This was posted 6 years 2 months 21 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

[PS4] Detroit Become Human $35, The Last of Us Remastered $17, Uncharted 4: Thief's End $17 @ BIG W

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Doesn't say a start or end date. I picked up a fair amount of games for $200 so I thought I would share. Not huge discounts but might save you a few dollars.

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closed Comments

  • Skynet is self aware

    • and instead of ending it all I'm posting on ozb. /r/aboringdystopia

      • Haha perhaps this is just a modern way of controlling everything before unleashing devastation!

    • +1

      It also knows that T6 is unlikely to match the first 2.

  • +3

    I swear the two games i want (Nioh and Nier) never go on sale.

    • I got Nioh 12 months ago for $20 from the EB end of year sale. You might be lucky.

    • +10

      $23 for Nioh on Amazon Australia. Is that not good enough, or you want a sale price on that……..?

      • -1


        • +2

          on psn store Nioh is $21.95 and Nioh – Complete Edition is $27.98


      • -3

        Amazon sucks stop promoting that site

    • What do you consider a worthwhile price for Nier?

      • Well, it came out around the same time has HZD…so $20

        • +1

          Best you could do at the moment would be importing from Ozgameshop for $30.99.

          Personally I think it's well worth that price, but everyone's different.

  • I want assassin's Creed odyssey on sale, I missed the last two $39 offers :(

  • Might as well wait for God of War: game of the year edition I think.

    • +1

      Just because they won GOTY doesn't necessarily mean they'll re-release the game. There's no DLC for it, and no plans for DLC as far as I know.

    • +6

      There is nothing to put in the GOTY version? There is no additional content for the game.

      • GOTY Definitive Cover…. just bought GoW & Detroit =)

      • +2

        Which is a shame in the sense that they cant show off their GOTY title. In saying that though Im a huge fan of them not releasing any dlc, reminds me of the good old days before all these current game dlc to milk us some more. No dlc = more content for the next God Of War game

        Perhaps they can do a Playstation Hits repackage but with GOTY ;)

        • Just google for a game of the year image, print it on a sticker and stick it on the case. Problem solved.

      • Damn, really? I haven't got the game yet because I assumed there was DLC. I would buy an overpriced GOTY special edition. That comes with fake kratos beard.

        • LOL… That's salty. Obviously, you don't like the game.

  • Missed out Fifa 19. Waiting for it to be $35 again!

    • I could have sold it to you for $35 but got shafted by EB Games on a trade in from a PS4 pro bundle.

      • Out of curiosity, how much did EB give you for it?

        • $24. Should have said no but I really am not interested in FIFA and used the credit toward RDR2

          • @michaelpls: Lol and they sell it for $59 used. You got conned big time

  • +1

    As an FYI, Amazon has matched some of these offers. Slightly better with Cashback.

  • Anyone know if this Detroit in any good?

    Unchartered 4 wasn't too bad but was pretty easy to complete. Never played the previous ones.
    Playing Bloodbourne at the moment and dying like a million times…. FML

    • +2

      Detroit is amazing if you like the game style of Heavy Rain/Beyond: Two Souls. If you don't like the style, I definitely recommend watching a playthrough since the story is amazing.

      Uncharted 4 made me feel empty inside after finishing it…

      Bloodborne… ohhhh shit that makes me cry tears of frustration.

      • Nah haven't played those, just had a watch of Heavy Rain but now I'm umming and aahhing about it so thanks for the advice.
        I don't get alot of time to game so I usually find myself skipping through any story content where possible.

        • +1

          I usually find myself skipping through any story content where possible.

          Then definitely not a game for you.

    • Have you played beyond two souls and/or heavy rain? Some people like that type of games, some don't. Detroit is like the next iteration of that type of games with current gen graphics.

      Uncharted 2 is often considered the best in the series (in terms of story, pace, consistency). 1 is the weakest one. 3 has some over the top set pieces.

    • Detroit is a bargain

    • It's a choose your own adventure sort of game that is story driven. Everything in it looks great

    • Thanks for the heads up peeps.

    • Loved Heavy Rain. Enjoyed Beyond two Souls. But Detroit fell flat for me, couldn’t related emotionally to playing as a robot unfortunately.

  • I know people say to "wait" for games to drop in price and this is generally true but I managed to get 'Detroit Become Human' from Amazon for $60 on release thanks to a $20 off voucher they had and then I was able to sell the game for $53 with no fees on eBay. So I only paid $7 for a game that was okay and I got to play it on release all thanks to ozbargainers sharing deals and I only paid $7. Cool story aye bro?

    • +1

      Using the $20 voucher, plus Amazon gave me another one for a transaction error, I ended up getting God of War months ago for $16 delivered - without Prime. Pretty sure I can easily resell it for $16. Probably will keep it.

      • That's made me rethink everything. Good work.

        • It was the Amazon CSR being helpful combined with a system glitch (actually dumb customer (me) thinking the Amazon system wouldn't work properly). We both thought if a transaction got cancelled, the $20 voucher would be lost. So, he gave me another $20 voucher to compensate. However, when he helped me placed the new order, the old voucher was transferred to the new transaction and that extra $20 is then applied.

          Your approach is also good. Get the game early, play it quickly and sell it. I kinda want to sell my GoW, but I don't sell second hand games above the price I paid so that means $15 or lower - I'd rather keep it.

          • @netsurfer: Why would you not sell it above the price you paid? Sell it for what it's worth, or more to the point, what people are willing to pay for it. If it makes you feel any better about it, you paid much more that $15 for that game. You also spent two $20 vouchers which had actual value attached to them.

    • -1

      I went into jbhifi and stole it got it for free. How about that?

    • Main reason I hate digital games right here. No refunds or reselling. All so you don't have to walk a couple metres to swap a disc. Not worth it.

  • -1

    was cheaper black friday

    • +4

      Go tell the stores that and get them to price match it for you

      • -1

        no need to when I got them when it was cheaper

    • I'm more poo brown than black so no deal.

  • Detroit become human is an awesome game and def a bargain at that price!

  • Waiting for a really good Xbox One X bundle deal, needs to be better than the Black Friday offerings

    • $429 - $50 cashback was pretty amazing.

      • Yes, plus TRS :-)

  • $35 too much for Detroit considering GOW and other new games are $25 . I would wait till it’s $20 or similar

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