Use the code on April Fool's day to get $2 off any order over $30. Warning: this could be an elaborate April Fools joke.
Use the code on April Fool's day to get $2 off any order over $30. Warning: this could be an elaborate April Fools joke.
the only possible joke here is how weak and lame this discount is !!
lol. not really, considering how cheap these prices already are. imagine if they rescinded all the discount codes after shoppers placed their orders online and then sent out a big LOL.
No discount, just giving back some of the gains between the AUD/GBP forex rate
is this site legit? anyone has ever placed an order on this site?
Yes I've ordered a few things from it. Shipping seems to take about 2 weeks as it comes from the UK
6.66666666666% discount (possible) as