Scoopon, What Is Your Postal Address for Fair Trading Complaints?

Hey Scoopon,

I understand that you won't give out your phone number, but it looks like people will be lodging complaints with various Fair Trading Offices around Australia. Unless you really want to get off to a bad, bad start with these government agencies, by forcing them to contact you via email and get a "ticket", you really should let us know what your postal address is. If your claim of wanting to have records of communication between yourself and buyers is the real reason you won't give out your phone number, then a postal address should not be a problem as it would require written communication by its very nature.

So, what is the address you want listed on the complaint forms?

MOD (Davo): General users, Please see scotty's comments below before commenting (to avoid being moderated)

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    • +2


      I guess if Scoopon doesn't respond, that address could be put on the compaint forms going into Fair Trading Offices ALL AROUND Australia.

      • Fair Trading will achieve nothing. Once you lodge a complaint with CTTT and have a hearing date booked, they magically get all your emails and start responding.

        They still don't resolve anything though… just maintain a very thinly veiled facade of co-operation. Still waiting for my PS3 from Crap-of-the-Day from November.

        • +2

          Here in WA, they are pretty proactive. They have even pursued things where no one was actually affected. Dept of consumer protection and employment somethingorother. If and when I have a complaint against Scoopon that Scoopon ignores, I will go straight to them.

  • +1

    Thanks. I recently posted how to get the publicly available infomation on addresses of 99.9% of registered voters in Australia. Home addresses aren't really germaine to this query however. It is the business that has taken the money. I wonder if the tax man knows they are in business. Below is from their terms and conditions, taken from their website right now.

    1.1. This agreement is formed between you and Scoopon Pty Ltd (ABN 142 251 876) ("Scoopon")

      • +1

        I don't think they issue tax invoices…….. I just checked my print out voucher. No ABN shown.

        The email you get when you buy isn't a tax invoice. Interesting.

        • +3

          The plot thickens - they seem to be quoting their ACN in leiu of their ABN. Are they ever the exact same number?

          According to a brief web search:
          All businesses with an GST turnover of $75,000 or more must register for GST and will need an ABN to do this.

          You would assume Scoopon would have a turnover of $75K, should charge GST and issue tax invoices. Otherwise all services provided indirectly by Scoopon ie. all those meals, waxes, hair removals etc have all been provided GST free. That's gotta be illegal.

        • Maybe someone can decifer this:
          I've read through it and am more confused than ever. This gives the impression that all documents need an "ACN", but you can alternatively use an "ABN", not the other way around. Complicated much?

        • +1

          When I saw the ABN search pasted by bendertiger, the first thing I noticed was the GST registration. Businesses definitely have to register for GST as long as your gross business income (excluding any GST amounts etc) is over $75,000. Very surprised they are not registered.

        • -1

          Hi voteoften,

          We can issues tax invoices upon request. If you need one, you can send an email to our support team how will send this back to you as quickly as possible.

          We are hoping that a facility will be available soon to display your tax invoices in your account screen also, so that you can receive them instantly if you wish.

          Kind Regards,
          Team Scoopon.

      • you can request a tax invoice from scoopon. mine took 2 weeks to process (which seems a bit long) and shows that the invoices are issued by ABN 84 022 950 823 - an entity that is registered for GST. obviously this is a different entity to the one mentioned in the T&C page of scoopon's website, though what consequence this may or may not be is beyond me. if you want to know the name of the issuing entity you can check it yourself with the ABN lookup tool at

    • I wouldn't mind learning how to find addresses for most of the registered voters in Australia. Would you mind posting up the link? thanks!

      • You have to go into any Australian Electoral Commission (AEC) office. I think you can only search the state you are in. They generally have terminals, you just sit down and start surfing. Usually they will ask you if you need any help. :-)

  • +1

    ABN status: Cancelled from 29 Mar 2010

    • -1

      Hey Ashlea,

      We have got a new ABN. Unfortunately, I don't have those details in front of me right now - but I can find them if you wish. The old ABN was cancelled a while ago. Let me know if you want these details, because I'll need to track them down for you.

      Kind Regards,
      Team Scoopon.

  • +4

    I'm calling the ATO tomorrow.

    • Are you on some sort of vendetta? LOL

      • +1

        No. Not at all. I love Scoopon. I hate the way they apparently treat customers who have issues. I have probably bought over 100 scoopons. Only had a couple of disappointments. I am careful what I buy. No cleaning. No car servicing (although they haven't offered this yet). I now watch and see how many sell before I buy because I don;t want to get trapped in crap service. I google every company I don;t personally know before I buy.

        • +2

          " I now watch and see how many sell before I buy because I don;t want to get trapped in crap service. "

          I do this too… but googling a company and finding out more about it, is a good idea!

    • voteoften - nice one :-)

    • I just called 13 28 66 and a recording said they were too busy to take my call and I should try back later.

      • That sounded like Scoopon bought out ATO too ;)
        They are not responding calls now~
        Did the recorded message said something like "Due to OVERWHEALMING demand, please leave a message after the tone. If you are scoopon user, try call back later!" =)

  • Yes Sparkles, the deal in Perth today was for $49. They are close to 4000 sold. That is about $200,000 in one city in one deal. This deal may close when it hits 4000 and they may list a new one which might also sell out. This happens a lot in Perth because there is not much of a presence here by the other companies.

    • The scale of it is pretty amazing. Even if they are only taking a 10% commission, that's still $20K/Day in one city. You would think they'd have had their tax lawyers all over this - the thought that they possibly haven't been charging GST boggles my mind. Are you guys sure?

      • Even if they are only taking a 10% commission

        it's not 10%, but a figure way higher(i think 30-40%)

        Even Here

        The websites that facilitate this service will take a bite out of the profits you make on the promotion, with their commission charges ranging from 10% to 50%.

        scoopon possible 35%

        • The medi-spa I went to the other day said Scoopon took 30% and gave them their money up front and straight away, if my recollection is correct.

  • +2


    If it's all above board the investigation will come back clear. There is absolutely no harm reporting them as long as it's in good faith.

    • +1

      Exactly. I am just interested in whether the ATOs "terms and conditions" have been followed.

  • I have remove all the comments posting Scoopon/Catch of the Day address(es) here. Although those info can be obtained from ASIC, they are still private information and please do not post them here on OzBargain.

    Please contact Scoopon using their official channel.

    • The ATO still isn't answering their phones.

      • Same message, even at 8pm AEST. I wonder if they forgot and have left the same "go away" massage for months.

    • +1

      They contacted you to remove this? Wow.

      Did they answer the question voteoften asked?

  • +2

    Funny that the address of catch was removed…

    Clearly posted on

    Scroll right to the bottom! I'm sure scotty just made a mistake…

    • Yes — for the address, what's on their website remains on their website. I was contacted by Scoopon regarding the address posted here. But yeah, feel free to point to the exact spot where you can find it on their website. There is no need to copy and paste them here.

      • Well I'll be damned…I'm surprised they even contacted you then, my mistake scotty!

        • No problem. Internet privacy and defamation thingy is tricky even here in Australia, so excuse me for making some of the decisions.

  • +1

    Any defamation action would most likely be answered by extensive discovery.

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