How Far Away from a Parking / No Stopping Sign Is Legal?

I often park on a surburban dead-end street about a 15mins walk from the train station. There is a single parking sign at the start of the road with a right facing arrow (pointing down the street) advising of a 2hr limit. The street is 1 kilometre long. There are no other parking signs down that street.

Is the arrow on that one parking sign essentially endless, covering the whole street? I know in most other areas parking signs are usually spread out every couple of power poles suggesting the have limited range (one sign covers 10m for example).

Does anyone have any information on this?


  • +4

    Is there a sign at the other end of the street?

    From NSW Road Rules………..

    332 Parking control signs applying to a length of road

    (1) If a parking control sign displays an arrow and is at the side of a road, then, unless information on or with the sign indicates otherwise, the sign applies to the length of road between the sign and the nearest (in the direction indicated by the arrow) of the following:

    (a) a parking control sign at that side of the road that displays an arrow indicating the opposite direction, 
    (b) a yellow edge line on the road, 
    (c) if the road ends at a T-intersection or dead end--the end of the road. 
  • +2

    Following this

  • +5

    My understanding is that a parking sign remains in force until an intersection, or a different parking sign.

  • till the next sign with an arrow in the opposite direction. Driveways, etc do not break the restriction.

    Yellow No Stopping markings are just for the length of the marking.

    • +9

      Not according to the legislation……

      332 Parking control signs applying to a length of road

      (1) If a parking control sign displays an arrow and is at the side of a road, then, unless information on or with the sign indicates otherwise, the sign applies to the length of road between the sign and the nearest (in the direction indicated by the arrow) of the following:

      (a) a parking control sign at that side of the road that displays an arrow indicating the opposite direction, 
      (b) a yellow edge line on the road, 
      (c) if the road ends at a T-intersection or dead end--the end of the road. 
      • Exactly what i said.

        PS: When you write in to get off, my associate is the person who makes the decision.

        • Yeh but no. My understanding is that the parking restriction doesn't start again after the yellow line. The yellow line finishes the parking restriction.

  • +2

    Does anyone have any information on this?

    maybe you could contact the council and ask if they know anyone who has any information on this.

      • Rude much?

        If you have any other questions, how about you read this first, then ask us desk jockeys?…

      • +3

        Wouldn't you want to obtain something in writing from an official source as oppose to what could be inaccurate information provided to you on a bargain website's comment section?

        Just copy pasting your title came back with answers.

  • -4

    IIRC, for the signs to meet the regulations, there must be an end sign. So you're not allowed to park in between the arrows.

    I've heard of fines being successfully appealed as a result of there being no signs
    to mark the end of the no parking area.

    (I don't have a specific reference to the regulations).

  • -2

    What did the council say when you wrote to them about this?

    • +2

      The council told him to keep parking on that street. I expect he'll get a ticket on Monday.

  • +1

    I like Microsoft Paint images and diagrams.

    • Not everyone has Microsoft.

      • -1

        and a better world exists because of this. :+)

      • +3

        Release the GImp

        • Release The Hounds…

  • If the road is 1km long with a sign at only 1 end, then you would almost certainly get off any fine.

    If you parked say 100m away, you could not reasonably be expected to have seen the sign (or even know that it is there).

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