Kogan $999
Mobileciti $998
Ebay.com.au (ebay store)- $889 from a shop from HongKong
Update: Appears to be Nationwide.
Kogan $999
Mobileciti $998
Ebay.com.au (ebay store)- $889 from a shop from HongKong
Update: Appears to be Nationwide.
The jokes on you, Huawei is an excellent phone, price is high imo
Hrmm perhaps but their $100 phones are pretty crummy. All the ones I’ve bought haven’t lasted a month
Yes, $100 phones are crummy. This is a $900 phone.
All $100 phones are sh!t, you need to open the wallet another 2-3 times to get something decent
Comes with free communist party membership
Welcome to the party!
2 mins later, kidnapped by a Canadian officer on behalf of an American boss….
and triggered WW3
aka 5g war
missile launch!
I'd foresee a US sanctions towards Huawei soon and no more updates of Android for them. Sad, but such is life nowadays.
Don't think so. They are the 2nd largest phone manufacturer in the world after Samsung.
Look at VW and their market share and shares. Popped back up and the scandal was and still is way bigger. No one cares as long as their pockets don't suffer.
But did they sell cars to Iranians using shell companies?
True :)
Wait for the price drop.
This isn't really a deal this phone not worth $899
Can confirm for my local Costco, Epping. Was thinking about posting it today but didn't think it was a good enough deal, silly me, looks like it was.
there's no point buying a phone for the next 6 months or so… unless you live in an area that you expect wont end up getting 5G
I don't think you will really benefit in transition from 4G to 5G streaming hd content to your phone. And it will take years to roll out 5G in Australia.
feels like NBN nightmare all over again.
It'll be better, because its not being run by the libs.
5G in Australia? R U Sure? My home even can't get the stable 3G connection! It's within 10km from Sydney CBD.
can anyone confirm this deal is also in Vic as well?
I did above.
thanks, mate
by any chance, you remember whether this one in Costco is a dual sim model?
Says it in the photo. "Dual 4G SIM card slots with 4G Connectivity"
Also have the following
Huawei Nova 3i $409.99 save $40
PlayStation classic $141.99
mobileciti ebay $1000 less 10% discount (PRESENTS10) = ~$900 which includes $100 gift card (better than costco gift certificate)
Plus cashrewards 1% .. so slightly better than this.
link, please.
You mean chopsticks?
Looks like you've been spooned by 3000 dingdongs.
Where are the details about the $100 gift card from MobileCiti?
Cashrewards on ebay has ended I believe
Oh gosh. I just checked, you're right!
There goes 1% :(
Must be the rejected shipment for Iran.
Should've shipped some arms instead, the US is ok with that.
Only if they can sell it to you.
Just realised this is last years version.
Welcome to last year. There is only one year version of P20 Pro.
The six major US intelligence agencies have advised their citizens not to buy Huawei phones. If you have any concerns whatsoever about privacy it's probably worth giving this a miss.
Chinese PRISM?
Laughable, media spin. If you have any concerns about privacy, don't use ANY electronic device.
My house is so full of Xiaomi smart devices that if ever Australia is attached by China, the attach will likely be coordinated from my home, unbeknownst to me. No Huawei assistance required.
Because they can’t monitor it while the Chinese can sore losers….
coming from a country that spies on everybody.
Ironically, Costco is owned by Americans.
Can't see any credibility when this warning comes from the NSA..
chinese mobile phones Huawei, xiaomi, one plus, etc etc all have Communist chinese party backdoor as part of their global surveillance program. Even chinese security software like 360 Antivirus and other popular chinese social media like tik tok, we chat etc ALL have communist party backdoor. Just read on chinese tech forums and use google translate they have all exposed them.
Chinese tech products are NOT secure, they are all compromised do not buy them.
Apple is the best for security and certain versions of Android, Apple even gave the middle finger to the all powerful US DOJ when they asked them to give them the keys.
Same will happen to Australian software and tech, no one will want to buy after the new encryption laws happened.
That was just fake news to buy more Apple products. The FBI and DOJ got into the phone anyway:
Did you read your own article? FBI had out side assistance and paid a company to hack it. I have an Android but I applaud apple for giving them the finger. I also would never trust a Chinese phone with a 10ft pole. CCP can honestly go to hell.
American mobile phone Apple has the Democratic Party and the Republican Party(whatever) backdoor as part of their global surveillance program of CIA.
American tech products are NOT secure, they are all compromised do not buy them.
Nothing is better for security other than Pagers.
Same will happen to Australian software and tech, no one will want to buy after the new encryption laws happened.
you are a communist chinese shill
you are a capitalist american shill
Do you know where the parts of an iPhone 6s come from?
(hint: Not 1 component comes from the USA)
Where's California, China?
So it all comes down to your choice of being watched by the US or China.. They don't seem to differ that much lol
One plus is probably the only company that openly accepts returns for unlock bootloader and modified OS. It allow you load your own OS without Google services. I don't you can do that with apple, who knows what apple is doing with your data.
I mean FBI found way into iPhone without apple help…
Apple fans all say their phones are secure and applaud Apple gave FBI the finger.
really? Don't you think US doesn't have access to the electronic devices via backdoor channel?
If you think only China and its communist party has this surveillance program, look at NSA PRISM mate.
our data is not safe with anyone, either it be capitalist or communist.
May I know why Chinese would spend money on spying us? Baically Australia doesn't have any technological advance that can help them on making things.
Shouldn't we be violating the sanctions if we support the company who violated the sanctions..Oh no ..this should be right , is sold by Costco.
That sanction is only supported by USA and his puppies.
Most of euro countries and rest of world did not follow on that sanction.
the company can ignore the sanction, if their fund ( $$$ ) did not go through bank or use USD.
that is exactly Chinese and rest of world are doing.
China signed local currency exchange agreement with Korea, Japan, Saudi, Russia, Iran, Argentina and so on.
And that is one of the reasons, Americans started trade war.
Won't it give you warm feeling inside that someone is actually always watching you? Someone posted something like this before. I agree…
Google reads my gmail, Facebook is data mining my family and I have Alexa, Cortana plus Siri keeping an ear on things at home. If the Chinese are joining the party at least they bring phones at a reasonable price. Of course the US government would never spy on anybody. ;)
This phone however is way above my budget. :(
Still not worth the price. It should be sub $600
It's EMUI isn't great and Huawei will not support this device in another year's time. No point getting it
Also inferior to the mate 20 pro. Either wait for mate 20 pro price to drop below 1k or just don't get it. My prediction maybe next year June
Huawei is ripping aussie off big time
So is Apple.
Or Samsung
Or everyone else including poli and their stupid skims…