• long running

30-Day Free Trial, Then 20% off Brilliant Premium Annual Subscription A$167.88 (Normally A$209.888) @ Brilliant.org


Ali Abdaal is a productivity Youtuber. He's promoted on his channel that he's affiliated with them and any subscriber of Brilliant gets 20% off the annual subscription. Confirmed by trying it myself. Great if you want this excellent app to keep sharp with little puzzles each day.

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  • +6

    He's promoted on his channel that he's affiliated with them and any subscriber of Brilliant gets 20% off the annual subscription

    along with a zillion other youtubers

    • -2

      There are no other non-expired deals related to 20% off on Ozbargain so I thought this would be useful for the community

      • FWIW OP I do appreciate it, sometimes I have the need to join some subscription to check them out and I search up all the codes from youtuve vids and half are expired but I know they exist somewhere because there is so many of them. So being able to just search up here is useful. Kind reminds me of Dominos coupons where they aren't really deals but I want them to exist when i need them.

        • Thanks. Don’t know why I’m being downvoted for trying to help people…

  • +1

    Sorry, no bargain to be seen here

  • +6

    I find Ali Abdaal insufferable. I listened to an interesting podcast a while ago who took a shot at all these 'productivity youtuber gurus' by asking the question - what do they do with all this amazing productivity? What great works do they produce? All they do is make more content about being productive to make money off ad revenue

    The brilliant and amazing people who produce great works/products/inventions/whatever are better role models - e.g. check out how i built this

    Anyway, this isn't a bargain. There are zillions of youtubers who hand out brilliant discount codes. I'll spruik a personal favourite of mine, 'stuff made here' - https://brilliant.org/StuffMadeHere/. Prefer giving support to those producing great content and in need of support

    • +3

      haha interestingly I felt the same thing after seeing a youtube video about how watching all these productivity videos is just another form of procrastination when you could actually be productive doing something instead and that most of these are built around making you stay and join their courses, see their next video and try to sell you why you need to keep watching.

  • +1

    You had me at "youtuber".

  • +1

    While you are on Youtube maybe look around at how shitty Brilliant can be with crap practices and difficulty in cancelling etc.

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