• expired

Nexus S $0 on $29 Cap for 24 Months on Vodafone

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Hi guys,

not sure if it's vodafone trick or their system glitch, but if you open this link :


you'll see Nexus S is $0 on $29 for 24 months, and total for $24 months is $1056(which doesn't make sense),but if you click Add to Cart, you'll see total over 24 months is $696.

so I thought I just posted it so anyone who intend to get their hands on Nexus S can give it a shot to see if they can get it for $0 on $29 cap for 24 months.

p/s please delete this if in the end, no one can get it, thanks!

Mod: Update the link to Vodafone.

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closed Comments

  • that is a pretty awesome deal if anyone can get it

    • It says $50 credit at the checkout too.

  • +1

    $29 for cap + $25 for handset per month


    • if you go to the details, yes, but if you add to cart from the link I gave you, it will show you $0 on $29, and that was the print screen of the cart after I added it.So again, we never know until someone actually taking up the deal.

    • it is $29 + 0 per month now

    • No??? Not for 24 Months.

    • +1


      Look again

      Minimum cost over 24 months is $696
      $10 off each month for your first 12 months

      • +1

        not applicable:

        • $10 off offer available until 30 June 2011 (unless extended) to new customers who sign up to a $29 cap over 24 months with the Nokia X6, Nokia N97 Mini, Nokia E71 or Motorola FlipOut. Minium monthly spend is $19 per month for months 1-12, then $29 per month for months 13-24. Any charges for additional or excluded services and any applicable handset repayments will still apply and will not be discounted. Not available with any other offer and not redeemable for cash.
  • If you are on the 29$ cap can you go up to the 45$ unlimited?

  • Great spotting!

  • +1

    so for anyone thinking of getting the samsung galaxy s, and if this is legit, go for this instead

    • +1

      Yeah but for $6 / month more you get a whole lot more credit:


      It's pretty weak only getting $180 credit / month with vodafone.

      • +1

        But the Nexus gets all Google's updates, quick. Galaxy's are still on 2.2, not even 2.2.1 or 2.3.

        • +1

          They are on 2.3.3 now :P :)

        • +1

          True, that's if you need the updates.

          Depends what you want really, credit or more up to date phone.

    • +5

      But as has been pointed out in previous Nexus S posts, the Australian Nexus S is a gimped version (from the US, and the generally more publicly announced version).. you get an LCD screen instead of SAMOLED and there's no external SD card.
      The screen downgrade is a massive downgrade, and the lack of SD is pretty disappointing. Galaxy S is still arguably a better handset as a result.

      • The US Nexus S doesn't have an SD card slot either. So equally gimped (from that perspective)!

  • I think its legit. Cause its free on the 45$ infinity plan now. Used to cost money :)

  • So at checkout does it show the total cost as $646 ie $696-$50 credit?

  • +4

    And guys don't forget using the MoneyBackCo for $84 cashback :-}

    • Sorry to make you repeat yourself but how do i do this?
      Is it on top of the $50 off for ordering online?


      • +3

        Go to www.moneybackco.com.au, register for free. Then after login, search and find Vodafone phone offer, then through the link— "take the offer and get moneyback" buy this plan. After a couple of days, you should find in your moneybackco profile, there is a transaction recorded. And after a while (could be a few months), you should see the money back in your linked bank account(which you set up in your MoneyBackCo profile). For new members, you will get $84-$10 annual membership fee.

        I am not sure how this related to the $50 off offer. These MoneyBackCo offers also apply to many other things, e.g. i always order Domino's pizzas through it and get 50c back for each order :-} It worth trying anyway.

  • I just ordered Samsung Galaxy S for $29 cap / months + $50 off

      • +3

        What has the network got to do with a good deal? I'm sure there are some happy Vodafone users out there.

        • +1

          I don't know about happy vodafone customers but I am certainly a customer who can't complain (about coverage etc, but can about service when you need to get onto a rep)

        • +1

          I'm more than happy with Vodafone. Been with them since December.

    • +4

      Hardly a reason for neg..

    • +2

      invalid negs are invalid

    • +5

      Vodafone is improving (slowly). And if this drop of pricing is their attempted redemption from the Vodafail fiasco, I am fine with that :)

  • Is this better than Galaxy S? Why?

    • -6

      if you dont know then i guess you dont really need to ask.

    • +2

      It doesn't look like an iphone for a start.
      Then there is the camera flash, and updates straight from google without touchpiss all over it. ALso NFC which might one day be useful.

      Drawbacks are lack of sd slot, and AU versions have SLCD rather than amoled I believe.

      Other than that they are identical internal hardware.

      • Nexus S also does not support HD video recording. It is something to do with the codecs and stuff which Google is to be blamed on that one. It is a very complicated issue but just Google it and you should be able to find more information.

      • Yes, it has Super LCD instead of Super AMOLED, link: http://www.vodafone.com.au/personal/android/mobiles/nexus-s/…

      • +1

        FWIW, not everyone considers SLCD a negative, there is a large number of people that think they look better due to the colours displaying slightly differently, some would say less over saturated.

        I'm on the fence myself, but its worth keeping in mind.

        • I read somewhere that the LCD version looks better/crisper for text because of something to do with subpixels or some such thing. The same sources also claimed that the SAMOLED screen would fade over time (over 3 years or so).

    • This version has no super amoled but has the inferior slcd instead. It also has no sd card slot. I will get the galaxy s instead. The galaxy s already have a load of custom roms and 2.3.3 is coming.

      • But Galaxy S has no flash. Can't have everything eh..

      • +1

        Galaxy s screen is impossible to see under the aussie sunlight. If you're out and about it's hard to use. Indoors its nice and vibrant.
        The lcd does better in sunlight from my experience.

        • +1

          i agree. however if you want use it a lot in low light or at night (e.g. watching a movie), then the super amoled is far superior (black pixels are black!).

        • +1

          Super AMOLED screens are supposed to be more energy saving too. And it is said to have good viewing experience outdoor under the sun too if you either set it at auto-brightness or max. I own one and there wasn't any problem for me. But yes, the SLCD is supposed to be better, i read.

        • +1

          I manage pretty well with my SGS in direct sunlight.. have to turn up the brightness to max, and wouldn't want to be playing a game, but it's fine for controlling the phone.

        • Not sure if you got a lemon or not, because i can see mine in direct sunlight fine. With or without a screen protector

      • +2

        As I mentioned above, there are those that would say SLCD is superior, or at least not inferior, to AMOLED. Certainly a lot of people feel AMOLED produces over saturated and unrealistic images which isn't such an issue with SLCD.

        I guess like monitors where some like glossy displays and some don't, its a matter of personal preference. I wouldn't say one is inherently better all the time but.

  • +2

    It is better due to working GPS chip + Raw android :)

    • SGS GPS has had no problems when the ROM has been decent.

      • Its hit and miss still :( Darkys Rom Appeared to be fine, aswell as CM7 but for some reason I loose signal in the city! But then other times it works perfectly! So I dont know what the hell is going on hahah.

  • Thanks for posting. :)

    Does anyone know if it is Vodafone customised with Vodafone logos, Voda Live, Voda apps etc or if it's a generic Nexus S?

    • +1

      They didn't do much customisation for Nexus One when it came out last year. It stayed pretty much the stock Google phone — so I think they'll stick to the standard firmware on it.

    • +1

      Yeah I am pretty sure Google made sure no carrier bloatwares are installed in their Nexus phones. Same in other countries like in the US especially.

    • +1

      no there is no customisation with vodafone brand, its network locked but not network branded

  • -3

    Pretty fantastic deal if you can get it. The Google Nexus S is FAR superior than anything else on the market (yes including the iphone 4) Its basically the best phone on the market atm. It contains Android as Google intended it to be which is a beautiful yet powerful OS without confusing third party UIs on it.

    • Hmm… Far superior would be stretching it. All phones have their advantages and disadvantages as mentioned above. Depends what is important to you on a phone.

      Also, with the included monthly credit on this plan you can make calls for a grand total of approx. 5-6 mins a day (and that's only if you don't make any texts).

      • That's assuming you don't know people on 3/voda. I got heaps of mates on 3/voda so I call heaps for free

  • +4

    BTW, here's a video re Vodafone: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=306OsChFw0A&feature=share . :p

  • Just ordered one, everything seemed to work out fine. Will try to post here what happens. (Ordered online)

  • This or the HD desire 2 for $5 a month on the infinity cap?
    Anyone noticed how this phone only had 500mb of data on the 45 cap.. pretty sure i've got 1gb on mine at the moment?

    • In the past month or so they reduced it to 500mb

  • +1

    if you want a Galaxy S go with Crazy Johns, they have it on a $29 plan no upfront cost plus bonus 1Gb data. I called Three today and they can't even match this offer. Shame I got 3 months to go on my contract.

    • This is definitely better value in my opinion. That said, you're still stuck with vodafone so i wouldn't go with either to be honest!

    • +1

      Don't worry. With the pace new Android phone deals coming out, there will be something better and cheaper in 3 months :)

  • -1

    lol is this a good deal? better than galaxy tab

  • Is it possible to keep my original number as i'm currently on the $45 infinite cap (no contract) and order this online so i get the $50 cash back?

  • Great deal….but you can select 12 month deal for $29 + $25 handset repayments

    That equates to $648 with a $50 credit to be applied = $598

    If you can get the moneybackco $84 then will be $514

    Also, you can try calling Vodafone and tell them you are NRMA member….they have 10% discount a month (used to be 3 months free access…..not sure if that applies anymore)

    I would prefer 12 months so I can get another phone sooner : )

    • Ok, last time with the HTC legend deal, as it was already on a NRMA member offer, the $84 MoneyBackCo transaction was canceled. It was already shown in my account, then told canceled :(

      • I got my $84 back from MBC for the legend deal

        • You are lucky. I didn't.

    • Don't think you get the $50 credit with the $29 12 month plan.

      To be honest, if you're going to do a 12 month plan, may as well pay a bit more and go for $49 cap + $20 handset payment. You get way more calls and data included for only a little more cost.

      Then you can make more than 5 mins worth of calls per day and get some decent data included.

  • Come on, have you heard of Vodafail. Dont fall into the trap.

  • Sounds great except 50c/MB, and only 200MB included. Bugger all for a smartphone.
    HOWEVER it looks only an extra $4/month for "Classic Pack Member" with another 700MB. (900MB total)I could live with that. Is it correct?
    And you can stretch the minutes by using SIP/VoIP for longer calls.

    Very tempted at $33/month total, 900MB, and $50 credit (on 3rd bill).
    Would I be able to port my number from 3 in a couple of months when the contract ends?

    Also, they are offering a USB modem for $10 up front +$2/month+2c/MB ($20/GB). Not bad for moderate use!

  • I spoke to 2 dealers and several voda users and I was told the network is a lot better and the 850mhz upgrades to towers will make usage faster. Like myself most voda users would have benefited from the bad time by either getting out of contract or getting free usage. The phones sell on eBay for $450-500. Basically voda is subsidizing these phones big time. Best deal on the market for sure

    • +1

      Yeah, believe a dealer. My friend absolutely hates the network, he signed up for a 2yr HD Desire, his words "good phone, s**t network"

    • However these phones do not have the 850 mhz band..

      • Yes, but the iPhone (quad-band UMTS) users will take traffic off the other Vodafone UMTS bands so less traffic should equate to better service / speed.

  • I have been with Voda for 2 years now and can say the network is becoming much better in the last 3 months. My wife is with Optus, with the exception on the Hume Highway between Canberra and Goulburn, my Voda has the same or better reception than her Optus.

  • Great deal. Got Nexus S on $29 + $15 phone repayment last month :-(
    The Super LCD is pretty good, though I would say color looks more saturated on S.AMOLED. It's a minor downgrade, not a deal-breaker. The problem with Galaxy S is that it lags sometime due to TouchWiz UI. Nexus S is slightly faster due to stock Gingerbread. With intensive battery management, you can get 2 days moderate-heavy use from Nexus S (~50 hours in total). Bundle in a $4 classic member pack for extra 700 mb and you're all good to go.

  • I read on the net that the Nexus S does not come with the scratch resistant Gorilla Glass. Would that make the Galaxy S a better option?

    • Yes, but instead of the Gorilla Glass, it is replaced with an Oleophobic screen. Still relatively scratch resistant but with the added advantage of not stick fingerprints to it. (not as durable as gorilla glass of course but decent nonetheless)

  • I assume these come locked to Vf… any idea of (legit)unlock costs procedure?

    • It's a postpaid plan, I reckon you can just call them to ask for it.

      • it should be free to unlock due to it being a postpaid phone (using the voda website)

        • Nexus S comes unlocked because it is a Google phone. I've checked with Vodafone.

  • +1

    anyone successfully bought this phone yet??

    • My first post after lurking on to website for months so please be nice. I have just ordered it. it was too tempting to ignore it considering my friend bought HTC LEgend on the same cap. Nexus s is much better phone. being a Vodafail/three customer for 5 years i received 10% discount for 24 months works out about 70 bucks sweet. looking forward to it. sales person said the online offer is available to everybody so you cant get wrong with this excellent phone.

      on a side note: My friend works at Telstra suggesting that because of the Apple/Samsung lawsuit, samsung is bringing down their prices on galaxy phones/Tabs to clear out the stock. so expect to get even better deal on Galaxy S and Galaxy Tab very soon and they will run out of stock soonish as well

      • I agree that prices are coming down in Android tabs and phones … but nothing to do with the lawsuit. Just simply because the next generation of phones/tabs are coming out and these things are suddenly old!

  • Damn! I got my Nexus S from Vodafone few weeks ago, and the outright price was $699.
    I wish I could get a refund and go with this plan. This is a really good deal. You guys are lucky!

  • +1

    omg.. voda?

  • Ordered the Nexus S for my wife. Had a look in the shops, looks good. Got my $50 bonus and 10% as an NRMA member :) After my disasterous ordeal with the iPhone (I really regret buying it), I strongly encouraged my wife to get an Android phone. I'd prefer the Nexus S to my iPhone - but the wife won't swap phones after she's seen the grief the iPhone has caused (all iTunes related) … As you can tell, i'm not an Apple Acolyte ;)

  • After the farce of no SMS yesterday, this deal looks less fancy.

  • Haven't received any acknowledgement of my order

    • Neither have I… Public holidays though.. I'm expecting something this week

      • When did you guys apply? I applied on the 20th and they are still processing the order 6 days later. Shouldn't it be automated and processed within a day or two?

  • I ordered on 23rd and received a call from Vodafone just now for verification. Lets see when i'll receive?

    Does anybody know whether they are giving 50$ credit? As it doesn't appear when I checked out

  • Just spoke with Vodafone. I ordered mine on 20 April and I was told the phone will be couriered out today.

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