I purchased a meal package from HelloFresh couple of weeks ago which got delivered on 2-12-18. The very next week on Friday the 7th, I received an SMS saying the food will be delivered next day to which I emailed their Customer support saying I never intended for this order. Received a reply saying too late to be able to cancel the order.
Seems like their system auto-subscribes to weekly delivery which you can manually unsubscribe but if gone overlooked you'll be paying for something you didn't intend to purchase which I believe is kind of fraud as purchase decision should always be intentional. It's like you walking in a shopping centre and the staff throwing stuff in your trolly thinking you might want to buy it with an option to yourself remove those items at checkout.
I was already charged $91 on PayPal so I opened a dispute and later got refunded. And today, HelloFresh send an email saying payment outstanding and late fee might apply if I didn't clear this soon.
It's just $91 but I feel like escalating the matter to Consumer Court as the way it's being done (auto subscription) is probably not right.
Please advise if it's worth escalating or just pay and move on.
When you order it tells you it is a subscription prior to placing the order, it also tells you this in the emails. I hate this business model but unfortunately I think you are stuck with it.
What a lot of people do is order the first box, put the subsciption on hold for the next few weeks, then cancel the subscription once the first box arrives.