Received a jb hifi email that promoted an offer of 2 months free of kayo sports basic when you purchase an ipad from jb hifi.
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Received a jb hifi email that promoted an offer of 2 months free of kayo sports basic when you purchase an ipad from jb hifi.
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My month normally goes for around 4 weeks… Kayo Sports is offering 14days
Although it says ends 31st Dec the one month free trial via the link below seems to be still active.
Link - Kayo one month free trial
Credit to @scubacoles for the original deal.
As stated above, the month free trial is still working, so yes, a month does go for around 4 weeks.
First go at Kayo watching ufc replay it’s shit, the voice to image is 30sec-1min ahead even with a strong internet connection, fast forward is painfully slow, haven’t watched live yet will see how that goes
the voice to image is 30sec-1min ahead even with a strong internet connection
Reckon you might have a problem with whatever device you're trying to view it on, or its network connection.
Are you trying to chromcast to watch? There is known issues at the moment with chromcasting in this app. Especially if it's to a nvidia shield or something that's "chromcast compatible"
using telstra tv
That'll be the issue then. They are looking into fixing the issue now. If you are using an actual chromcast it works great apparently. I get mega lag using my nvidia shield at home but airplaying to my apple tv works flawless.
There is a known audio sync issue with the TTV1 that they are still working on fixing (same issue was fixed for the TTV2 a few weeks back).
Send feedback to Kayo here:
@RogueWolf: No probs.
Yeah the FFWD / RWD is limited to 4x at this stage, but I found skipping using the d-pad to be slightly quicker.
Good news is they have started to implement resume / continue watching for content on both the TTV1 and TTV2, so if you stop / accidentally back out of something you are watching, you won't have to FFWD back to where you were watching.
I have been using Kayo now for over a month and have streamed mainly cricket, but never had any issues with audio or video.
The only issue was when I Chromecast it to my tv, it would buffer every 15secs (known issue).
Purchased a Chromecast ultra last month, and since then, it's been HD streaming with no buffer and no lag.
What a garbage deal. Should be 12 months free.
Could you just not settle for 1 month free via the Kayo website and not fork out $1,000+ for an iPad?