I haven't bought any new underwear for a few years so it looks like I'll be heading into Best & Less tomorrow.
Mod: Changed URL to Best and Less
I haven't bought any new underwear for a few years so it looks like I'll be heading into Best & Less tomorrow.
Mod: Changed URL to Best and Less
I will go naked to the target store…
better not go to Target, it's not there
Oh no.. am half way thru…. Bump..Diversion..
wats the link?
wonder how much this makes the Bonds Guyfront's
There is no mention of 40% off in the catalog which has a sale starting tomorrow. Is this deal legit?
I havent gotten any emails from target about this I don't think?
Add was just on tv folks.
Needs your eyes checked?
Where's those free glasses again
Already have glasses and have my eyes checked regularly. I am short-sighted, have an astigmatism in my left eye, lazy left eye, double vision and visual snow. Glasses doesn't fix all that.
Maybe need a new tv antenna :p
Where is that ad?
I just said it was on tv.
I saw an ad tonight for Best and Less having a 40% off Bonds sale.
You sure it wasn't that??
I love BONDS…! more than CK
I love Bonds more than cock too.
I just saw an ad on TV for Best and Less with either 40 or 50% off Bonds tomorrow only, sorry I wasnt paying full attention but was definitely best and less not Target.
can finally buy my first pair of undies…
Ok changed to Best & Less, thanks folks.
Link still points to Target
Thanks mate, fixed.
EDIT: Sorry, have to contact mod to change URL.
Best n Less don't have a catalogue online. We sometimes get a flyer in the letterbox.
where is the nearest store to the city?
Which city?
Agreed, op, please leave out the condition of your delicates ty lol
I wear giorgio armani undies… jokes
Any more details? Is it one day only? A week?
Does anyone know how much of the bond's range they stock?
Pretty sure it's one day only, otherwise it would be in their normal catalogue.
Why the link is for Target and not Best & Less???
All Best and Less stores, 40% off, excludes childrens clothing and sleepwear, one day only Thurs 31st March 2011. I'm assuming when it says it excludes childrens clothing they mean Bonds trackies and zip up jackets/hoodies etc (daywear).
anyone reporting about their shopping experience?
only one style/fit in mens trunks, singlets for $6 (didnt know the rrp was up to $10 for a singlet).
what is the style?
i cant remember- sorry. it appeared to have limited support. its not a style on the bonds website
PS My local Kmart wont price match unless evidence of sale can be produced ie catalogue or online link
the style that holds the frank and beans
One style. A few colours.
Forest Hill Best & Less has the 40% off but the Bonds jocks/socks range is limited compared to the Kmart just nearby.
Bah I went to Target before this thread got updated.
No wonder the staff didn't know what I was on about lol.
lol, that must have been fun
I bought 2 pairs of socks! It was the highlight of my day.
You guys comments are funny.
Chadstone Best & Less had plenty of Mens guyfronts in grey/red/blue and many sizes of Ladies underwear. The socks however were scarce.
Brilliant went today and bought one pair of mens size *? as I owed my teenage son one pair of Bonds undies as he had deleted a lot of his music files from the hard drive so the home computer can breathe again!
sock it to me