[Resolved] Press Start Australia Stealing Content from OzBargain, Other Individuals without Giving Credit

Some of you may be aware that Press Start Australia likes to post a lot of bargain guides where they seemingly have insider info on bargains that the public doesn't have access to. I've found a lot of what they post is stolen from Ozbargain and, in one case, they stole my mates photos from a private Facebook group regarding the last batch of Target Switch clearance games.

I understand that technically we do not own these bargains, but when we physically go into a store and scan every item checking for discounts to share with the Ozbargain community, just to have the content stolen and posted without credit on the Press Start site where they must be making some sort of revenue from the clicks, it seems quite dodgy.

Anyone else had their bargains posted by Press Start without credit?

(And before people start pointing this out as a minor issue and to "move on", then why should anything be posted here? Post it on your own websites and generate revenue from clicks to fund your bargain hunting!)

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Press Start Australia
Press Start Australia


  • +14

    This is utterly ridiculous. "Stealing content from OzBargain" is not something we ever do.

    When you say we never credit OzBargain, that's simply not true. I can give you 100s of examples where we have done exactly that. I just quickly looked through our analytics and we actually provided over 14,000 clicks from our articles back to OzBargain in 2018.

    For most of the major gaming bargains, we literally get sent catalogues and specific discounts from Target, Big W, JB Hi-Fi and EB Games weeks before they even happen. We talk to all of these retailer's head offices on a daily basis. Every time Target/Big W has a clearance, they literally send us the entire list of discounted products. These lists have been replicated on OzBargain without credit to us numerous times (but that's the internet and there's nothing you can do).

    I've been a massive fan (and regular member of OzBargain) for as long as I remember. To not use OzBargain as a source would be a massive mistake, as it's a great source of bargains. To say that all of our bargains are "ripped from OzBargain" is simply not the case, as most we have either sourced ourselves, been sent by readers or directly from these retailers.

    In regards to these specific images, I don't recall getting them from a Facebook group as I always reach out to people if I see the images from an individual. I think they were actually sent to me on Twitter or posted in our FB Group, and I just assumed that they were taken from this person. Massive apologies to your friend as this wasn't my intention.

    • +1

      Cool. Thanks for the transparency. Post can be deleted now I guess.

    • Nice, always cool to see a direct reply. I guess I should apologise for taking OP's post at face value, thanks for clearing things up.

  • +12

    Welcome to the internet.

    • +2

      Pretty much exactly what Buzzfeed, Unilad, Ladbible etc do all day long, stealing content for clicks and revenue. It's not right but it's the internet. Good luck trying to enforce your copyright.

      • -1

        …well big companies do….and you get fined for infringement….

    • +1


      Have imaginary Internet points really become so valuable we angst over stuff like this? We're sharing snippets of info about fleeting retail crap that will be worthless in weeks' (or less) to come.

      I see this as a minor issue and suggest you just move on, OP.

      People post here because OzB has a tailored database sitting behind it and the volume of new material makes it worth visiting regularly. The alternative is rather silly - ie than thousands of individuas posting ad hoc deals on their own site in the hope of generating $0.50 per month in AdSense revenue.

  • What do you propose as a solution?

    • All I'd ask is for them to at least provide an Ozbargain link or give credit to the original poster of photos or users on this site. Even if it's just the username. Otherwise it just makes this guy seem like the "all powerful bargain finder".

      Shannon Grixti is the one that does it

      • +2

        What difference does putting your name on it really make? On the contrary, you’ve provided them with more exposure and traffic via this post ironically.

      • How does this affect you personally?

        • Self esteem took a dump

  • Yeah - scummy but unfortunately I'm not sure there's much that can be done, apart from raising awareness as you're doing here.

  • All the time I read about people on various internet forums whinging about stealing content. I used to work in a news room back in the day. Then journos used to have to network through pubs, community groups, and many other ways. Now they just hang out on social media.

  • It is scummy. Sorry to hear this.

  • -1

    I should clarify - I think it's fine that they use the content, but they should be required to acknowledge their sources for their finds like the respectable journalism sites do. As the people who use this site know, bargain hunting is a great community based hobby (lifestyle?) And the reason sites such as Ozbargain are great is that it can help people save money on the things and, generally, people acknowledge, appreciate and give back to the community. No-one is on this site for self-gain outside of getting some upvotes and the occasional associated post.

  • +3

    Topbargains is enemy #1 for this, you just can't help it. In their case, they link to the source that Ozb users link to, just to skip the Ozb link, childish.

  • +1


    164+ Yes, anything you post on Facebook is fair game.

    • -2

      For me it's not about the technicalities. It's a moral issue. I don't use Facebook any more, but I'm well aware of the forfeiture of rights once anything is posted on the site.

  • +1

    quite a niche segment though - just gaming

  • -2

    It's not like ozbargain is the only place that exclusively knows about a sale, i doubt they got it from your "my mates photos from a private Facebook group".

    • Yes they did. They are literally photos taken by my mate. I was with him and they only place he shared them was a Wii U/Switch closed group on Facebook that has a few thousand members.


      • …then that founder guy was probably a member….should round everyone up and ask who that guy is or no more bargains! hahahaha

  • +3

    Never heard of that site before, if you didn't bring it up I would not even know it exists…

  • +2

    The ads on that site are really trashy. No thanks. I do not care what 80s child Hollywood actors look like today.

    • Why are you not using an ad blocking browser or extension?

  • +1

    What about all the "OzBargin" deals that are ripped from coles and Woolworths catalogues with no thanks to Coles. :D:D:D:D:D:D:D

  • +3

    Didn't know what Press Start Australia was, so I googled it. I'm sure many have as well. The owners would be very happy with the free advertising that you have provided.

    Anyway, I had a look. It's mostly about gaming with a few articles on bargains. Hardly a ripoff of OzBargain.

  • News websites do the same with news articles. Tech websites do the same with tech articles.
    Car websites do the same with car articles.
    It's just the way of the internet.
    I just read whichever copy paste crosses my newsfeed first.

  • Ironically, by the time I see Press Start's posts on Facebook, I've already heard about them from Ozbargain.

  • Totally agree with the OP. I see everything here first - then press Start seem to post it without credit and I’m sure they ad their comission links to everyhing.

    More so, I’ve even read some of their news that have ripped from The Verge or a like ……as if they made the discovery and don’t credit the other news site when I LITERALLY read it on my RSS hours before (due to US time zone). Or inversely I’ve read it at press start first as that’s what loaded on my RSS, on a big announcement and I think “NO WAY that can’t be happening”. They haven’t credited (standard practice), so then I check my other feeds and indeed it was on IGN etc etc hours before.


    • Want to show me some examples where we've ripped articles from The Verge or IGN? I know it might be shocking to you, but as one of the biggest video game websites in Australia, we get sent press releases by video game publishers which is where 98% of our news originates from. I rarely read IGN and can't recall visiting The Verge in the last 12 months.

      We surveyed 30,000 readers last year and over 80% said they visited Press Start for breaking news.

  • +2

    Don't shoot me down for this but any bargain I've ever seen posted by Press Start Australia has always given reference to the relevant OzBargain user by inserting their username and making mention to them.

    I work in Media and Communications and can resonate with the Press Start. Media Releases they receive would account for literally nearly all of their articles. Have never had any quarrels with their publications.

    Keep it up, guys!

  • more important question, what the hell is a press start australia?

    • I'll do you one better, why the hell is a press start australia?!

  • Roasted

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