This was posted 6 years 2 months 29 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

[PC] Battlefield V - $49 Delivered @ Amazon AU

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Battlefield V PC. $49 delivered (digital download)

Pretty good price I reckon

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closed Comments

  • +3

    I paid $60 for this 3 weeks ago. It can't be doing well.

    • +6

      I paid $60 too.

      The game is doing really well — servers are all always full!

      • +1

        unless you try playing before midday monday-fri

        • +8

          Sorry, some people have to go to work and/or school on weekdays.

          What do you do for a living that your complaint is no one is playing online on weekdays before midday? Lol.

          • @DnA-bargain: Just saying they are not 'always full'.

            • -1

              @universe: Unless there is a big update. Else , yes they are normally full in good qty.

            • @universe: Well yeah, not full at the time no-one is playing it because theyre working or at school/uni…Just like road traffic.

    • +10

      A promotional price from Amazon in the run up to Christmas cannot be taken as a measure of the success of a game.

      It's not like Fallout 76 where the price plummeted on key reselling sites.

    • -1

      $10 discount isnt that bad leading up to Christmas, not as bad as F76 50% off basically a couple weeks after launch.
      Servers have constant queues and was a decent update last night

    • Origin games always drop a few weeks after release

    • They matched Jb Hi Fi price last week.

    • -1

      It is not doing well. Devs are slashing prices to increase sales. This is one game I won't spend my time on even if free, don'e care how cheap it is. They've killed the franchise with this feminist ideology and mocking fans pre-release.

  • -8

    Still $30 too much for a beta… I'd wait for completed version and see are there still anyone playing it online.

    • +4

      Good to see you haven't actually played the game and are just memeing with the circle jerk. Good job bro!

  • +2

    You don't need prime for $49, tried with Non prime account and it's $49 for everyone.

    • Thanks updated

  • +3

    I grabbed it for $49 in JB hifi on Tuesday. Couldn't be bothered waiting for the post.

    • Its a digital download…but you still have to wait for some reason

      • How do you download it? I followed your link and bought it and it says it will be delivered by 12 - 14 December?
        EDIT: never mind I get it, they send you a card in the post with the redemption code on it or something.

        • I did online chat - cause I wanted it instant - said it takes 24-48 hours to be sent via email.

        • +6

          They send the CD box as pictured but with literally no disk or manual or anything else inside but instead a piece of paper with an origin code on it and instructions on how to redeem it. Such a waste of material if you ask me.

          • @Ostrk: How do you install it? I got one today from JB and it has a code on it. Do you need origin access to play this one?

            EDIT: Installing now.

      • +1

        I bought from Amazon last week. They post you an empty DVD case with a code sticker inside. You redeem the code on Origin and download the game. Yes, that's as dumb as it sounds…

      • That is what on the box all said digital download. Not the CD key.

      • Its a DVD box with digital code inside and physically posted.

    • Jbhifi deal will run until Xmas Eve according to Macquarie jbhifi staff

  • Does this have a single player campaign? Wouldn't get it otherwise.

    • +1

      Yes, and a good one at that.

      • +1

        Very short at that as well, short and sweet.

        • Not really short by normal shooter standards. 8-15 hours depending on the difficulty and stealth vs guns blazing approach. Also the collectables.

          • +1

            @Kill Joy: Agree haha, at least it actually has one! Just I wouldnt personally buy it for the SP only is what I am saying.
            Trying to get all the collectibles is fun

          • @Kill Joy: Any benefit to multiplayer either emblems or gun skins or whatever for doing the single player campaign?

            I don't mind skipping the campaign honestly unless there is a co-op variant of it.

            But if there is some cool benefit either aesthetic or gameplay wise by doing it then I may invest some time into completing it but honestly it is like any new movie now for me.. I can wait until I am forced to watch it some years later at some family persons place.

            • @AlienC: A unique melee weapon for completing everything within said act of campaign

              • @JMxoxo: How cool is this unique melee weapon and can you link me a video or give me a name :)

                I am very interested in this now.

                Thank you.

      • +1

        Majority of reviewers say the SP is absolute garbage.

        • +1

          Tbh I stopped listening to reviewers a long time ago.. or they have become really off the mark lately.

          But bugs and glitches from the community I listen to about very carefully.

          Reviewers have become very subjective to me or I have just fallen off the mainstream view of things maybe.

          But yeah game breaking bugs are fairly objective.

          I enjoyed the initial prologue or whatever the first singleplayer campaign mission split into parts thing was even though it was short it was very cinematically beautifully done and want more like that.. I could be a bit of a basic b*tch in this department but I kinda liked it even though it was not the best or perfect.

          Though was probably just happy to finally load and own Battlefield V finally on PC after dreaming about this game for so many years.. cannot wait for the next one honestly hoping they just improve on this one everything wise.

    • +1

      Single player is not what you buy Battlefield for, but yes it does have one.

  • +13

    They literally send you an empty DVD Game Case with a CD Key in it. Such a pointless waste of time and plastic.

    • Really - online chat told me email? 24-48 hours

      • +2

        I got a physical copy, exact same listing as this. You can even get it gift wrapped…

      • Maybe they've changed it… keep us posted :)

      • 3 days to deliver the disc box.

      • FYI I received today in mail - box with code - delivered on a Saturday

    • -2

      Such a pointless waste of time and plastic.

      The earth is ending thanks to fossil fuel combustion according to climate scientists and this box is flown around.

      That's a little more important than plastic that will end up in the tip.

      • +2

        I think that is what he meant which is what I think you meant which means all of this has already been meant.

        I also meant to do that or this.


      • 'The Earth is ending' - lol

  • +1…

    I can't test it because CBF downloading one of those again but should make it about $40 AU and no wait.

    • Mixed response on whether its for consoles only or everybody, can't see it on my origin account

      For the record, it's supposed to be under 'My Home' and then 'Exclusives for you'. For me, there is no 'exclusives for you'.

      Then there are some who say its IN the game bf1 when you launch.

    • Has anyone actually seen this special on PC? I've owned every BF game except Hardline, but haven't got access to this deal?

  • Good luck downloading it on Aussie braoadband. I too purchased a copy at $60

    • +7

      Eh, only took about 45 mins to download. Not so bad these days, but could definitely still be better and depends on where you live/what connection you've got.

      • +5

        cries in ADSL2+
        I've been downloading it for two days now and it's not done yay. In terms of actual hours spent downloading I'd say 8.
        34% done.

        • +2

          Would be quicker to ship you a USB with the game files on it.
          There was a 10gb patch last night too so theres that to look forward to

          • +1

            @JMxoxo: Something is wrong with my internet too :/ only getting 350kbps dl speed when no one is using it but me right now, (profanity) TPG. Normal download speed when no one is using it is 1-1.4mbps.

            • @Ostrk: I think Origin is having some issues, I had the same issue last night, was downloading at 20-30% of my max speed

              • +2

                @JMxoxo: Nope, speedtest shows that it's my connection and nothing else :/
                God damn it I want to move houses so bad.

                • @Ostrk: Feel your pain man! Used to be in the same situation with unreliable and slow internet until end of Oct and now on Cable, yeeha

        • Kogan $1 sim for 40GB.
          Spare old phone.

          • @cwongtech: The only old phones I had that were worth something I sold on gumtree. The ones that weren't worth anything I just threw away since I couldn't sell them. I do have an overseas bought S8 which has dual-sim, can I plop the kogan sim in there and use it alongside my current one? it's my only and main phone so I don't want to mess anything up.

            • @Ostrk:

              can I plop the kogan sim in there and use it alongside my current one? it's my only and main phone so I don't want to mess anything up.

              Yes you can, just make sure your Data preferred sim is set to the kogan one.
              Just be aware when you use your mobile phone as a hotspot, it drains the battery quite a bit.

        • Don't forget the 10gb update released last night haha

    • I just set it to download overnight, it actually didn't take long.

  • +3

    I paid $46.50 last night JB

    • How do you install this one from online? Do I need origin access membership?

      • Redeem game from origin

        • Figured it out thanks! Didn't know I've created an origin account 2 years ago lol

  • +1

    Great deal, I am severely outraged that I paid $66 not 2 weeks ago. I'm hitting them up for a refund of the difference!

    • At least you didn’t preorder like some people I know.

  • -1

    Played trial last night only one low ping server comes up.

    • Really? Did I waste $50 ? :(

      • +4

        No, there was an update, the servers would of been updating too, last I played there were at least 10-15 if not near 20 all of which had long queues

        • That's awesome then.
          I'm also in Perth so if there are any Asian servers sometimes I can end up on them (at least on CSGO I do, never in other games)

          • @Ostrk: @Lolno234 there are currently around 40 servers, Id say about 90% of them have a queue of at least 1-2 people, 40% with 3+
            Pretty much all servers are full

        • Will try it again.

        • Can't see 10-15 low ping servers.

          If I select Oceania it came up non now.

  • What's the Aussie playerbase numbers like?

    • -2

      Wil be dead in a few months

      • +3

        BF4 servers are still full most nights, theres only like 3 of them though mind you.

        • +2

          What are you talking about? BF4 server count for OZ is 4-10 servers depending on time and more servers for BFV. I play BF4, 1 and V.

          BFV a beautiful game and takes time to adjust to the mechanics.
          Must buy at this price.

          • @EnALup: There's probably more but whether they have many players is another thing, I mainly play on FPSG servers

            • @dindunuffin: FPSG servers are the only ones filled these days with couple of more.

    • As long as there is a server browser in the game, the playerbase will be fine. (Assuming it does have a server browser because every BF game I've played has one)

      • Yes it does and servers all have high population.

  • Hold off if you don't need it right away, I can definitely see this getting a lot cheaper considering its poor release

    • I'm waiting until the Battle Royale mode in March.

      • Oh I almost forgot about that.

        Thanks for reminding me.


        Sarcasm or no sarcasm your guess is as good as mine

        • +1

          Well the way I'm looking at it is that the longer I wait, the cheaper it will be, and the more complete it will be. I'm gonna predict a couple months before the battle royale mode releases will be the best price we'll see it, as I can see them spiking the price whenever free content comes out. Wait, is it free content?

    • "Poor" release, yet servers are packed every night.
      Latest update fixes a lot of the issues.

      • +1

        "Poor" release is the overwhelming backlash, the heavily decreased sales in comparison to previous installments, the large amount of highly critical reviews from various game critics and the public, and the announced but missing content at launch. Don't get me wrong, I will get the game eventually, but not in its current state.

        • the large amount of highly critical reviews from various game critics

          Metacritic has it at 80% so hardly.

    • Definitely if you can wait a few months or half a year when it should also have a hell of a lot more content like way more.. then you should probably be able to get it for at minimum $15 cheaper I bet maybe even up to $25 off what it sells for now if you are lucky.

      I can't wait so am paying for the premium now because the beta really got me in.

      Bombing runs on Narvik here I come.

    • Why not use a price protection CC to buy and play it now and claim the difference later?

  • -1

    yeah, poor game.
    watch the angryjoe review

    • 47 minutes of one dude being pissed off? Yeah not for me thanks. Got a summary?

      • +3

        AngryJoe did not like the fact that the practice range was not in the launch release, the whole SJW women drama, some parts of the content was not unlocked and still being released on a timeline schedule (for example the practice range functionality just came out yesterday) and basically a whole other bunch of things to do with the unfinished state that it is in atm.

        If you want to play it when it is a lot more fully developed you basically have to wait a few months for them to compartmentally release everything otherwise you can get a taste now with what is available so far which from AngryJoe's perspective is not much.

        I played the open beta on pc and enjoyed it and am fine with limited functionality for now since there is no other game that can give me this experience currently unless I go to a whole other new genre.

        To me it is a great improvement graphically and mechanically over BF1 which is what I was looking for and honestly there is not much competition to choose from in this category of gaming.

        Still lots more they can do to make it a better game and hopefully they release more content be it vehicles, guns, maps, classes, talent trees, specializations or whatever in future.

        But for now that'll do pig.

        • Thanks for the detailed reply :) I'm looking at whether or not it's a good buy, and I'm slowly swinging to yes.

          • @Alzori: It's a good buy assuming that they keep working hard and adding more content. The gameplay itself is fun, it just has some real idiotic design decisions that Dice have already said they will be changing in the coming months.

    • +2

      I like angry Joe but a lot of his review is misinformed. Play for yourself, you might enjoy like I did.

      • Is it true that medics are restricted to submachine guns? That it takes hours of gameplay time to get different coloured pants? Anything you think was special on the game? stories looked okay

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