This was posted 6 years 3 months 2 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

[PS4, PSVR] The Invisible Hours $9 (Was $49) Pick-up or + Delivery @ EB Games & EB Games eBay


Please note: This game requires a PlayStation VR & PlayStation Camera

Cheap and very good reviews online. Should be fun for those who got PSVR set or bought recently.

EB Games shipping: $3.50
EB Games eBay shipping: $4.95

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EB Games Australia
EB Games Australia

closed Comments

  • +1


  • +1

    Thanks. I wanted two copies, but the ebgames website only had stock of one available for delivery.

    Thankfully they have multiple copies available on their ebay store.

  • +1

    Thanks picking up from local store

  • +1

    Thanks BA, saw it in-store yesterday but it wasn't marked as $9. Seems to be the same price on X1 but without any VR functionality.

    • On the website it is $19 for the Xbox version but hopefully they’ll match the PS4 version soon.

  • Very interesting. Sounds similar to sexy brutale. The teleporting seems it might cause some nausea in vr though.

    • +4

      Teleporting definitely doesn't cause nausea. It's generally smooth locomotion that does.

      • +1

        Yeah, that's what I've found. I wouldn't go as far as saying I felt nauseous or anything, but there was definitely a dissonance going on in my brain when my eyes were telling me I'm moving but my body was telling me I was sitting still.

  • +1

    Awesome price, thanks!!

  • Good game, only played about 30 mins worth but a good whodunnit so far in VR on Oculus Rift.

  • +4

    Standard postage is coming up as $9.06 for me through the EB website, and I live in Melbourne -_-

    Free local pick up it is! Cheers op

  • Got one!

  • Which firmware version does this require?

  • -4

    This is not exactly a game but still cool VR experience for $9. It has about 2-3 hours of content.

  • +5

    In case anyone wants this on PC with 12 other fairly decent games for $7.55 (including 2 more in VR),

  • Woops. I bought this thinking I could play it normally. Now I see that it needs VR headset..

  • +1

    Thanks! Just paid $19 for this and The Sexy Brutale Full House Ed at my local EB.

  • +1

    Thanks BA!
    I`m not a gamer but got a PSVR on the Amazon deal so will be trying it out over Christmas with the kids(not this game obviously).
    Any PSVR veterans recommend good experience type games (rather than gaming games) and best place to source PS Store or elsewhere?

    • +1

      Superhot VR
      Astro bot is pretty good too, only played the demo but it gave me a strong Super Mario 3d Land vibe.

      • should i get superhot vr on its own or is it worth getting super hot and the vr pack?

        • The 2 versions are different enough to warrant the $7 extra for the pack personally (current sale price).
          FWIW I enjoyed both (though I didn't play them back to back).

    • How old are your kids? They give pretty strong recommendations against using VR if you're under 12.

      • Yeah good question and comment. 11 and 7 but it will really be just me and the 11 year old for some limited experience based stuff.

        • Yeah, take care with it. I get headaches and nausea when playing for long periods. Good in short bursts.

          • @RocketSwitch: Unfortunately a me too here. Gets nausea after about 30min of play with GT sport. Wonder if it gets better over time

      • My 4 and 2 YO had a go at the VR Worlds menu (where you can hit the ball with the controller) and had a blast - what are the reasons against?

        • Not sure to be honest. It comes up with a lot of warnings about it on-screen and on boxes, but they may just be exercising caution, given that it's a new technology and its effects haven't been researched in-depth yet.

          If I had to guess, I'd say that it might cause eye strain/headaches/nausea for some kids, given how close to the screen you are and because the headset is configured for an adult-sized head (distance between eyes, etc).

          • @asubtleviolence: I looked it up previously online as I was also wondering.

            Probably a combination of things including youngsters having a lesser developed common sense (not that some adults have this covered!) - understanding of one's self in a 'space' to safely play.

            Sony doesn't need lawsuits from families whose children have had accidents while playing.

            Also might relate to knowing when to stop if you're getting a tad queasy.

            Under supervision of an adult, I'm not sure if there's any physiological argument against letting a sensible child have a crack. If you're considering, do some searching online for reputable material.

            • @fookos: I don't have kids myself, so I won't have to worry about that decision either way, but good to know.

    • +3

      Resident Evil 7 is my favourite VR title, it’s so well done. Superhot VR is brilliant. As is Tetris Effect.

      Last night I fired up Batman Arkham VR. It’s short but is a ton of fun. Brilliant. Best $15 (it’s usually $30, but is half price regularly on the PS store) I’ve spent in a long time.

    • +1

      Beat saber from the PlayStation store. $44.95 and by far one of the best games for VR. You do need the motion controllers though, same as super hot.

      • This came up on google when I searched for "Blade & Sorcery ebgames".

        Do you happen to know if there's a physical/disc release of this?

        • +1

          Not that I've seen. Some suggest it will eventually hit physical but PSN only for now.

  • +1

    thanks OP just clicked on one and will collect tomorrow.

  • +2

    seems to be sold out on ebay. "Please enter a quantity of 0 or less"

  • This is a better deal than the one day only Christmas deals.

  • -1

    Great game. I mean great "experience." Apparently it no longer requires VR. Highly recommended , even if the graphics on the PS4 ver arent great …

    • +1

      Is there a lot of forward motion in this game?

      • I haven't played it yet but I believe it's all teleportation, no locomotion.

  • Could anyone please confirm that if I buy it today I can collect it another time?

    On the website it is only showing me pickup today but I would prefer to collect it during the week.

    • +1

      … Ummm… just pick it up later in the week…

      If you've paid for it, it's yours (assuming your order is fulfilled, and you get the 'your order is ready' email).

      Getting an order through for EB Games hasn't always meant you get the stock!

    • +1

      I'm sure you could. Pick up today just means they'll have it ready for you same-day, not that you must get it today or they'll throw it in the trash.

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