Is there a current area where people talk about workshop type things - apart from automotive where I guess they get into car type stuff?
Where Do I Talk about Welding and Sheet Metal and Such Like Things?
Welcome to OzBargain!
General Discussion is fine for topics that don't have a category.
It depends on where you live, as mentioned above, Men's Sheds are a good option, local clubs etc are good as well.
There's a wood working club not far from me that i'll be signing up to as soon as i get myself sorted.
With Mad Max?
I meant within ozbargain. This is my first time here. But maybe it is just for 'bargain' type talk - buying, selling?
p.s. and what about email notification of replies to your posts… can we get that?
With preppers.
I feel you OP, would love to see more bargains that fit those categories, workshop equipment, farm equipment, machinery, welders, firearms, stock feed, etc I tried to find some myself, but it seems it's a much harder market to find real bargains in.
As for chit chat about that kind of stuff, I guess it just goes in general, don't know if you'd get many contributors in those kind of convos, but who knows.Depends… did you get a parking ticket while doing it?
At Men's Sheds?
Or do you mean an online forum space?