NB: Use Chrome or another browser which can translate German
Follow the link of the deal
In the box "Promo-Code eingeben" enter: CHIP-R9YL1-T8N47
Enter your e-mail in the box "E-Mail-address eingeben"
Then click on the button "SENDEN"
On receipt of an e-mail click on the button "BITDEFENDER INSTALLIEREN"
In Bitdefender Central activate the license that has been sent to you
Offer valid when you install Bitdefender Antivirus using a new account.
Provides a 6-month trial version to protect 5 devices on Windows, MacOS, iOS and Android.
The license is for domestic use (personal).
The license takes effect from the date of registration.
You get free updates during the license period.
No free technical support.
Credit to Ambrei @dealabs
Thanks OP — "accidentally" got myself too many keys.
For those who don't want to share their email address (or already have a Bitdefender subscription), you can log into Bitdefender Central, choose My Subscriptions on the left and then use one of the following Activation Codes:
You should get a popup like this.
Or, if you want, you can always just create an account at Bitdefender Central and use one of the above codes.
PS: It doesn't stack :(