I often park on a surburban dead-end street about a 15mins walk from the train station. There is a single parking sign at the start of the road with a right facing arrow (pointing down the street) advising of a 2hr limit. The street is 1 kilometre long. There are no other parking signs down that street.
Is the arrow on that one parking sign essentially endless, covering the whole street? I know in most other areas parking signs are usually spread out every couple of power poles suggesting the have limited range (one sign covers 10m for example).
Does anyone have any information on this?
Is there a sign at the other end of the street?
From NSW Road Rules………..
332 Parking control signs applying to a length of road
(1) If a parking control sign displays an arrow and is at the side of a road, then, unless information on or with the sign indicates otherwise, the sign applies to the length of road between the sign and the nearest (in the direction indicated by the arrow) of the following:
Much appreciated! :)