Commbank Turns on Apple Pay

The wait is over. Add your eligible CommBank card to Apple Pay. It's a fast, easy and secure way to make payments anywhere you can tap and pay.


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  • 26
    I'll do it ASAP
  • 16
    Nah. I prefer card/cash

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  • Sweet! I've been waiting forever for CBA

  • Is there any difference to the Paytag?

    • +6

      I believe the PayTag can be used without any form of verification, whilst ApplePay is locked behind Face ID/Touch ID/PassCode. Night and day, in terms of security.

      • Yeah i was suspecting that might be the only reason. I was hoping there would be other features that will make me rush to get it.

        • +1

          You can use apple pay to pay for something that is >100 via contactless. Can't do that on paytag.

  • About time! Makes it much more convenient

  • Bankwest launch today as well. Along with Commonwealth Bank's New Zealand Subsidiary ASB Bank.

  • -1

    The executives finally caved.

    Now they can go back and calculate how many customers they lost with their arrogance (Stupid Ian Narev and his excuse for not doing it earlier - see 33:00 - 35:15 from ).

    • +2

      'Is the partnership going to work' - codeword for 'Is this going to work for my bonus'

      ANZ realised the partnership was going to work years ago. Everyone in the US realised the partnership would work.

      • The CBA or any other bank has to pay a % of each transaction to Apple for all Apple Pay transactions. It eats into their margin - it costs them $$.

        In my case, I'm a long time CBA Customer - but also have a Citibank card - I put that on my iphone about a year ago. CBA were too late.

    • +3

      You use the word "caved" like it's a good thing…

      They "caved" because of bizarre ACCC ruling that forcing apple to grant application developers - including payment providers - access to the NFC functionality of apple devices was somehow anti-competitive.

      My past three phones have been NFC equipped and have worked well with a number of Australian Banks. There is zero technical reason why a financial service provider should have to subscribe to apple pay in order for an iPhone to participate in a contactless payment. Nor do I as a consumer wish anyone but my bank, the merchant and I participating in my daily translations.

      Good on CBA for holding out to the fanbois this long. I wish the big four had persevered and challenged further. As long as we have Luddites guiding and ruling on this sort of technology matter, nothing will change.

    • Well, I would not jump into conclusions.

      We don't know what kind of terms they have reached with Apple. I am pretty sure they have lots of NDAs in place.

      Maybe be holding out for so long they have indeed managed to negotiate a lower rate.

  • +2

    Meh. I was kinda proud that at least one major aussie institution was resisting the pressure. Shame on them for caving.

    Personally, I don't get the appeal, nor how it makes business sense. Australia already has the highest adoption of contactless "tap and go" payments in the world… If I'm lugging my phone around, I'm just as likely to have my wallet/card holder. Multiple wearable manufacturers - including my trusty Garmin watch - support the standard mechanism for contactless payments, none of which required institutions to buy into a proprietary regime.

    • I don't have an Apple Phone (or even a very advanced or new phone). I only use it to have people call me (and I also use it to connect to wifi spots). I only have a $100 Hauwei.

      I don't get the Apple fanboys and the hype around Apple. But the fact is, most people have Apple phones, and if you don't give people Apple Pay, they will go somewhere else to get it.

      Now only NAB and Westpac do not have Apple Pay. But every other Financial Institution has Apple Pay. You can even look at small niche credit unions that 99.9% of the population don't even know about (e.g. Teachers, Police, Defence Credit Unions). They have had Apple Pay for ages, while the majors have been trying to strong arm Apple.

      That in itself is a perfect demonstration of the lack of competition (and the laziness of people to switch banks). No where else could a company refuse to offer something for so long and keep most of their customers.

      • Random12 wait until you have to manage a business with everyone’s shitty byod setups

        Apple whilst are expensive the corporate security is not matched by android, not by a long shot, the ability to push out apps / updates and ensure device compliance for GDPR data leak breaches is one of the biggest reasons I’ll back Apple.

        In terms of everything else they’re way too expensive for what they are and for a 2019 flagship, apple are suffering but I’m really happy with my MacBook 2017 retina, light and easy to use but compared to the windows equivalent way overpriced.

        Simplicity for me is being able to walk into an apple store and get a replacement under warranty / AppleCare which to a company with lots of staff makes massive difference

      • +4

        most people have Apple phones

        Not even close. Most people do not have Apple phones.

  • +1

    Great now other customers can subsidise extra payments to one of the greediest corporate entities in the world

    • +3

      Apple or Commbank?

      • +1

        To be fair, you can't accuse Apple of laundering $700 million for drug dealers and terrorists while the Government guarantees that you will never go out of business.

        • LOL… that didn't take long.

          To be even fairer: there were "53,000 transactions which exceeded a $10,000 limit". That is, they should have been reported by the AML reports, as they may have been money laundering activities.

          If you wanna see some large scale support for this sort of thing from a financial institution, there are plenty of real, scary examples out there.

          Edit: autocorrect

  • having trouble adding card for some reason.. gonna assume servers are buggy because it just launched

  • I’m surprised they haven’t built in a better authentication option for verifying your card for Apple Pay than sms.

    • Actually SMS is probably one of the best ways to authenticate and verify your card for Apple Pay as it is done seamlessly in the background now on most recent versions of iOS with no interaction from the user.

      Code comes through to the messages app, Apple sees it is the Apple Pay Verification Code automatically and fills the data into the verification screen for you automatically you don't have to type the 6 digit code.

      • +2

        Actually, the GSM protocols that SMS relies on were compromised years ago and criminals are working out ways to use it for exactly this (authenticating themselves to banks apps) with increasing regularity.

      • +1

        Basically what Diji1 said, even commbank themselves offer app based verification rather than NetCode (sms) by default.

        • I am aware of the vulnerabilities with SMS. In this case that was the Commonwealth Bank's choice they chose to implement convenience over security. Apple Pay has multiple ways to do the verification process including via app.

          But yes I would agree with you guys it's definitely not the most secure option, banks in my opinion are always the worst at doing convenience over security.

  • It is a shame the Australian banks were unable to get a lower fee, as the UK banks did.…

    • How do you know what fee has CBA actually negotiated with Apple?

  • Do Apple pay transactions show up straight away in Netbank?

    • Yes. Plus it pops up a notification on your device as well.

  • dont get it. im with comm bank. i tap my phone, tap my card.. it already works..
    why do i need to bring another company into this?…

    • I guess you're using Android then, Android always allowed NFC payment with any bank. Apple didn't, they just started yesterday.

  • Westpac pls I’m still waiting
    I’m so stubborn should have changed a long time ago

  • The two questions that matter are :

    (1) How many CBA customers have just been waiting for CBA to have Apple Pay ( as opposed to transferring their transactions over to another bank )?

    A similar question ( that CBA probably already considered ). How many CBA employees ( and more senior executives ) have been using Apple Pay all along at a different financial instition.

    For example, say someone caught Narev paying for something with Apple Pay, while CBA refused to have it, boy that would have been front page newspaper material.

    Or if CBA executives have savings at online high interest accounts like ING, or super accounts with industry super funds. Lol.

    (2) Why do people really care about the supposed extra security of Apple Pay? All the banks and card networks already have 100% fraud protection policies. So the extra security just reduces the banks fraud costs.

    • Who is your association with?

      • lol, this site is so stupid with the 'association' nonsense.

        I was an entry level nobody at CBA, so I ticked the box out of over caution.

        Now it won't let me uncheck it and it says I have to email a moderator, and I can't be bothered.

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