This was posted 6 years 1 month 23 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

[VIC] Free Tix to Harry Potter Play Dress Rehearsal 16th+17th, for The First 700 to Line up at Princess Theatre tmr Sun13th 9am


For my fellow Harry Potter fans on ozbargain. (Don't talk to me about the movies though, they don't count.)

The first 700 people in line by 9am tomorrow at Princess theatre get a free ticket to the final dress rehearsal of play Harry Potter & The Cursed Child.

Harry Potter fans will already know what this is.

The play is in two parts. The dress rehearsal ticket covers both parts.
Dates are:
- Wednesday 16th 7:30pm Part 1
- Thursday 17th 7:30pm Part 2

One per person.

I can't be there myself sadly, but hope some HP fans here can.

[edit]: note as per comments on the instagram post - 9am wristbands are issued, these are then exchanged at 11am for the actual ticket. If you want the best seats you'll need to be near the front of the line. Please factor the extra 2hours in guys if trying tomorrow.

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closed Comments

  • +7

    Its leviosaaaaar

    • +2

      Username checks out

    • Getting some real 'Yes Man' vibes here.

      Norm & Car, eat ya hearts out!

  • +2

    considering how much i had to spend on a couple of tickets for this show later this year for the wife… this is an absolute bargain ;)

  • +1

    I won't be bothering to go, don't care thaaaat much, and I'm sure there will be more than 700 people.

    I'm only commenting to ask, if someone does go, can you tell me if there was less than 700, like if everyone got their ticket and there was still some left and I get to sit here and feel like an idiot. I want to know, but I can't be (profanity) leaving my house to find out, you know?

    • im lining up at 1 am will you be there too

      • +2

        Are you actually?

        Because (sorting) hat's off to you if you can be bothered putting in that much effort.

    • -3

      Yeah would be good if people comment here in the morning about how large the line gets. I'm relatively close by but I cbf camping out.

  • +3

    Yer a wizard 'arry.

  • Is Daniel Radcliffe going to be there with his hosepipe on show?

    If so, I'm giving this a miss. Thanks anyway.

    • LOL I know you're kidding, but just to clarify for those out of the HP loop -
      this play is an extension of the books. Written by J.K. Rowling and effectively book #8. Not related to the movies.

    • “Hose” is being generous

  • +8

    Upvote simply because it takes the weirdos off the street.

  • +1

    For those actually going, they say on Instagram, at 9am u get a wristband, then at 11 that wristband will turn into those tickets….so u gotta stay there/go back again at 11 lmao

    • The wristband guarantees a seat, but not which seat. If after the best seats, need to stay in the line as it's first come first serve from 11am.
      Otherwise if you don't care which seats, can leave the line, do something else for few hours, then go back and exchange the wristband.

  • +1

    Don't talk to me about the movies though, they don't count.

    Mmmmm does the play count?

    • +1

      The play is a sequel of the novel series, so yes it dose count.

      • ^ yep. Exactly as @BiA0 says. The play is canon.

        • +3

          A lot of HP purists wish this play and it's "canon" didn't exist.

          • @sparkles: But if the author wrote it, shouldn't it be good?

            • @serpserpserp: Not necessarily. The author wrote seven exceptional books/novels. Some would argue that everything after that hasn't been up to the same standard. She co-wrote this play, but still obviously gave her stamp of approval to the content (storyline, concepts and character development).

          • @sparkles: Lol I read a little about that, and I feel the same about the fantastic beasts movies.
            But I've yet to watch the play so I'm still cautiously optimistic about it.

        • Are the movies not canon?

          • +1

            @ChadHominem: I don't consider any film adaptations canon since they don't come 100% from the source writer. Unless the author says it's part of their canon, but that rarely happens.

  • Now, people who grew up the novel series are in their late 20s to mid 30s. Imaging fully grown adults lining up in a long queue to see a rehearsal of a play that is about wizards and sorcery gives me a good chuckle. A problem is that I may join the crowd tomorrow because I am also a HP fan.

    • +1

      Why? People of all ages spend heaps of money on seeing movies/shows/conventions/collectables about comic book characters?

      This is the same thing really. Everyone loves their childhood passions.

  • Line starts tonight, alas the Princess Theatre is the WORST one to camp for - it's on the route for all the garbage trucks in the world.

    Source: personal experience

  • +1

    I am sending my patronus to line up for me

  • +6

    A photo of the line as at 11:47pm for those interested…

    • Wow crazy!

    • The rope thing is new. I was once young and crazy, no more.

  • +1

    i never understood ppl lining up for new iPhone and now a rehearsal.

    • This is free. They also have free access (or gold coin donation) to rehearsals for carols in the domain [SYD] and carols by candlelight [MEL]

      • +1

        Pretty sure Melb wasn't free, just a lot cheaper than the actual night.

  • Brings back flashbacks from the Book of Mormons queue. Think I'll just try my luck with the weekly ticket lottery!

  • +6

    Reporting live from the line. I'd guess there's around 200 people here max

  • anyone actually there now? how is the line up now? do I still have the chance to get it now?

  • +1

    It's 8.44am at the moment and I reckon I am no 500 in the queue….might even be as low as 400+

    Behind me there's only 20ish people

    So if you are going to get here by 9am there is still hope

  • +1

    Update now should be somewhere between 500-600 I guess.. still some hope left for people behind me.

    • Do you know where the line starts? I’m just about to reach

      • I think by now Lt bourke and exhibition

  • I'm 100 and am Midway through lane 2 of 4 of the roped area so about 266 in the roped area.

  • 926am and the line had barely moved, guessing it will take until 11am to finish handing out wrist bands. They may as well go straight to tickets.

    Edit: at the beginning of rope lane 4

  • +2

    Just joined the queue! The queue starts right outside Longrain along Little Bourke St for those who are still interested and I’m in the 700!

  • Got my wristband. I'm 194 at the start of the 4th line. Guessing there still may only be ~500-600 in line. They told me they might start handing out tickets once all wristbands are gone, so may be before 11am

  • Free donuts and water being handed out in rope area

  • Tickets being handed out now

    • +1

      Still getting bands 476 here

  • +2

    Why do they convert wristbands to tickets instead of just giving out tickets directly?

    • I'm guessing so you don't get two. But doesn't seem foolproof.

    • +1

      I think it's to avoid people cutting the line/people holding the line for friends etc

  • 194 has entered the theatre

  • +2

    And got tickets, front row of the dress circle

    • Grats! What time did you queue up?

  • +1

    Having seen this in the uk it’s not anything to write home about.
    It’s borderline fan-fic quality story.

    • +1

      I've heard the exact opposite from quite a few friends, even ones who aren't huge HP fans.

      At the end of the day I now have free tickets so I'm not going to complain!

      • +2

        I saw this in London and really enjoyed it. Even though the plot doesn't sound that great on paper, the performance is really something. The set, the on-stage illusions that really seem like magic, my fellow fans gasping at the same time as twists are revealed - it's a great experience.

        • +1

          Agreed. The theatrical aspect is amazing, but the plot is horrible.

  • Has Harry actually learnt to wield magic other than by accident or with great strain yet? Or is he still running around playing dodgeball like a magicless cat vs a baddie with a infinite paintball gun?

  • So…….was it any good?

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