Looks like the best price for this phone so far!
Black, blue, and red available.
64GB storage, 6GB RAM, Snapdragon 845. Top-end specs for a very low price.
You need to use the eBay app with the coupon code to get this deal.
Looks like the best price for this phone so far!
Black, blue, and red available.
64GB storage, 6GB RAM, Snapdragon 845. Top-end specs for a very low price.
You need to use the eBay app with the coupon code to get this deal.
Mainly the CPU (Snapdragon 845) which is found in a lot of more expensive flagship phones from the likes of Samsung, Sony etc…
Yes snapdragon 845 chipset.
It's a great device for gaming or anything really. Camera is also good with the pixel camera apk.
That other phone sucks compared to this.
Its also got a large 4000mah battery and very good heat management. Big copper heat pipe inside, tests show it retains CPU clock longer than most other devices tested.
I bought one.
Has the pixel apk been ported for the F1 and if so, can you tell me where to find it?
It's like a Nexus 5, but better.
Nexus 5 sucks.
I will never touch Google or LG phones again!
Not sure why you were negged, anyone hit by the LG bootloop is gonna hold a grudge for a long time
Google Pixel 3 is made by Huawei.
The nexus 5 was a great phone in its day. 2013 is a long time ago though for smartphone tech.
The pocophone is good bang for buck, but yeah I think it was better buying a few months back when they were first released. These phones are due to be superseded by next generation tech. Hence the reduction in price.
People prefer Xiaomi for their batteries too, huawei has a smaller battery so probably will be hard for it to last a day. Xiaomi phones last a day and a half comfortably usually.
Do we know anything about the seller?
F**g terrible. Purchased a lens on 20/3. 50 days later, got a box of posters
Made me laugh
If this phone stops working within 2 years, do you have to chase this seller
for 6 months back and forth until you give up from exhaustion?
One of the sacrifices you make when you opt for bargain price. Go B&M store for warranty convenience.
Terrible seller. Long delay, dishonest communication. Lies about a warehouse in Australia, goods are shipped from Hong Kong, if you are lucky. Avoid like a plague.
Not surprising it's shipped from Hong Kong considering that's what their location is saying.
$385.67 here but only one left and shipped from china https://www.ebay.com.au/itm/Xiaomi-Pocophone-F1-64GB-6GB-RAM…
10% Gst applies so it will just be like not paying GST so the actual price would be $428.52
Camera on this vs iPhone 6s.
Which would be better?
The camera can be upgraded to GCAM - literally uses the same sensor as the Pixel 3 :) and we all know that has a brilliant camera. There are also updates to night mode that have been made avail
this cam will sh!t on the apple cameras
cheers, looks like a lot of talk on xda forums
How does snapchat run on this? I had a xiaomi before and snapchat lagged heaps on it and video zoom was very blurry
iPhone 6s is old now, so you would expect any newer phone even mid tier to offer an improvement. The camera sensors used by Apple were tiny cheaper ones too. The reason the iPhones hold up so well is software. However as someone have pointed out if you use google excellent camera app you can have great results on a phone like the poco.
Amazing speed
Headphone Jack
Expandable Storage
Stereo Speakers
Dual Sim
Surprisingly good LCD panel
I would have listed missing B28 as a negative, but it honestly hasn't been at all where I live and work. Haven't lost reception once.
Who is this phone for? Someone who is an android enthusiast. I say this because you really do unlock this phones potential if you dive into custom roms. The support for this phone is insane on xda fourms which is great for its longevity. Furthermore, with the Pixel Experience rom, you get pretty much all the features of the Pixel 3 on a $400 phone. Definitely worth it.
NFC and lack of stated water resistance really stopping me from upgrading my S7 which has begun to slow down a lot now. I had a lot of fun before with ROMs on the OnePlus One though.
If you don't mind tinkering with google camera ports (they tend to be unstable on Exynos), using LineageOS on S7 really speeds it up and with gcam its basically the same quality. Stock LOS camera is hot garbage though.
I paid a lot more from official site
where is their official site and how much did you paid?
Sorry meant store. Around 600 for upgraded model
Isn't the pocophone f1 supposed to be a really cheap phone? Because if you paid 600, you may as well have spent another 100 and got a oneplus 6t.
@Creamy: well pocophone f1 is trying to compete with oneplus 6t and does on many levels but at a cheaper price point. so some may not want to pay the extra 100.
Fantastic phone been using it for a month.
Great camera, performance and battery life.
My downside is that all Xiaomi phones tend to have issues with Android Auto.
What’s the video stability and night pictures like?
Ever had an iPhone 6s/7?
Really want to move to android but heard these budget china phones aren’t great for camera/video
this is pretty damn good
iPhones will always have the best camera/video. I got a Redmi Note 5 back in September for $180 USD. Best decision I've made after having iPhones for 7 years. The camera is still great, and considering how much I paid (peanuts compared to an iphone), it would be absolutely nonsensical of me to go back to an iPhone. I've also learnt to like the extra features that come with android.
The Redmi Note 7 was just released too.
What's with all the downvotes?
I was saying that iPhones excel when it comes to the camera, but for me, that's pretty much it. Either butthurt iPhone fanboys or butthurt android fanboys. Based on this post being for an android phone, I'm guessing it's the latter, even though I'm saying I prefer an android phone?
fyi this shits over my iphone 6s
thanks mate. Sold!
All over?
I've never had an Xiaomi phone. Do I need to do anything to get playstore on Xiaomi phones?
If its global version they have it pre installed.
Chinese version you need to install a Google play apk
Xiaomi Mi Mix 3 or Poco Phone F1?
Both models have similar specs.
Just ordered a Mix 2S with the 15% off which brought it to $420. I considered the pocophone but it is still a budget phone which means there's compromises, and when you can get a flagship for not much more it's definitely worth it.
Hi mate, which store did you buy Mix 2S, is it global rom?
Sorry I couldn't post as it was too limited quality, but it was one of these. Ordered it on Saturday though and am yet to see it shipped, hopefully there's no issues.
How did you get 15% off?
Help: bunch of new phones out at the moment but I still feel my Mi6 is still worthy.. any thoughts?
Same boat, please guide me.
I've still got a Mi5s. Won't be upgrading mine for at least another year. Wife has a Pocophone F1, and I am a bit jealous (better camera and a "smoother" experience), but I do find the Mi5s still games well. The only thing I might consider this year is changing its battery. It does seem to lose its charge a bit quicker these days.
Dude if you feel your phone is doing you good then don't upgrade. Take it from someone who wastes money on tech they don't need, it's not worth it.
Can noB28 be a problem at Hunter Valley especially Cessnock?
I am thinking of this and Huawei Nova3i.
Band 28 improves reception where buildings are blocking radio signals I think. So it improves reception indoors and walking between skyscrapers.
You'll also find that Telstra put B28 in a lot of their new towers out in the rural parts of Australia.
I would be more interested in 850MHz 3G at this stage in rural areas, while the 4GX (700MHz/B28) is still being rolled out. However once Telstra has ubiquitous 4GX, then you may have slightly better coverage than NextG.
Really depends, I have Mi6 and since I changed my phone from Nexes5X 2 years ago I cannot get 4G at home sometime, I highly suspect lake of Band28 is the reason. I'm with Optus, if you're with Voda you don't need to worry this.
People always talk about the coverage factor, but there’s also a congestion factor. Having more bands helps out in times when many people are trying to use the net at a tower in your area.
For anyone doubting this phones camera abilities, watch the below blind test review by MKBHD
You'd be surprised.
Very worth while video to watch, especially for the Apple fanbois, who been talking smack about this vs iphone 6/7/8/10/15!
Is this a trustworthy seller? Looks suspicious from their lack of location disclosure.
My guess is they send the item from Hong Kong, the location of "Australia" will be a way around the new GST laws
128gb is a little bit more. It might worth it
no need. they have sd card slot
So you have to buy a SD card to expand it. Better get it bigger for $30 bucks
Unless you already have one yea
Isn’t this the one that MKHBD (if u trust him) says
Best camera phone on the market?
He does not say this is the best camera phone on the market.
He did a blind test and asked people to vote on their preferred photos, and the people voted for this, without knowing what phone they were voting for.
I find Xiaomi has too many phone models. They should streamline most of it.
They already have. The Xiaomi Mi series (e.g. Mi 8, Mi Mix 3 etc.) are the Xiaomi branded flagships. Redmi is the recently split off sub-brand for all budget phones. And finally Poco is another sub-brand of Xiaomi that are more independent and are focusing on high performance bang for buck phones.
It's just sells better if sellers slap the Xiaomi logo on all Xiaomi sub-brands and investment partners.
Gonna wait for the Poco F2 and F2 Plus (rumored)
its still gonna be using SD845
welp, thats gonna be underwhelming then…
Isn't that rumored to come out in September? By time you wait that long the F3 will be rumored.
Thought it was gonna be after the Samsung S10 announcement.
Pretty much the same price but through a reputable seller.
Also the red for a few dollars more
You mean more expensive by a lot more? Ali prices are ex GST so the Red is $312.38 US / $435.79 AU
Oh wow, hadn't shopped on Ali for a while, forgot all about GST :(
Disregard my post then!
It gets people everytime ;)
Do these Xiaomi phones come with their own versions of Android or the stock vanilla version?
They use their own version called MIUI.
They also have pure android on some models.
I actually prefer MIUI.
A NOTE OF CAUTION TO ALL. This is a terrible seller, totally dishonest and very long delays. AVOID HKBNS like a plague.
Just got a pocophone…..
Once you go Xiaomi you never go back homie!
I couldn't downvote that enough. Can someone else help?
Hahaha, Xiaomi kinda rhymes with homie and I have it stuck in my head lol :P.
Anyone have an links to SAR ratings on this phone?
Only thing keeping me for buying it.
Xioami rarely share that kind of info.
This phone has no Widevine L1 btw, so no HD streaming via paid services like Netflix n shiz.
Camera is pretty meh, not waterproof, sound is a bit meh (have to make a hand cup to direct the sound…if you know what i mean).
Battery life is the bees knees, awesome for gaming, WATERCOOLED, general usage is quick AF.
Had the phone since Aug/Sep. No issues.
Can people explain the hype around this phone?
Is it purely about the ram and cpu speed? and not so much about the display?
as the https://www.ozbargain.com.au/node/432969 Nova 3i is very similar and cheaper?