Where would you work afterwards? Do you enjoy it?
We do not know what to expect besides what the uni website says. Any comment is greatly appreciated.
Many thanks!
Meh, another 3-4 years of 'studying' and then she probably wont like that job either and be further down the HECS debt trap to boot? Convince her to try other jobs first, at least that she wont be further in debt (unless she is paying up front for the 'education' of course.) Sounds like she doesn't really know what she wants to do and is just taking a stab at something that 'sounds' appealing. Cynical? Maybe but it's nothing I haven't seen many times before. :)
"We do not know what to expect besides what the uni website says. "
Don't forget that Uni's are merely for-profit enterprises these days so don't get sucked in by their advertising campaigns. Look through the job ads in your area and see for yourself how many jobs are going in that area. Call up some 'emergency management' organisations and ask them directly what the job prospects are and if that degree is actually mandatory or worth anything to them.