<$350 144hz >23" 1080p Monitor with Australian Warranty and FreeSync

I need an Australian warranty for something that expensive.

I was looking at the Viewsonic XG240x, https://au.pcpartpicker.com/product/rY98TW/viewsonic-monitor….

I would prefer something colour accurate, but it looks like IPS is well out of my price range.

This is my build, for reference (Open to changing the monitor, obviously) https://au.pcpartpicker.com/user/habountnnah/saved/FG4mqs.

If something is available at Umart Epping or other stores near that area, it would be preferred (I can return it to somewhere local that is beholden to the ACL, rather than eBay, who ditches you after 3mo.)


  • ^

  • I think Godric was trying to say "there's a search function", which you can go bring up search results like this.

    And then scroll until you reach this:

    Allied Expanse 2700C 27" Curved 144hz 1080p Desktop Monitor $254.15 Delivered @ Tech Fast eBay

    It's still $284.05 now with code PERCENT5, the seller is based in Australia so you'll be covered by the ACL, and for peace of mind, you can even buy eBay's "2yr Breakdown Cover" for $45-ish, which still puts your total at under $350. (Actually if you buy their 3yr Breakdown Cover for $60-ish, it puts your total at almost exactly $350.)

    • Ahhh, okay, thank you. I'll buy it without the breakdown cover, I think. There's a 10% off ebay code right now too.

      • Just beware that while it's a VA panel (better colour and viewing angles than TN, better black levels and contrast as well as less backlight bleed than IPS), it also has its drawbacks being mainly possible image trails and worse colour than IPS. (and obviously slower response times than TN too).

        I'd suggest going into a physical shop and playing around with one, because everyone's tolerance for these is different. I personally have a VA panel monitor, and going from a TN one at first the image trails stood out, but now I'm used to it and it's a lot better than the TN overall imo.

  • AOC 240 Hz is a good option for this price point.

    • Are there any good codes for this other than the flat 10% one?


      It's currently over budget, it's 404 with the code.

      • +1

        Honestly, get this


        Only one left in stock.

        Use code pudding for 10% off - that's $341.00

        This is LG (best panel makers IMO) and ALSO has motion blur reductions (by adding black frame) I've seen this in action and honestly, it's amazing.

        • Done. Forgot cashback though.

          • @haboutnnah: Ahh bugger! Also, I had a very similar build to you, with the Rx580

            I actually managed to get a Vega56 from Gumtree for $380 second-hand. The thing is, with Vega 56, they can be easily 'flashed' to Vega64 BIOS and then overclocked significantly (easily made 20-25% better) - I can help you with that if you like.

            I got it from someone who had a mining rig but stopped now - still under warranty. AMD miners under-volt everything anyway so it's safe to buy second hand IMO.

            check out the stats here

            It SAYS Vega64 but it's actually a 56 ;)

            You'll get around 30-35% better FPS performance compared with the Rx580 for only $100 more :) - that way you can make full use of the 250Hz without sacrificing quality.

            For example, I run fortnite on 200+ FPS on ultra settings.

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