The country's officials decided to put the tiny land-locked country up for rent after realising its potential earlier this year.
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Guests will have the run of the land, and use of the country's police force, even though Liechtenstein has one of the lowest crime rates in the area.
The new temporary 'owners' of country will be presented with a symbolic key to the country in a ceremony at the state parliament, and will be able to rename city streets and town squares, and print their own temporary currencies.
Although there is a two-night minimum stay, the guests will be treated to wine-tasting from the Prince of Liechtenstein's personal cellar, skiing and a sumptuous dinner overlooking Vaduz Castle.
Other options include tobogganing, fireworks and horse-drawn carriage rides through the capital Vaduz.
EDIT: Although this is an unusual post - I actually believe it is a good deal for a totally unique holiday experience…
MOD EDIT - Oz-Dave and others (voting this up) - post this in forums, posting it in the main section maybe funny, but it is inappropriate, we have limited space for bargains and bargains disappear, when more clutter is put on front page, so people miss out on bargains while you have your fun. Post it in the forums in future.