I'm a 32 year old high school teacher living in Melbourne. Over the last few years, I've become increasingly concerned about my financial future as I have very little super (<20k) and virtually no assets to my name. I do currently have about 115k in a high interest savings account for a deposit on a house, but haven't bought anything as I fear buying in Melbourne is well beyond my meagre salary (72k). Only debt I have is HECS (40k).
The options I currently have:
- Try to increase my salary as much as I possibly can. I currently do tutoring which gives me a little bit extra (2-3k a year), but am also thinking of adding in some retail/hospitality work (lower pay, but more hours available).
- Choose a new career. Unfortunately most high income careers will require that I retrain, which I'm quite happy to do. I have just been offered a place in Deakin's bachelor of engineering. As its online, I will continue to work full-time whilst studying part-time. Given that I am getting a lot of credit, I can get it done in 4-5 years.
- Teach overseas somewheres that pays better than what I am currently getting. I have done a bit of research and it appears the Dubai pays rather well with the possibility of free accommodation.
- Move to the country. I have previously lived in the country and hated it, but it may be only hope of ever buying a house.
Any suggestions of what I should do?
Investment advices are good but it takes time and effort to succeed. Start small and spend time to become better at it. As per statistics, most people do worse than market. Timing is also fairly important especially when you are still learning it. This is probably not the best time to invest for a novice. Thought of saying this much because like most people you are fixated on property investment but reality could be far from it going forward given the current prices.
Anyway higher income and saving more is essential for any type of investment strategy. Think out of the box since you seem to have spare time. I also feel that formal education is overrated especially after a certain age unless you can use that for sure to go higher up in the ladder.