Hi, Has anyone had a successful travel insurance claim due to not being able to travel due to illness? Does the doctor have to state what illness and diagnosis or just give a medical certificate?
Travel Insurance Claim

Thanks. It seems when it is a family insurance policy, one pays the excess per person, per claim. That means if it was a family of 4, 4 excesses for flights, 4 excesses for accommodation, 4 excesses for tours booked. Best to have no excess!
The more details the better when it comes to travel insurance.
I don't think so, that would be a privacy issue however I am sure the certificate would need to state you are unfit to travel. Be aware that you may need to give permission for the insurance company to access your medicare records to ensure no pre-existing conditions, you can say no but they are likely to just reject your claim.
It's not a privacy issue. The OP is raising it as a reason for the claim. The OP is required to allow the insurer to validate the issue raised by the OP.
If you have nothing correct to add, then add nothing.
Why don’t your call your insurer and ask them what they require? Most of them have a 24/7 claims line too.
My friend once got a 50K cruise refunded through travel insurance, because her adult daughter got barrelled into by her own dog and her leg was broken in two places and the daughter needed surgery. My friend needed to stay home to help her daughter recover.
So it doesn't even have to be your issue.
Is it too hard to ring up insurer to find out exactly what requirement ? lol
When issues arise with anything. Ozb is dare I say it should be the first port of call.
@oscargamer You're being a bit snippy. All the insurance company needs to know is that they are medically unfit to travel in the doctors professional opinion, the reasons are private and none of the insurance company's business unless there is a need to disclose this as it applies to the PDS in their cover.
How would they rule out it's not a pre existing condition that is excluded from the cover.
Read the claim form you need to complete to file your claim. That will tell you exactly what is needed by the insurance company to process your claim.
I once got a refund directly from an airline when one of my family members was too sick to travel.
Provided a letter from the Dr explaining illness.
Actually made ~$135 profit on the tickets as I had bought the tickets in US$ and then the AU$ dropped
I never thought about using a travel insurer to underwrite a airline ticket USD/AUD swap… Cool $tory. lol
Do you want advice from strangers who could give you wrong advice, causing you to lose your claim?
Or advice from the direct source who will give you accurate advice according to your specific policy (that none of us know here) and you won't have to worry?
The doctor needs to write a letter stating that you are not fit to travel.
The insurance company will usually require the diagnosis so they can independently determine if it's correct.
Including that on the initial letter will speed things along.