Our Family Pack allows up to 4 services on the plan, everyone gets unlimited calls and SMS plus there's 40GB of data to share and it lasts 30 days.
You can set data limits per service so you’re in control, plus you can setup auto recharge so you can set and forget.
The following services are provided for a Family Pack Owner and up to 3 Users during your credit validity
period within Australia:
•unlimited standard calls to national fixed lines and standard national mobile, 13/1300, 18/1800, and
•unlimited standard national SMS to other Australian mobiles;
•unlimited standard national MMS (video MMS excluded) to other Australian mobiles;
•unlimited international calls to selected call types and unlimited SMS to unlimited international calls
and SMS countries: Canada, China, France, Germany, Hong Kong, India, Indonesia, Ireland, Japan,
New Zealand, Pakistan, South Korea, Thailand, UK, USA. see www.aldimobile.com.au/legals for
•40GB shared data (“standard shared data allowance” for this Family Pack)
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