Someone hit my car in a parking lot whilst I was shopping and left an 11 digit mobile number. Why are people so cruel :(
Someone Hit My Car in a Parking Lot

Claim with your insurance, but an 11 digit mobile isn't necessarily invalid. Could be country code (2 digits) + state (1 digit) + 8 digits?
ask the shop for CCTV footage
All is not lost. Sometimes you can get CCTV footage. Save the piece of paper with the number. If you find the person, they'll claim they left contact details. If you can proove that the contact details is bogus, it will look very bad on the other person and will make your claim much easier.
Good luck.
CCTV is hard to get if near impossible, I know from experience, they wont release for privacy reasons, and the cops are not going to sift though hours of footage for a $800 insurance claim. Its complete BS. It's happened to me twice in the last 12 months. Once at a major shopping complex and once at a train station. and the cops don't care.
This is going to sound harsh, but…. yeah, that's pretty much how it is and it's not unreasonable. There's no upside to shops giving out their CCTV footage, and I would hope the cops have better things to do than track down perps responsible for only a few hundred dollars of property damage.
If it was a malicious vandal, or much more in damage, or targeted, then the cops should care. But for a ding in a parking lot… I don't know. Police resources are finite.
I totally agree with you, Not harsh at all. and yes I believe the two times it happened to me it was just some careless driving or a complete accident, nothing malicious in it at all. IT sucks they are not decent and leave there details, but shit happens. Just letting OP know that CCTV and Police help is prob not going to happen.
just remove one number at a time and ring them all
Did it start with 614? If so, replace the 61 with a zero and call that number.
if all else fails, contact interpol.
Bikies…. they find 'em. :-)
This! Why else would they go to the effort to leave a number, unless it was to please (fool) any witness/es..
you can post the number here, we are happy to help to call
Huh, if they left a phone number why are you complaining.
I doubt it the collision was done on purpose.Haven't you heard the story about the driver who leaves a note that says "The people watching think I'm leaving you my details".
I'm intrigued.
When did we change from calling Car Parks to the American term of Parking Lot?
Personally, when Big Yellow Taxi by Counting Crows (feat. Vanessa Carlton) released.
What a coincidence. We were rear ended in a drive-thru today too. We stopped, got out and checked for damages. There wasn't much to see to we left.
Thanks for all the responses guys! The carpark has indeed been unhelpful so there is unfortunately nothing to do except cough up the $850.
The number left was 04496406491. Or it was 04496400491. There is a second 0 that also looks like a 6. But that doesn't matter, because it's 11 digits and I've tried to add several combinations of the number to my list and see if I sync whatsapp/messenger/facebook/imessage contacts if it gets a match, unfortunately there has been no match thus far.
I feel even if I get the correct combination by calling, they are just going to deny it's them. This happened at Southgate Sylvania in NSW in the underground car park. Have been there several times and never had an incident. Just unlucky this time :( Someone was probably watching the guy so they wrote a fake number and left. That is life!
They’re bogan bastards. I came back to my car this morning, a 2017 VW Passat and some vile fcukwit had sprayed orange Fanta all over the bonnet and thrown the can causing a chip in the paint. What mindless bastard does that…..I’m hard working, not wealthy.
Happens all the time unfortunately, just claim on your insurance.