Pretty awesome deal when you consider the 8% cash back from Cash Rewards. I just checked online and @ $1.50 per bottle, it's cheaper than Coles and Woolies.
Coke No Sugar 6x 1.25L $9 + Delivery (Free with Prime/ $49 Spend) @ Amazon AU

Last edited 28/11/2018 - 18:23 by 1 other user

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Only 60 cents in NSW!
such a waste of time…
I did it for a little while but not only was it a waste of time, it's actually bad for the environment. Cars lined up for 20 minutes or more with their engines running waiting in line to deposit containers at the local center. Containers which would have mostly ended up in recycling bins anyway and picked up much more efficiently by garbage trucks without hundreds of additional cars on the road making busy work to claim $10-$20 and pretend to be environmentally friendly. Even better: The garbage trucks will pick up cans and bottles that have been crushed. The whole thing is a scam and stupidity on steroids.
But I bet I get down voted. Because using your brains when it comes to the environment is "being negative".
It’s 15c refund now?
Does anybody else think Coke in a bottle tastes better from that in a can? Somebody I know does and will argue the point.
Coke in a GLASS bottle is peak coke and cannot be beat.
This bloke knows his Coke
Best Coke is post mix coke when they have it slightly more then normal syrup to soda water ratio.
Coke off a stripper’s…. oh wrong coke.
Double blind test, poured into a glass.. See if they pick the diff..
Drinking straight from the can, like any flavour diff is due to smelling the top. Of the can
It tastes better because you don't get the taste of aluminium.
i actually think it tastes best out of a can… that said i don't drink normal coke… aaaaand coke zero is better than coke no sugar… i'll argue about that too… haha
It's been this price for a while now.
Propably cause noone buys it.
It goes up and down, mostly (but not always) in time with Coles specials.…
I’ll order four. The postman knows just the right spot to hide amazon packages involving hopping a small fence, so time to put him to good use and bring me over 28kg of brown water.
Lol brown water
Limit 3 per customer
A true ozbargainer guzzles tap water.
Yeah, but when you're out on a date with your wife at the movie theatre, you gotta splurge a bit. That's why I get these cheap, then refill them from the Pepsi Max 1.25 litres when they're on sale for $1.10 (you can slightly overfill two 600ml bottles, that's $0.55 each!). Added bonus, one of the local theatres sells coke in bottles, so we don't get weird looks when we pull them out during the movie.
A true OzBargainer goes to the local park and fills up a container with "free" water from the drink tap.
A "true" ozbargain isn't a scab. A true ozbargainer buys something because of its excellent perceived value regardless of the fact that he knows he doesn't need it.
Used to drink this stuff thought it was great No Sugar! Then eventually developed IBS.. All the aspartame (artificial sweetener) in it kills all healthy gut bacteria.
No they don't. There's no evidence it support that. The most recent study showed that in high concentrations it affected e coli (not something you want in your gut anyway), but only in concentrations that even the scientist running the study says no human would consume. it's the same fear mongering misconstrued studies that occurred with microwaves, Teflon pans and vaccines.
Ibs isn't caused by killing your gut bacteria anyway, otherwise you'd get it from getting gastro or taking any oral anti-biotic, which you don't.
IBS is incredibly complicated and everyones gut bacteria and circumstances can vary wildly. It's entirely possible that person is more succeptable to carbonated beverages, caffeine etc or in combination with other factors at that point in time. I personally do notice my gut seems to of improved now that i don't think coke/other soft drinks every day, i don't know what my gut health was like then vs. now but trying to not punish it as badly and do feel a bit better. Although i relapsed with coffee coke and now orange coke… must resist…
It's possible it they're more susceptible, that it can trigger an Ibs episode, but it can't give you Ibs. That's not really how it works.
I'm not saying coke is good for your gut flora, but it's more likely the acid in it does the damage over the artificial sweetener. I guarantee the full sugared version will cause similar ill effects when drank in high volume.
"Last year, the Weizman Institute team discovered that sweeteners are messing with our gut bacteria in a way that could lead to weight gain and diabetes."…
Correlation is not the same as causation. And studies with the maximum human dose given to mice isnt a particularly useful indicator. I suspect giving a mouse 12 panadol a day will have adverse effects, but it doesn't not mean it is unsafe for humans to do so. Gut flora is a complex issue, and mice do not have an analogous gut composition to humans. They don't even share the same diet or biology.
Did you read the actual paper that was published? It was far from conclusive and involved liverable use of 'may, could, if, possible' etc. Their mouse study was interesting, but their human study was statistically insignificant and not at all conclusive. What they did in their paper, was do the hard science on mice and then conflate it with the soft science on humans. It was not very encouraging and rather manipulative.
Studies like this are important, don't get me wrong. But it would be premature to point to this and go 'see, sucralose is evil!'. All this does is lead to further studies which could actually either disprove or confirm the hypothesis of the researchers.
My point about the media and scientific scare stories is that journalists aren't often trained at how to read and convey the strength of study results. Or they are and intentionally misconstrue them to get clicks.
E. coli is normal gut bacteria
It is. But it is by no means 'beneficial'.
@[Deactivated]: So you’re saying we would benefit from not having a normal gut bacteria within our system?
Doesn’t make sense to me.
@flashi007: We normally have staphylococcus in our noses, but I wouldn't say this is a beneficial state of affairs. Does that sound beneficial to you? I think you're confusing normal with good for you.
@[Deactivated]: I will respectfully disagree
You don’t think having a normal state of affairs in the GIT with E. coli prancing around stopping clostridium from taking hold is beneficial?
Things can go bad when our normal bacteria get wiped out with antibiotics.
@flashi007: That's a fair point, but it takes a massive hit, basically a direct antibiotic to wipe out enough ecoli to allow clostridium to dangerously take hold in your small intestine. The study mentioned wasn't talking about clostridium infection death in the mice from ecoli numbers dropping, it was measuring glucose tolerance in mice from a diet of nothing but artificial sweetener. Not a very meaningful study, but so insanely quoted by the 'chemicals r bad, fluoridated water is killing us, chem trails and vaccine give us autism' camp.
@[Deactivated]: I never meant to get into a brisk discussion about gut flora. Also I never referred to the study mentioned.
I was responding to your comment that “e coli was something you would not want in your gut anyway” (I’m paraphrasing). Normal gut flora has normal and important functions including keeping other pathogenic bacteria at bay. Wipe out E. coli and people can get sick. Of course E. coli itself can be pathogenic - but to imply it is the bacteria that should be targeted because it’s not something we would want in our gut is debatable (I think).
@flashi007: You're right of course, I was more referring to it in the context of the study and their results.
Coke zero or gtfo
i hear ya… upvoted to cancel out your downvote…. coke zero is better than no sugar… they messed up
Does anyone know where can I get Coke Life aka Coke with Stevia?
Correct me if i am wrong but from what people used to tell me, the cans last the longest or stay the freshest?
and 90cents back for the empty bottles winning!