Under $200 not bad
Also available from Tech.Mall eBay for the same price
EB have stock at 248 (plus shipping) with the controller too, if you fancy their warranty and easy returns, I have no experience with CentreCom though, they could be perfectly fine.
I will say that I bought this in the last few months and it is F*&%ING AMAZING :) Works flawlessly playing files across the network as well as IPTV and Netflix/YouTube etc.
One of the best purchases I have ever made and I paid $233 for it.
Debating between getting another XBOX One S or a Shield TV……
hmm this shield or and xbox/ps4?
i assume the consoles run plex?
Shield will play 4K MKVs without a hitch. Plex on the Xbox at least, has to transcode so you'll need a powerful server or at least something hardware accelerated.
I really want to use my Xbox as the main Plex client. Bought a Shield and it was okay, I'm giving it away to my dad though, not a fan of the frame rate switching issues. Though I REALLY like HD audio passthrough.
Have settled on a Apple TV 4K it's the best of the bunch so far even without the passthrough. Only the Shield does that.
If Plex ever get their **** together, I'll go back to the Xbox.
@beatsntoons: i have a synology nas as my plex server, would that make things better?
i saw that PS4 pro also has Plex is that better than Xbox?
@furythree: sorry I missed your message. Depends which NAS and whether it supports hardware decoding. Which model?
@furythree: Yep, you're good to go!
"10-bit 4K H.265 video transcoding on the fly"
edit: actually it's a bit weird it says "With Video Station and DS video you can convert and play 4K videos from any computer, mobile device, or other media players that don't support Ultra HD formats"
I'm hoping that it doesn't require a specific video app to play (i.e. Plex won't do it). Best bet is to ask on the Plex forums. The CPU can definitely hardware decode, but I don't know if Synology lock it down for their app.
What do you mean by IPTV?
Can this replace a Mac mini, thinking about this as the Mac can’t play 4K files.
iView Android TV Beta Test available for those interested (SBS one should be available early next year too):
Hmm, my Shield is in the mail and will replace my ChromeCast. I assumed that ABC and SBS had android TV apps already. Oh well, at least they are working on it.
ABC does though I don't think it's in tthe app store (atleastfor the mibox) I found an apk to side load a while ago, SBS does nnot though there is a unofficial SBS app on github you could side load but its a bit buggy.
Sorry, cheaper elsewhere. It's been this price at Shopping Express eBay for 1-2 weeks already and at Computer Alliance eBay a few days ago it was approx $175 for almost a week.
That’s great news. I agree that this is the best streaming box out and hands down better than using my smart tv. Was really only waiting for iView and SBS to flesh it out for Australian viewing.
Thanks OP, you reminded me to check EB for stock again, and they have some again, C&C unavailable though.
I paid 248, plus 8 shipping, but I had a shitload of EB credit left over from various deals so out of pocket was zero, and it came with the controller.
Kentwall (top comment on here) has a slightly cheaper deal, but if you fancy EB's warranty and ease of return, hit this up https://ebgames.com.au/pc-244112-NVIDIA-Shield-TV-Bundle-PC#
Wish I got one with the controller…. Im just not sure how special the controller is as I have 3 OUYA pads lol
Geez, what're you doin' with 3 of those?
Is the games played using this device is good???
Here's the video that convinced me to buy one, this guy hasn't bullshat my yet.
Thanks, soon would buy one
Cheaper here for $180 free shipping
With Controller for $245 free shipping