$325 + $10 flat rate shipping
Brand new - not refurb.
Genuine Australian stock, not grey import.
Order will be shipped with full Tax Invoice.
Exceptional headphones - better than Bose QC35 II imho.
$325 + $10 flat rate shipping
Brand new - not refurb.
Genuine Australian stock, not grey import.
Order will be shipped with full Tax Invoice.
Exceptional headphones - better than Bose QC35 II imho.
Ongoing till stock sold out.
Advertised heavily so best to get in quick.
Where is it advertised heavily? Nevertheless, if you've been following OzBargain you would realise this isn't a great deal.
given the recent deals, this is a crap price and not a real deal.
Arrogant too. Well, a sucker is born every second they say.
I don’t think they’re OzBargainers though.
Welcome to OzBargain.
As you guys don't have any physical stores, the price should be a bit lower what you are asking..Just says $315 delivered?
Oh..wait…Are these headphones 100% Australian stock or grey import?
Yes - 100% Australian stock.
Thanks - I have updated the listing.
Why don't you answer the other questions in the comments section? Why would anyone want to shop at your store?
Thanks Rep…:)
https://www.ozbargain.com.au/node/435908 - $316 delivered.. Australian Stock/GST Bill. You should reduce your price so that it can be consider as deal.
Lol they sold 3 at that price and have now restocked at a significantly higher price
How do you know they sold exactly 3?
I don't understand why some Bluetooth headphones like this are so expensive. It's Bluetooth. It's the same sound quality you get from any other Bluetooth device. It's not electrostatic headphones that have considerably higher sound quality. Even if you play loss less mp3, you are capped by the technology and the technology can only give you so much.
How about market leading active noise cancellation technology? Don’t knock it til you try it.
Do some research. Try them. Then you will know why all the fuss with NC Sony and Bose QCII
Were you born yesterday?
You're kind of missing the point with these types of headphones, a lot of the technology is not only in the audio quality but in the noise cancelling. Last long plane trip i took I didn't even listen to music, I just turned on the active noise cancellation to drown out the engine noise so i could sleep.
Lossless and MP3 are two different formats btw.
Forget about the past prices no matter how low they were.
$335 delivered is the lowest possible price currently on sale so yes, this is a deal and up-voted accordingly.
Do not buy! These glitch in cold weather and randomly skip songs and adjust volume.
Yes,please avoid them if you live in the coldest place in Canada :)
Nothing wrong with $335 IMHO. It's better than any retailer out there at the moment. These headphones are fantastic. I compared them to my mate's QC35's whilst on our recent trip to China. We both instantly agreed that the Sony's were far superior after trying both the Bose and these in the same noise environment.
When does this deal expire?