Do people in your life know your user name in ozbargain? How did they find out?
Perhaps someone recognises your writing style, or they accidentally see your comments on work computer or on the phone. Or perhaps they just really know you.
Do people in your life know your user name in ozbargain? How did they find out?
Perhaps someone recognises your writing style, or they accidentally see your comments on work computer or on the phone. Or perhaps they just really know you.
Just the voices in my head know who I really am
Having been to 2 official meetups last year… yeah quite a few do. As for out of OzBargain mates… I hope not. Though my ex is an active member of the community here ;)
Don't date people from OZB meetups.
Would be cool to say we met from OzB. Thankfully the ex does not know my username.
Hi clear… ;)
I did the Casino Dealer AMA and had about 10 people message me and say “I know who you are!” And they were right. :D
Does that bother you?
Nah. I don’t mind. Most of them were friends that I worked with and recognised some of the situations I was talking about and most said it “just sounded like something you would say…”
I didn’t/don’t try to hide who I am online. I know some people do for varied reasons, especially on forums where they don’t want to be held accountable for their actions.
Guilty as charged. Have you seen twitter and associated social media in recent years? Yeah, no way I want anything in text to be attributable to me. In context some of my comments look bad enough. Out of context you could probably make an argument to exile me to a remote desert island…
Yes. They hacked OZB to get my details.
meetups, and when i sent them deals, they could work it out from the comments.
I'm not ashamed of my username.
Who said chivalry was dead?
i've had people at work mention they've seen my comments on here. i'm not exactly trying to hide or anything
I won the SunValley forum competition and it was mailed to "Domingo" at my address. The lady at the post office asked "Is this you???" and looked fairly confused.
So I guess a worker at the post office knows my username…
This username is linked in to other forums, where I've met people in person. I know there's at least 1 of them on here.
Wouldn't take much to put 2 and 2 together.
It's always funny seeing people share Ozbargain posts on FB ;)
I'm watching you….
slowly strips
That you Scab?
@Wystri Warrick: Speaking of Scab, he should be back soon! Out of the penalty box and back to business as usual.
@Zachary: Most likely for being Scab and pushing the envelope. No doubt it was over something he said.
It's always funny seeing people share Ozbargain posts on FB ;)
That's how I found my ex here ;)
I know one friend definitely does, was showing him a Scab comment lol and he saw my username :).
I don't think I know anyone who would know me in real life on this site….and if they did, I'd be like ok cool. It's not like I'm trying to hide anything - hell I'm using my real name as my username just like some others who are also using their real name as their username….who don't care if they get find out or not…
My online status is also public, so anyone will be able to tell me if I am recently on or not and not trying to hide behind a computer screen… if I don't reply to any of your comments, it means either I don't need/want to or busy with something else… Of course there are times I just simply forgot about, so you can go ahead and ping me again to notify me as I am usually on top of reading all comments and posts of anything I participate in.
yes: I was playing and someone asked whether my user name was same on ozbargain. I was shocked for a minute as my mind raced as to who they might be here. It's kind of refreshing to come out of the shadows - it felt like what I imagine a first AA meeting must be like.
No and No,
If someone does then that means I've really pissed them off and I didn't cover my tracks enough online =bad.