What has been the lowest price on these? I’ve been watching eBay but can’t find anything that great
Windows mixed reality cheapest?
Understandable on 17/12/2018 - 13:20
GarysOnline eBay store
How is Gary and his online store going nowdays?
He could also try on eebay or anazom :-)
I heard plumtree is pretty good.
Facebok marsketplatz is my go to site
Gumtree i got my headset for $250
Cheapest regular price I know about is the HP unit at JB for $400, it's not eBay cheap but not too bad for some brick and mortar instant gratification and no fuss warranty:
I picked up a refurbed Lenovo Explorer from GarysOnline eBay store for $287
I got it on a 20% off deal earlier this month, https://www.ebay.com.au/itm/Lenovo-Explorer-With-Motion-Cont…