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Logix Tablets 100pk $14.99, Drum Kit $299, Guitars from $59, Emporia 48pk $14.99, TV $159, Solar Panel $169 + Catalogue @ ALDI


Logix Tablets 100Pk $14.99, Drum kit $299, Guitars from $59, Emporia 48Pk $14.99, TV $159, Solar Panel $169 + Catalogue @ ALDI

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  • What's better Logix or Tide pods?

    Asking for a friend

    • +16

      Taste or cleaning power?

    • +31

      Very different flavours and textures.

      Logix are crunchy and have a fairly similar consistency and flavour all the way through.

      Tide Pods have a pretty bland shell but an irresistible liquid centre that really pops flavour-wise.

      • Funny :) don't try this at home kids, you'll end up with a burning and empty feeling.

        • I don't think they'll be feeling much of anything afterwards.

    • +4

      I prefer Nespresso.

  • +1

    So what's the verdict with the Logix tablets. Anyone with a Bosch dishwasher use these?

    • +15

      Yeah, don’t seem to notice much difference vs finish quantum etc…I find how you stack the dishes really has more of an impact. Have run through at least two boxes of the logix without any drama.

      • +2

        I also throw 1/2 a lemon / old lemon in the cutlery tray when I run my dishwasher and a splash of vinegar. The result is no stinky glasses.

        • Be aware that the washing process is alkaline and the vinegar would be working against that. Vinegar in the rinse aid tank would make a lot of sense though.

          • @[Deactivated]: Yup that’s what I’ve been doing, just white vinegar in the rinse aid, no streaky glassware

    • +4

      I have used them both in my Bosch. No difference to be honest. I like the smell of the Finish Quantum more but ALDI ones are so economical for what they do

    • +4

      German Bosch here. Aldi work better.

    • +1

      Verdict is don't buy finish and fairy anymore. Logix just as good.

      Don't fully trust choices report but have used that brand for a year no issues

    • +4

      Verdict is after 4 months with the the logix and now about 3 weeks on finish quantum… The finish is significantly better in our Bosch

      • fair comments - but can you say specifically why they are better?

        • +1

          the smell mainly… with the Logix it got to the point my wife would not drink out of any of our glasses anymore, but literally after 1 wash with the finish quantum she claimed to not smell a thing.

          Also less need to rewash.

    • +6

      I've used Logix for a while now. ive got a bosch, dishes are clean, no complaints.

      But i will say that i avoid the 100 pack whenever they're on sale. They are individually wrapped in plastic that you need to remove before putting in the dishwasher. I'd much rather pay the extra 2 or 3 cents per tab and get the 40 packs which have the dissolvable wrapper on them.

      • +1

        Does 100 pack Logix not come with soluble wrapper?

      • +6

        I think this has now changed. Last 100 pack I bought were the same soluble wrapper as the smaller sized boxes available everyday.

    • +1

      I have been using them for years and no issues except that some of my glasses after a few years have that crazing that happens sometime with exclusive dishwasher cleaning. Not sure how to fix that.

      On my Turkish Bosch I started using half a tablet on the short wash because the entire tablet wasnt dissolving. Still worked great

    • +2

      Been using them for a while now in our German Siemens. Works as well as Finish Quantum and fairy, and much better than finish all in one.
      Surprisingly, Coles Ultra 6 in 1 tablets work very well too. Especially for greasy pots.

    • +1

      I have used them for many years and they are almost much as good as the leading brands. Just depends how soiled your dishes are.
      Make sure you continue to use liquid rinse aid.

  • Hey anyone know if this weeks special on the table saw is any good? Not sure if I want to risk going cheap on such an item if it has some failings to it.

    • +1

      60 Day Satisfaction Guarantee

      • +1

        More around the safety features.

    • They all have failings. Too hard to a answer in short.

  • +3

    Nothing is sweeter to the ears than a cheap drum kit.

    • +3

      A cheap electronic drum kit, no less.

      The user hears their sweet grooves, everyone else has to listen to tak-tak-tak-tak for hours on end.

    • …or even better, a cheap trumpet.

      • +1

        Kid came home from school with Musical instrument… a recorder.

        woot woot

        • +1

          Time to listen to hot cross buns 5628 times

  • That solar kit is a pretty nice price @ $1/w, be interesting to know the panel dimensions!

    • Looks like it has a bend right through the middle of the panel, probably wouldn't work too well.

      • +1

        Curved sun, earth, panel. 👍

        • +1

          My mind has been blown by activewear.

        • The Earth is flat and so is the sun #fakenews #mexicotopayforthewall #republicanforlife #trumpisourlordandsaviour

    • It's all about the quality of the controller. I have one of their 80w panels and the controller is junk. This one looks completely different though.

  • How much are the Logix Platinum normally?

    • +3

      Just went to ALDI this afternoon. I think they were 20c a tablet for the platinum and around 15c a tablet for the standard.

  • +1

    Do you guys think Aldi will introduce Japanese food to the market?

  • I'd be pretty wary of these guitars - don't buy to learn unless someone who knows how to play can try them and confirm they're ok first.

    • The ukelele for $30 looks interesting

    • +14

      Followup after 12 months ownership. Aldi have altered the offerings and options a little this year, and no electrics! Disappointing as along with others, we've been waiting for them. The 40" cutaway Concert acoustic appears to be the same in 2019 although available in only the single colour of Sunburst this year.

      I bought mine as a curiosity piece. Owing me just $59 I kept it as a beater & spare.

      Bottom line is that better overall quality brand name (Cort or Yamaha) Concert or Dreadnought acoustic can be had from about $160 to $200, less if you catch eBay 10% off. Inexpensive guitars which play above their pricepoints, that's where I'd go if 100% committed. OTOH, if an occasional player without a guitar on a mega tight budget, or just someone wanting to test the learn to play guitar water not wanting to drop $200 on something that might be relegated to the cupboard or corner in a month's time, the ALDI at $59 plays well enough. Also worthwhile as a party beater cheap backup/spare.

      Pros. Tuners hold tune well, intonated OK, won't give you boasting rights on tone but makes the kind of noise people expect a guitar to, costs next to nothing, neck & nut are beginner friendly enough, good enough to learn with, a beater or for casual players on a tight budget.

      Cons. Will need relief (action) adjusting out of the box, has high string tension with prefitted B&E strings - a replacement set of quality strings (D'Addario or Elixir 12s) will improve playability considerably but factoring that in adds $15~25 to the real price. Neck body wood is Linden (so is Fender's FA-100) and paint is a unsealed cheap lacquer.

      For just $59 what's to think about? Don't like it, Aldi offer 60 day returns. Mine ended up with a Fishman PreSys preamp aboard with under saddle piezo pickup (self) modded to e-acoustic status, and of course, decent strings which I buy in bulk for about $9 set.

      • Great write up 😀

      • Was impressed with the cutaway acoustic. The bad ones don't hold tune. The $15 pickup is also a good item.

      • Hi odal, thanks for your review, I might give a go

        • +1

          NP. Hope it helped. I made a typo editing prior to posting the last JFI. Paragraph five, second sentence. The body is Linden aka (a species of) Basswood, but the neck is supposedly Nato, but who really knows. I didn't want to praise it too highly to raise people's expectations beyond realistic, but it's definitely a playable guitar out of the box with a basic setup relief, action and nut check. OK to learn on with a restring, D'Addario EJ15, EJ26 or EJ16 phosphor/bronze at $14/set shipped the cheapest reasonably decent readily available name brand options for beginners. Add about $10 extra/set for coated Ernie Ball Everlast, coated D'Addario EXP or coated Elixir Polyweb/Nanoweb.

          The supplied strings are playable OOTb, but beginners would IME, find fretting them near the nut pretty hard work due the high string tension with the default fitted B & 1st E strings. Forget the Aldi label/association. Unashamedly, if it was all I could afford I'd buy it again. For just $59 ($73 inc a restring), it's impressive. And of course, there's Aldi's 60 day no risk return policy.

          • +1

            @odal: Thanks, I got a $1000 elecyric guitar, I still like trying cheap guitar. I understand ppl go on and on about how bad qualities they are. But for 60, it is def cheap

            • +1

              @Yaren24: Same. I have three e-acoustics including this now converted 'Aldi-e-coustic' and seven solid body electrics, all regular players. For $59, it's great.

  • +1

    Loading ramps could be handy.

  • -2

    I once drove a small car between the fretboard and the strings on an Aldi guitar…

    • +2

      Probably would've been better if you just adjusted the neck relief instead. That's all it took to set my Aldi electric and acoustic up with decent action. The electric impressively low buzz free action after I set it up.

  • 17c/100 sheets toilet paper is good value.

  • Are the Clarenet worth buying for a primary school music band?

    My son has no idea how to play this, but he will be getting a loan from school then need one in year 5.

    Buy now and keep it till next year? Or just wait till next year and buy from music shop later?

    • +1

      They say a good quality instrument will make learning an instrument a more fun experience.

      Better off getting hold of a good used one than a shoddily made new one.

      I can attest that Trombones, acoustic guitars and keyboards are more of a joy to play if they are high quality.

      • +1

        +1, agree completely with Cleremy.

        I can only speak about keyboards but I bought this aldi keyboard a few years ago and returned it the next day. Keys felt super cheap and buttons were flimsy as.

        Ended up buying a used Yamaha keyboard off gumtree for $50 and the difference in sound and quality is night and day.

  • No violin shaped objects this year!

  • any reviews on the camping chair ?

    • +2

      Bought one last year. Well built and I'm pretty sure it's the same chair as many of the $70 - $100 chairs they sell at bcf, etc. At least that's what I can tell by comparing to other chairs when off camping. Would buy again!

      • thank you sir

  • I have no idea how drum kits work. My only experiences with them are the basic 4/4 beat and 3/4 waltz back in high school.

    So, how is the 300 bucks one? Any reviews? Thanks.

  • For those thinking of the Logix - 100 for $14.99 (14.99c each), the below deal is better .. 220 Finish tabs for $29 (13.18c per tab). Yup, a whoooole 1-and-a-bit c less!

    I am using the Logix now, the are fine. I've used the Finish ones before too - they are also fine. You can rig your own jury ;)

    Either way, cheap.

  • Anyone tried the steam mop?

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