Was in JB yesterday looking for an external HDD, They had all these marked down to $99 was at Warringah Mall store.
Great price for a usb3 drive that comes with backup WD smart ware backup software
Western Digital My Book Essential 1TB External Hard Drive USB3 $99 In store

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Good deal for all States other than ACT/NSW
Staples deal was much better and given HD is removable on that one while this one being newer(I assume) would not be so lucky!
grab it now before they print another catalogue CORRECTION!…those sneaky ones…
Not a price error
Same product same price @ Officeworks
Anyone else seen/bought this for $99 at their local store? Anyone frm Perth?
eh 1tb, for the mere increase in speed go with the usb 2.0 2tb $99 offer when it comes around!
But twice the size at (say) 1/3 the speed = an eternity to fill a 2TB at USB 2.0 speeds
Hmmm, you guys always talk about how fast USB 3.0 compare with USB 2.0, I want to ask you guys how many times a day you are going to transfer 300GB files a day? Or if just for backup and storage, does the speed really matter? It might save you 30 minutes to transfer 800GB from pc to harddisk but if I can live with that I would rather buy a 2TB USB 2.0 with same price as 1TB USB 3.0.
I don't currently even have a computer with USB 3.0 ports on it, but I made a decision at the beginning of this year that I would not buy any more USB 2.0 storage devices. Why? Because it's old technology and there is no reason to not get the ability to get better speeds.
We are the stage where the (manufacturing) cost difference is marginal… basically it's down to what the manufacturer's marketing department thinks they can charge as a premium for USB 3.0 over USB 2.0.
So, this is a 1TB drive for $99… Personally I would not pay that much for a 1TB. But I jumped and bought TWO of the 1TB USB 3.0 drives from Staples this week, because at $49.95 each THAT is a real bargain (half the cost of this).
Does the speed difference matter? For me it does, I transfer 10GB files continually from computer to portable drive. At 30MB/sec it takes about 6 minutes per file over USB 2.0. When I get a new computer with USB 3.0, then it'll take 1/4 to 1/3 that time. If I buy a USB 2.0 hard drive, then it'll never go any faster.
As for your 800GB example… on USB 2.0 it would take 7.5 HOURS to tranfer over USB 2.0, and probably less that 2 hours over USB 3.0. We are not "getting overly excited" about just a 30 minute saving! I think that you are underestimating the slowness of the old USB 2.0 interface once you start moving terabytes around.
I transfer about 100GB each time I'm editing video. So speed is most certainly an issue.
If a company brought out a Thunderbolt drive for double this price, I would be ecstatic.Thunderbolt..pfft
Intel and Apple are definitely not pro-ozbargainer. Look at SSD(intel) and even basic Apple hard drives. Anything branded crApple will definitely be double even triple the price of a similar PC item. I rather wait until Intel/Apple announce PCIe support for older laptops/compsWon't somebody please think of the children?
Thumbs down from me - as this is the standard price on these on the shelves at Office Works. I was checking them out this week here in Brisbane (Oxley) because I've lost the power supply on the one I currently own:-
They have
1.5GB USB2 for $89
1GB USB2/USB3 for $99
2GB USB2/USB3 for $169I'm most tempted by the last of these - via OW's 5% price-beat with Umart who list it at $159.
that's pretty expensive for 1/1.5/2GB.surely even SSDs wont be that expensive
What you mean is Terabyte
Thanks - my bad - and yes VERY expensive for "1GB"! Should read:
1.5TB USB2 for $89
1TB USB2/USB3 for $99
2TB USB2/USB3 for $169I'm most tempted by the last of these @ $151 - via OW's 5% price-beat with Umart who list it at $159
three point oh thumbs up.
good deal for 3.0