1st time posting a deal… please be gentle :)
I bought these headphones at $199 last year (RRP was $299) through an ozbargain deal and they're great!
Plus 3% cashback from cashrewards!
1st time posting a deal… please be gentle :)
I bought these headphones at $199 last year (RRP was $299) through an ozbargain deal and they're great!
Plus 3% cashback from cashrewards!
5% price beat at Officeworks if you hurry.
Damn good price for these fantastic headphones. I bought them about 4 months ago for $176 via The Good Guys (through their sale and Cash Rewards). Really long battery life, very comfortable, ANC is quite good, as is audio quality. And Sony seem to regularly update their app for these headphones as well. It also comes with a 3.5" audio cable for when the battery goes flat, but does not come with a storage case. The earcups fold in/flat, but the whole headphone does not fold up like some others do.
Also available on their eBay site for those with discounted eBay cards or a random 10% off code like my eBay is showing $137.70 :)
How old is it? I know the latest model is something like the third generation.
That’s the 1000x line. Not these.
This model is less than a year old.
How does this compare to Bose qc35? Is qc35 worth another extra $200?
word of warning - lose the 3.5mm cable and you're out ~$50 for a new one. lost mine and due to the recessed 3.5mm jack a standard 3.5mm cable no matter how skinny wont fit. i've even tried hacking the case off the cable plug to no avail. havn't caved and bought a sony one yet, but unfortunately makes these headphones a paper weight when battery is dead..
I've actually got the ZX770BN too but I know this model has the same problem :P I doubt it though for a few $$$ you could try - the sony cable is slim, and then the slimmer piece inside that (the exposed metal plus a few mm of plastic of the same diameter) is longer than standard 3.5mm plug (even though the metal section is likely standard. As I mentioned i've got a slim cable and taken the plastic jacket of it and it still didn't work. This one from bigw is slim and I even removed the plastic casing around the plug completely and it still didn't fit..
I have the ZX770BN and lost the original cable - I got a cheapie cable with molded plastic around the jacks and cut back the plastic with a craft knife to make it fit.
That cable has held up fine for over 18 months…
I bought a fake “Beats” one for $5 at the weekend market and it works perfectly fine.
A lot of Anker battery cases for iPhones require the same elongated 3.5” plug and ship with an adapter for standard 3.5” cables.
You could try finding one of those, I’m sure the Anker spares would be cheaper.
Wrong model number it is 700NB.
The title, and link, both say Sony WHCH7000NB - what exactly is the wrong model number?
Extra zeroes. "WHCH700NB" not same as "WHCH7000NB"
oh wow, I didn't even notice! haha cheers!
700 not 7000
One unit left at officeworks Malaga. I just showed the floor staff the ad on their display computers and showed the till staff the ad again on my phone.
Paid $145.35 after discount.
JB Hi fi in Pitt Street, Sydney just priced matched for me (if that helps anyone)
Thanks! Got one and canceled the TGG online order.
Damn i forgot about officeworks' price beat guarantee and bought it from tgg already!
not worth to waste more time for $7 I guess
Did you at least get the 3.5% cash back from TGG when you bought? If so, close enough to what OW would have offered you.
I did!! thanks i feel better now :)
How do these compare to ozbargain favourites like the QC35 and WH-1000XM3? Obviously those two are substantially more expensive but i'd be interested to know if anyone has compared those ones to these Sony's.
From most reviews, sound quality CH700N >= w1000xm2 > QC35 and for NC: QC35 > w1000 > CH700N
Same as these from Amazon? Save on shipping if prime subscriber
Sony WH-CH700N/BME Over-Ear Headphones, Black https://www.amazon.com.au/dp/B07CKSY9WP/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_apa_i…
Thanks for this. Got these with free shipping and 5% cash back.
Can anyone suggest a hard case that these will fit in?
I can see one on the officeworks site but not sure what the fit is like https://www.officeworks.com.au/shop/officeworks/p/keji-headp…
Looks ok but will see if it fits during lunch break today and let you know
Cheers, thank you
@czechboi: Just came back and it’s a bit tight to fit in. But you can still buy it if you don’t mind slightly overlap the loudspeaks
Thanks OP.
OW staff did have to check the TGG website again and again to make sure it's not on clearance or anything since the delta is so big ($299 vs $153).
Paid $145.35 (and should be getting a few more bucks back from TRS).
Nice one!
Dont you need minimum $300 spend for TRS?
Bought a phone (just under $300) + other items (gst-able) about a month ago from OW, same ABN on the 2 tax invoices.
Thanks op…bought one!
$149 at Aldi 26/1 by the looks of things https://imgur.com/a/Ty8YT4A (page 17)
I cannot establish what difference the 'B' at the end of the model number at goodguys represents. I believe they are same products.
Great post OP! thanks