I have lots of annoying ants. They are small but keep digging out the sand of my pavers. Any suggestions to kill them?
Best way to kill small ants outside

Adopt an echidna.
Adopt an
echidnachildGive your new kid a magnifying glass and tell him/her to go play outside
Humans are much more expensive than echidnas.
Also, what you're suggesting is likely to cause eye damage without welding goggles.
Do it during an eclipse.
Echidnas do a heap more damage to the landscaping ironically, spring was terrible for them this year, hundreds of the bloody things.
Damn that native wildlife!!
Amdro will get rid of them. Expensive but gets rid of them for 3-6 months as it destroys the colony.
+1 for Amdro, but yes it is exy! Have used it a few times with great results. The active ingredient is hydramethylnon, so you can go for PestXpert $40 at Bunnings. Have used it plenty of times with good results too. You really don't need much of this stuff so it lasts a while.
Pour petrol down their holes and light them up.
Wait till after new years so no bad luck
You can try diatomaceous earth (food grade)
You can buy heaps of different things most of which will do very little except for move the ants around. The best option is to pay a profesional about $150 and you wont see any ants for over a year but they spray your entire property from the back fence to the kerb with poison. I do it every few years, it probably works out cheaper in the long run but I don't like all that poison.
hot boiling water or get an ant eater as a pet
Or both , then he can have a lovely ant soup (the ant eater or OP, whichever is hungry at the time)
I’ve tried hot water, bleach, spray on etc etc and nothing worked. Finally I came across Talon ant gel which worked wonderfully for me. You can find these at your local Coles and Woolies. It kills the colony by targeting the queen so the effects can take a while before you notice it. Read the review here.
Pour boiling water into the nest holes.
Use surface spray or powder from Bunnings or the supermarket if they're still there.A shoe
Have you tried talking them into suicide?
won't work, someone keeps giving them the number for beyondblue
If this comment has raised concerns, or if you need support, contact Lifeline 13 11 14 or Beyond Blue 1300 22 4636.
Give them heart disease, high blood pressure and/or diabetes.. oh wait that's humans.
AntRid is a waste of money - doesn't work. Talon Ant Gel from Coles or Woolies is the go!
Yep, Antrid is pointless.
Best to read this post Advice for Getting Rid of Rodents (Anything Religious or Superstitious I Should Be Aware of?) there maybe some consequences you aren't aware of.
Vacuum cleaner.
If you are in Perth on the coast, Amdro is about the only thing that will work
they seem to thrive on Antrid around there.
Mortein 2lt Outdoor Spray.
use the hose to wash them away
use surface spray
baby powder, if you have a few dry days coming in a rowPlace dry ice over their holes and cover the co2 will travel thru their holes starving the ants of oxygen.
A couple of options. You could buy Bifenthrin concentrate, which comes in a small bottle from say Bunnings for around $70 and then a vacuum pump sprayer pack, for around $5, mix the concentrate according to the manufacturers specs and go to town. The Bifenthrin will soak into the ground to a degree, but largely it’s unlikely to kill the nest and is rather better as a barrier spray.
The other, much costlier option, with no necessary guarantees is to buy some Fipronil and do the same thing, but I believe you need more product, and it’s very expensive but it has the potential to be much more effective at controlling the population, to a degree.
Black ants, any ants really, are super important in the ecosystem, and whilst I can appreciate that it’s annoying to have them in your yard they do certainly have an important role.
The other big issue with using Fipronil in above ground circumstances, or just generally, is the risk of cross contamination with other species, where there is a hypothesis that Fipronil is responsible for large scale reduction of honey bees in France, which is a big deal because of their role in cross pollination.
I’d suggest trying Bifenthrin first, and seeing how you go. Ants love the sand unfortunately.
Used perfume. No brand.
I admit to using expired CK One to down mosquitos. Does smell funky, but it works.
Heston Blumenthal.
Diatomaceous Earth - but you'll have to buy it online (not found at Bunnings) so you'll have to swallow a shipping cost worth 100% of the item.
Works like a charm though. Kills ants physically rather than chemically so they can't develop a resistance. Sprinkle on ant trails and hives if you can see them.
From what I understand, it's basically small fragments of silica which cut the ant's exoskeleton and dehydrate it. Within a few hours you'll notice the ants aren't walking the same.
I have a dog so this was the only pet-friendly option that actually yielded a long term result.
Looks interesting. I have just got a puppy so l also need to be careful. Thanks
I remember watching a documentary where an entomologist said he looks after the ants as they are the natural enemy of termites and he would rather have ants than termites at his house
A sledgehammer.
Realistically though, I guess it depends on whether you have pets or children as to what you decide to use if you have an aversion to chemicals. I have in the past tried antrid, worked ok, boiling water down the nest a few times, seemed to work, petrol down the nest worked really well but not very environmentally friendly.
These days, as I have no kids or pets around, I just use spray at the entry points in the house as I find them.
Ant sand.