$329 - 20% = $263.20 with free shipping from Sony eBay store.
Not the cheapest it's been but pretty good for those looking to pull the trigger with the release of Ace Combat 7.
PlayStation VR Starter Pack $263.20 Delivered @ Sony Australia eBay

Last edited 21/01/2019 - 11:18 by 1 other user
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It does surprise me that there's no competition in the VR space on the ps4. Still, PSVR is very capable and you have to ask if the rift is twice as good considering it is twice the price.
Have both rift totally clearer then the Psvr but considering you need a decent setup to get the most out of the rift.
On a side note the Psvr is pretty decent for what it,s worth for a cheaper alternative for vr.
We have a decent setup, I see the Oculus comes with 2 sensors, we may need a third but will get the $529 starter pack and see how we go.
@Twinkletoes Terry: Check your Rift for glue behind the lenses. I've received three headsets from Amazon and they've all been affected.
Stock PS4 or Pro? A friend of mine said VR on the PS4 Pro is clearer but he's known for not always telling things as they really are.
With AC7, I’m thinking of pulling the trigger. Is this the v2 revision?
The description has this at the product code so would assume so. PLAYSTATIONVRV2
Sonystore always sell the latest
Thanks… but it says its a 'refurbed' unit?
Nevermind - it said refurbished when i had it open on my phone, but now on desktop says Brand New. Im buying :)
So close to buying this! Frustrated i didn't grab one on boxing day for $229 when they were on sale. This is still a good price though i guess. I loved my oculus rift and i know this is probably a step down. But i had constant usb power issues and tracking issues with my rift. Plus having to muck around with graphics settings to get it to run really well. At least this is plug and play. I'd have to buy a ps4 pro though too seeing i don't have one of those as well.
I was trying to get one from JBHIFI the day after Boxing day but all out of stock. So I picked one up with Astrobot from Sony Australia for $269 at that time.
Than I discovered I have motion sickness :/
Do not underestimate the impact on your brain when you are sitting on the chair but your vision is moving forward.
I pulled the trigger too. Now just have to find a decent price for a ps4 pro.
Fingers crossed for another price war like on Boxing day.
Has anyone used PS4 headset on PC? I REALLLLLLY want to play VR Subnautica.
Damn is it sold out??
Anyone know of one around the similar price?
Waiting for oculus rift to drop in price. Currently 529 at amazon.