Hey, does anyone know of any good Ipad deals? Current or previous models. Thanks very much!!
iPad DEALS?!

Apple stores will price match on any deals you find.
For the avoidance of doubt: No.
Probably a slight on the fact that OP couldn't be bothered to search and wants others to do the work for them.
Hate these responses.. The whole purpose of OZB is to utilise other people's knowledge of deals in order to save $$$. It's not uncommon for others to be aware of deals that OP hasn't come across. If you don't know the answer - don't comment.
@bargainhunter87: OP can at least do some work and tell us what the best deal he/she has found to date.
Hybroid's comment is spot on
Confirmed when I was looking for a new computer a few days ago. Someone else had too me this but wasn't sure so I asked.
I called Apple and they stated they will only price match up to 10% off their pricing? Eg $519 Officeworks iPad could not be matched by Apple, as Apple Store only offered max. 10% off discount :(
"Ipad DEALS?!"
"what is IPAD?"
and why CAPITAL LETTERs?Oh the negativity lol… I am not up to date with all the websites posting deals etc. I only know JB, Good Guys etc….Asking in case someone had come across a deal on their travels. Not expecting "others to do the work for me"
This is a decent deal, iPad 6th Generation (2018 Year) 128GB $519 @ Officeworks if you are after this model and wanted the bigger size (it's also available in 32GB).
Not expecting "others to do the work for me"
That's literally what you've been doing. This site has a search function and product tags. Use them. If there are no current deals, wait or hunt for one, then share it.
If you don't mind an older model, ipad mini 4 128gb is $398 at Officeworks.
Edit: actually nevermind, price went up
I'd look at the older iPad Pro 9.7". It's pretty similar to the current gen non-pro 9.7". In some ways it's actually superior (overall I'd say it's a tie, maybe a bit behind). You'll get no Apple warranty, and the battery won't be 100%, but you can score a good deal. Here's what I've gotten recently:
Apple iPad Pro 1st Gen. 128GB, Wi-Fi + Cellular, 9.7in Space Grey - $490 - 5% coupon = $465.50, paid with eBay gift cards purchased at 10% off, so out of pocket = $418.95. This came with a Logitech Create iPad Keyboard Case, really nice in my opinion (it's actually usable sitting in your lap, not like others I've had that wobble and tip right over).
I then bought another iPad Pro 9.7", same specs (but without case) for $569 - 20% coupon = $455.20, paid with eBay gift cards purchased at 15% off, out of pocket = $386.92. Add on an Otterbox Defender for ~$20 ($15USD for refurb, didn't have great rating because people purchasing it didn't notice it was for the older PRO, and not the current gen non-Pro iPad 9.7"), I'm still well under what others are paying for the base model iPad 9.7.
Now, I don't currently see an awesome deal like this, but keep an eye out on eBay coupons. Hopefully you already got a buttload of 10% and/or 15% off eBay gift cards. I'd also check Facebook marketplace and Gumtree, note that you don't get buyer protection so make sure it's a better deal than you can get off eBay, and make sure it's completely unlocked before you hand over the cash. I'd really lean heavily toward eBay for this kind of purchase; I shoot a quick video of me unboxing it, showing the details on the back, and showing it booted up. If I had later problems (was locked, imei blocked, etc.) I can prove that that's the unit I received.
Just to confirm, you’re buying new, refurbished or used?
Refurbished or used. Hence "no Apple warranty" and "battery won't be 100%" (it was right around 90% health on the first and I think 95% health on the second, of course YMMV).
My son's new school requires an iPad, and it can't be a mini. For the price they were charging for just the recommended iPad (iPad 6th gen 128GB wifi), I was able to get an iPad Pro 9.7 128GB wifi+cellular, the Otterbox Defender case (I think they wanted $140 for theirs), an Apple Pencil, plus some other minor accessories, and I still had $$ left over. With all the money "saved", I can easily self-insure.
Yep fair enough. I’d do the same for the kids as it will likely get lost, stolen or dropped!
Optus and Telstra have a pretty good offer on the 2018 iPad 9.7 Wifi+LTE models at the moment:
Optus: $25/mo for the 32GB model (+$5 for 128GB) + 3GB data on a 24mo contract) = $600 total cost (RRP $669)
https://www.optus.com.au/shop/tablet-watch/tablets/apple-ipa…Telstra: $29/mo for the 32GB model (+$5 for 128GB) + 10GB data on a 24mo contract) = $696 total cost (RRP $669) - I prefer the Telstra network and think the extra data is worth it https://www.telstra.com.au/tablets/tablet-plans/29-companion (I'm not an existing customer but live chat still offered this to me)
I went with the Optus deal an Xmas perfect for spreading the payments out
They sound quite good. Thanks very much for the info Blonky! Much appreciated!
US SITE i think but - https://computers.woot.com/offers/apple-ipad-pro-9-7-tablets…
has been featured in some news articles