This was posted 6 years 2 months 17 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

(PC) Free - Anno 1602 (Was $3.49) @ Ubisoft


Get the game for free when you claim it from within the Uplay Launcher/app.

Click on "Get it for free before 12/23."

"To celebrate 20 years of Anno, we will be giving away the game where it all began for 5 days. If you remember what Windows 95 looked like or if you were born in the 21st century take the time to discover or replay this classic for free. You can claim the game from 17 December at 17:00 to 22 December at 23:00."

ANNO 1602 – Creation of a New World. By combining construction and strategy within one game, ‘ANNO 1602 – Creation of a New World’ opens up a whole new genre of games. Far better than any previous trade or economy simulation game, ‘ANNO 1602’ allows the player to create a realistic and vivid world entirely based on your imagination. The aim is to discover an island world, to colonize and to expand it and to trade with other islands. But you also have to defend this world against possible enemies!

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closed Comments

  • Not free for Aussies? "Seems this is not the store dedicated to your country. Not available for purchase due to geographical restrictions. This/these items may be available in your store." I haven't tried using a VPN on UPlay before. Does anyone have any experience in doing this?

    The Australian page is charging $3.49 AU :…
    It's illegal to discriminate by age, gender, sexuality, ethnicity, religion, but geographical discrimination is all the rage. F$#k you capitalism.

    • +3

      Did you see the "Get it for free before 12/23" link on the ANZ link you provided?

      • Thanks chibot.

        Could you reword your OP to make it clearer:
        Get the game for free when you claim it from within the Uplay Launcher/app.

        • +1

          Updated, thank you. Sleepy (it's 2230 in Finland).

      • You mean the far less prominent button underneath the "Add to Cart" button?

    • It worked fine for me using the "Get it for free before 12 / 23" button underneath the "Add to cart" button.

    • It's illegal to discriminate by age, gender, sexuality, ethnicity, religion, but geographical discrimination is all the rage. F$#k you capitalism.

      It's not illegal to discriminate with pricing.

      They have reasons to do region specific promotions or giveaways and it's been happening since the dawn of marketing.

      • If you've got a single product that you offer for one price to men and another price to women, then that almost definitely is illegal.

        It's legal because location isn't a characteristic protected by our discrimination laws, rather than differential pricing not counting as discrimination.

        • If you've got a single product that you offer for one price to men and another price to women, then that almost definitely is illegal.

          That wouldn't normally happen if the men and women are in the same country.

          But have you heard of car insurance? Yeah that is literally an example of prices being different for men and women. Men are considered a higher risk than women so they have to pay more. Similarly, the costs of goods in one country might in general be more expensive than in another country due to higher average income, and therefore that country is expected to pay more for a product because they already pay more for everything else.

          It's legal because location isn't a characteristic protected by our discrimination laws, rather than differential pricing not counting as discrimination.

          It can be called discrimination in the absence of a better word, but every market has different economics, laws, taxes, shipping costs and demand. It is very normal for availability, pricing, and giveaways to differ from region to region for any number of reasons. This is 100% legal and even if someone had a genuine racial hatred for Aussies, they could still hide behind the above considerations as their given reasoning, and you wouldn't be able to challenge it.

  • Love that game!

  • +3

    Thanks. Can be claimed 2 ways:

    1) Open Anno 1602 UBI store website page.
    2) Click "Get it for free before 12/23" under add to cart.
    3) Open with UBI application on PC.
    3) Click Cancel or install.


    1) Launch UPLAY app on PC
    2) Click "Anno 1602 Giveaway!" on top menu bar.
    3) Click "Get Your Copy For Free" on the Anno 20th Anniversary window"
    4) Click Cancel or Install

    Game now in UPLAY Games library
    Download Size: 557.20mb / Installed: 609mb

    After starting the game from launcher. Game plays fine after screen resolution change to default 800x600. Just that there is very bad flickering of the UPLAY launch screen over the game that makes it unplayable on my Windows 10 PC. Worst flickering is the intro movie.

    • I get the same it's unplayable.

  • +3

    Odd, mine keeps opening an Activation Code window.

    Edit: Restarting uPlay resolved it.

  • Game looks like a bit of Emperor Rise of the Middle Kingdom + Tropico….

  • So I downloaded and launched the game to see what the game was like….and I get this something similar to this: and this was posted in 2013:… and basically said Ubisoft no longer supports the game….lovely….if they no longer support the game, why are they still selling it?! Hah….

  • +1

    Worked fine for me. Obtained offer from Uplay PC app.

    Don't try to play from the link in Uplay. Instead, find you Ubisoft folder (Program Files perhaps - I have mine installed elsewhere), anyway you want \Ubisoft\Ubisoft Game Launcher\games\Anno 1602\Eng, and in this folder look for Config. Run this and set screen resolution to 1024x768 (maximum). Click OK. Now run 1602 application. Right-click and send to > desktop (as shortcut) so you don't have to do this every time.

  • +1

    Ok, after playing for a good 6 hrs straight, I can conclude gameplay is a mixture of Emperor Rise of the Middle Kingdom + Tropico + Age of Empires + a bit of Sid Meier's Civilization diplomacy. Would be nice if they had right click as the action button and not have the same left button do both selecting and action as I'm used to that setup on other R/TTS games…

    The game seems to randomly crash without error to desktop so make sure to save often……oh and you need to create a save folder (Savegame folder in .\Anno 1602\Eng) in the game directory for the actual save files to be saved or else you won't be able to load them back in case of a crash or from a break…..learnt that the hard way…..

    A bit more tutorial missions to cover all the aspects of the game would have been nice, like how to find island with ore on it(or just general tips on choosing the best island for your startup colony), how to load/unload units onto a ship, how farming crops work, or building units, etc, you know just to get a first time player whose never ever played this game(and this is supposedly the first that started the franchise series….) before's feet wet at least once in everything…..

    After that you don't need to remind them of "Oh this spot looks like it's got an iron ore vein you so you should probably setup base here first" and just let the players off themselves without anymore hand holding….

    A widescreen or higher resolution patch is needed, looks like shite on my 2560x1440 monitor even at max game's resolution of 1024x768… have to use DxWnd to run in window'd as well as fixing the colour issue…….Oh man, I feel bad for those who ran this game on their big screen 40" or bigger 4K 3840x2160 monitors all blown up to full screen……bllleeeeeuuuggggghhhh………….

    And a fix for those random crashes would also be nice too.

    Also the only way to quit in the middle of a game is to ALT + F4…..there doesn't appear to be a quit button option anywhere in the options menu unless I'm blind…..

    • Spot on review for others ( newbie ). Very good old game, I remember spending summer in year 10 to figure out how to play this game. And that is the thrill which is missing in the modern game. The multiplayer works for 20mins then crash all the time every time.

      • I think I may have found out what is causing the crash - it's the music option or and hardware acceleration…..turn that stuff off and I could run it for a few hours straight without it ever crashing…..granted though I was running windows XP at the time when I did that so it might not work on windows 7….or newer… on windows XP I don't even need DxWnd to fix the rainbow colour artifacting……..apparently it never happens……

        AS for exiting the game I found where it was hidden - it was hidden at the save menu, when you go to save the game in the options, right the the right of load, there is "Exit"……

        I've also found out the AI Cheats……they have aristocrats but no gold to make jewelry and no other player has access to a gold mine except me……unless they get gold/jewelry from the free traders or and pirates….? If they don't, then I guess it's fair game that I also should be able to cheat whenever I need to too…….such as when I get in huge debts not not managing my expenses and income enough…….or my iron ore mine decides to deplete itself……..when I need it the most……

        • Forgot to mention, this game actually plays in surround sound…. 7.0 channels……haven't seen it use the LFE channel yet so no 7.1 from me….but that positioning of sound effects is …quite well done I would say or at least I was immersed more into the game by it…..for a game that was released what? 1998 according to that store page…..thought all games were stereo only until recently and only movies were surround sound capable…..

          What other old games have surround support? heh…

    • Usingn DxWnd I can run it in FHD though. It is fairly stretchy

      • Yes it is very stretchy……which is the part that I don't like….I prefer black bars to keep the aspect ratio in check than see anything stretched…..

        • +1

          But even then that's still stretched a bit, but at least aspect ratio is maintained so it's not as bad….

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