Fill in the form below and you'll receive helpful tips on how to chat with salespeople, as well as some information about your rights when it comes to unsolicited sales visits as home.
Your pack will arrive within 5-10 business days.
One sticker per residence.
This deal has been posted a couple of times previously, though the offer appears to have been temporarily withdrawn in late 2017.
Origin and ACCC no longer offer free stickers.
Powershop offers free stickers for NSW & VIC residents.
Couldn't care less about what the demographics of this website think of my knowledge. I am completely aware of AGL's performance, more than you I expect. I'm comparing their performance to other companies, but people like to think they're very savvy when it comes to sales people. The smaller companies have much dirtier tactics in general, sure AGL have some (profanity), but you're better off trying your luck with them.