This was posted 6 years 1 month 19 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

20% off 3D Puzzles - Including Beretta Hand Gun Pistol (Rubberband Powered Gun) $39.95 + Free Shipping @ Laser Cut Crafts


20% OFF 3D Puzzles - Including Beretta Hand Gun Pistol (Rubberband Powered Gun) Only $39.95 + Free Shipping

This 3d puzzle Beretta Hand Gun Pistol is a full size replica of a Beretta, Perfect for your man cave or as a gift for someone hard to buy for, this is sold as a kit and some assembly is required Color Assembly Guide Included, The gun is equipped with 6 wooden bullets that are stored in a removable magazine, Personalized engraving can also be added to this product & FREE SHIPPING

Each Replica is issued with a letter from the Australian police force, this is 100% legal and verified

Laser Cut Crafts

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closed Comments

  • -2

    Is this even legal?

    • +3


      Yes each one is sent with a letter from the Australian police force as i checked this with them prior to listing, totally legal and no different to a Nerf gun


      • -8

        No different to a nerf gun

        Beretta Hand Gun Pistol (Rubberband Powered Gun)

        Yeah,.. no difference. Worse than a nerf gun

        • +1

          Think you missed this bit too. “Shoot 6 wooden bullets”

      • +5

        Why don't you show us the letter to allay our fear? Scan it, put a dark watermark on the scan and publish a link.

      • +1

        Which Australian Police Force, our of interest? Love the product.

        • how many police forces are there? its not like ugg boots where you can just have variants to the Ugg company name to make it sound legit and call it "certified" genuine:

          Genuine Ugg boots by Australian Ugg co, not to be confused by Original Ugg, Ugg Australia, Oz ugg. ugg Oz, Ozze Ugg, Australian UGG Boots, Genuine Australian ugg boots

    • +20

      It's sad that we even have to ask this question. We are so over regulated here almost everything is illegal.

        • +9

          I'll stay and vote, thanks.

    • +12

      There's always one killjoy.

      • -8

        Hmm, you very obviously don't work in law enforcement.

        There's always one 'nanny state' sook - in my experience they're always the first to sue when they stub their thumb and run to mummy.

    • think u really meant not a "rubberband" in your eyes…lol
      But yep totally agree what u said

    • +3

      Selling guns is stupid in this day and age even as a toy
      Takes one idiot acting like a tool to cause issues

      Why? Because of the ever increasing numbers of criminals that have guns purchased on the black market so this toy gun that is clearly a fake that fires deadly tiny timber projectiles is somehow also going to by purchased by criminals on the black market? Or are you worried that a homeowner will use this during a home invasion or car jacking which could hurt some poor criminal with a tiny timber projectile to his forehead?

      • +12

        It’s not that. I was at a servo, when some “tools” produced a toy replica as a “joke” the cops arrived (a few seconds after I pulled up), they had the kids on the ground after pointing their glocks at these tools and everyone was ducking for cover.

        This toy is meant to be fired as part of the fun, it doesn’t need to look exactly like a real gun (replica). It can be mistaken, and some could get hurt. Law enforcement can’t walk up to someone who has what looks like a gun, and ask is it real? If it is they might never be able to do that again.

        It’s not the toy gun it’s the fact it’s a replica which is the issue here.

        I voted negative as outlined below, because Until we see a copy of the Approval I think this isn’t legal.

        • +2

          If you are in America, you will be shot by the police if you have a replica gun.

          • +1

            @ca6leguy: If you are in America you could be shot by police with or without anything that looks like a gun.

            That's assuming you survive not being shot by everyone else.

            • -2

              @4wd: No.. you get shot in america for… being black (!!!)

              • +1
              • @inamberclad:

                No.. you get shot in america for… being black (!!!)

                Look at the stats from the FBI, you get shot for being a pathetic criminal that worships rap singers. Why do you think over 40% of violent crime is committed by 5% of the population?

                • @Maverick-au: I thought the stat was 50% and 13%

                  • +1

                    @Mombles: Because half of the 13% is male. The stat is even smaller when you break it down by age. You basically have 3% of the population committing about 50% of the crime.

                  • +1

                    @Mombles: 50% is correct and 13% is for African Americans but when you narrow it down to Black Males between I think 16-28 it drops to around 5%. So it's 5% of the population committing nearly 50% of the violent crime.

        • What was the joke?

        • +2

          So you blame whole segment of toy because some fool made a fool of himself?

          • +1

            @Entropy Sky: I am not blaming. I am pointing out that a toy doesn’t need to be a replica of a real dangerous weapon. You can have and my kids do, as much fun, without having to be a replica of an actual gun.

            The joke was to wave it around the attendant with inappropriate comments ( I wasn’t there at that part of the episode to know exactly the words used)

            Hence in some cases replicas need to be licensed

      • It could be argued that the glorification of firearms to children is not a positive thing.

  • +1

    Yeah… NAH.

  • Is this made of wood or paper cardboard? How durable is this product?

  • +5

    The Australian police force,…..hmmm?

    • +1

      Yes, if the poster doesn’t understand this, then how legal is it?

      If they post a link to the approval letter they got then I would agree to remove my negative vote

      Firearm approval is by Various State forces. There is no “Australian” police . AFP yes. So if there is approval, then the OP should use the right term

      • Probably just checked with border security and customs I would say.

        • -8

          Then the approval isn’t from Australian police, and given ghostknifes research below, if OP doesn’t know the difference, the op, can’t

          pride himself on his attention to detail in all aspects of his work and achievements

          Btw his own bio has a spelling error which reflects his attention to detail.


          Rather than effectively 🙂

    • Going by his Bio sounds like he should know what he's doing, but this company is in Perth, that's almost a different country so maybe he means the [West] Australian police

      Nathan Bunney is an Online Brand and Marketing Strategist who partners with CEOs, executives and solopreneurs to grow their personal and professional brands online.

      With over 10 years working experience with Online Marketing and Development, Nathan knows what truly drives sales – and it’s not mastering the “marketing flavour of the week”. It’s how effectivley you connect with the people you’re trying to help and communicate your message to.
      Being based in Perth, Western Australia, Nathan offers a personalised service to his clients. Nathan trained as a Pilot with the Royal Aero Club of WA and achieved his pilot licence with high regards, this level of dedication and acumen allows him to pride himself on his attention to detail in all aspects of his work and achievements

  • -6

    Pretty confident this would be illegal without a replica or imitation firearm permit in some states


    • +4

      I disagree. From the thumbnail it appears to be far more of a likeness to a real gun than the actual product, which is clearly made from wood. My understanding is replica firearms are visually very similar to actual firearms, and often just have a deactivated firing pin. The other point to note from both is that toy firearms are not considered repicas.

      That said, I have no interest in this product, however I disagree with your statements

      • -2

        You maybe right, but the OP says on his website

        Beretta Hand Gun Pistol is a full size replica of a Beretta

        His use of replica

        You are saying that it's not, while he says it is. Either way the OP needs to clean up the post. It maybe legal in WA but as advertised its not in other states, so the deal needs updating otherwise it's misleading.

        Actually a deactivated firing pin isnt the only differentiator

        What is an imitation firearm?
        An imitation firearm is defined in section 4D of the Act as an object that, regardless of its colour, weight or composition or the presence or absence of any moveable parts, substantially duplicates in appearance a firearm but that is not a firearm, including a laser target shooting device used in a biathlon or modern pentathlon. An imitation firearm does not include anything that is produced and identified as a children's toy.

        • Agree with your points, and also that the OP has made a very poor choice of wording

        • +6

          Rubberband powered, laser cut, wooden construction. Certainly sounds like a children’s toy.

          Maybe OP can confirm if there are any laser cut soap boxes you can stand on.

        • +5

          If you follow through with the suggestions in the documents linked by bremo then you'll come to this document: Toy firearms - this is for Victoria.

          Colourful chart with pictures for those that like them: What is a firearm?

          The defining characteristics of toy firearms are:
          1. they are solely manufactured and used for the purpose of being used as a plaything or for providing amusement; and
          2. their method of operation (if applicable) falls outside of the definition of a firearm in the Firearms Act 1996; and
          3. they have a resemblance to a firearm however their appearance cannot be mistaken for a working firearm by a reasonable person due to the presence of at least one of the following appearance characteristics:
          - (a) Their shape & size is of a kind not associated with a working firearm;
          - (b) The barrel and/or butt is of a colour not normally associated with a working firearm, particularly if it is of a bright or fluorescent colour or multi-coloured; and/or
          - (c) Its composition suggests it is clearly manufactured using material of a kind not associated with a working firearm such as wood or transparent plastic.

          One could argue that as defined by the Victorian Police it falls under the category of a Toy because:
          1. it's manufactured as a puzzle;
          2. it does not work in the same method as a firearm as defined under the Firearms Act;
          3. you can see it is made of wood.

          All 3 definitions have been met to classify it as a toy in Victoria.

          And yes, the OP's wording could have been better.

          • +2

            @4wd: Duly noted that my wording could have been better, but you are correct, it is classified as a toy and i have now added relevant links to the end of the comment thread =)

            1. it's manufactured as a puzzle;
            2. it does not work in the same method as a firearm as defined under the Firearms Act;
            3. you can see it is made of wood.

            4. It clearly states in the product description that it in intended for those over 14 years of age and contains small parts,
              5, All rigid projectiles must have a tip radius of at least 2 mm -

            5. is made of resilient material that ensures the kinetic energy per unit area of contact does
              not exceed 0,16 J/cm2


      • Note that imitation firearms are different to replica firearms, yet both are still illegal to own without a prohibited weapons approval.

        “In the state of Victoria, devices that can reasonably be mistaken for working firearms based on their overall appearance (but do not have the functionality of a working firearm), are classified as imitation firearms.
        A Chief Commissioner’s Prohibited Weapons Approval or Governor in Council Exemption is required to possess, carry, use, offer for sale or import an imitation firearm.”

  • Can you post a copy of the letter?
    Im sure we have members of the OzBargain community that are also police officer, who could verify

  • Nanny state

  • -7

    Sorry but this seems so wrong…looks cool…but still so wrong.

    • Damn, these negative votes are coming fast - how do people not see something wrong with selling this :P

      • Because your reason for neg is invalid. That's why so many.

        And seriously, it's a wooden toy gun that comes as a kit to assemble. It doesn't fire real bullets and only an utter idiot would mistake this for a real gun. And even then, it would still not do any damage if fired.

        But, you know, just jump on that outrage train.

  • Probably get arrested in NSW we are such a pathetic nanny state. NSW Law and Police could not care less about Border/Customers laws or Federal Police positions. So many instances of Toy Guns they consider OK but NSW Police will charge you if in posession. Pathetic.

    • -2

      Oh you poor dear suffering under the oppression of the 'nanny state'.
      Here, suck on this lolly.

  • If I paint this in black can I use this to scare off intruders coming into my home?

    • +1

      Only if they are also armed with replica pistols, otherwise it could end badly.

      • +1

        I badly need this as I am staying in Blacktown NSW.

        • +1

          Don't worry your little head, they use machetes up there.

  • Legalise Ranch!

    Everyone should know how easy it is to buy (ranch dressing) as all the criminals already know, women should be allowed to carry ranch and if you disagree you're a part of the problem and are a ranch apologist.

  • +10

    ITT: lots and lots of austistic screeching. So much fake outrage. I don’t see the same people getting outraged in knife threads. No caged egg threads in a while, guess you all needed to blow off steam somewhere, but this is clutching at straws.

    It’s a rubber band gun made of wood. Some of you would look cool with one of these in your holster while you’re up there, sitting on your high horse as sheriffs of OzBargain Town.

  • -3

    Damn, these negative votes are coming fast if you do not agree with selling gun replica looking items :P

  • +15

    Its a wooden gun. WTF guys seriously bringing the police into this? a rubber mallet will literally be more deadly than this. get over yourselves this isn't a forum about gun control its 20% off a product.

    • +5

      Well said! It's a toy… it's wooden… it doesn't look real… People picking on the OP's bio having a spelling mistake?! Wow

    • +3

      a rubber mallet will literally be more deadly than this.

      Correct use of "literally" as well. Rarely seen. Well done.

  • +5

    For those concerned about the legality of supply of this product please view the following regulations in related to this product, further to these guidelines we have also contacted various regulatory authority to ensure the safety and distribution of this product, This product passes all safety and mandatory requirements for ALL states of australia

    Key Notes Include:

    All rigid projectiles must have a tip radius of at least 2 mm -

    is made of resilient material that ensures the kinetic energy per unit area of contact does
    not exceed 0,16 J/cm2

    the discharge mechanism should be designed such that it will not discharge other objects placed in it. If it is capable of discharging other objects, the potential danger must be drawn to the attention of the user.

    Product is intended as a "Puzzle" it contains small parts and is not designed for children under 14, we have also outlined the potential risks in the full product description

    A full list of compliance can be found here:…

    Thank you,

    Mod: Removed signatures. Guidelines

  • This can't be legal as it looks just like a real pistol. Imagine what the police would do if seeing a kid or some one taking this onto the streets and walking around with it.

    • They need to print out the product safety pdf and carry it with them at all times so they can show to the police this product is in compliance with the law.

  • "It is legal to own this toy but not legal to carry in public". This has been just added an hour ago to the product web page.

    How is this even legally possible? The sentence contradicts itself.

    • It's probably more of an appeasement thing for all the butt hurt neggers on here forcing their anti-gun rhetoric.

    • +3

      How is this even legally possible?

      For example, it is legal to own knives but you try waving one around in public.

  • +2
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