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[PC] Black Friday: Overwatch Legendary Edition $28 @ EB Games


I did not see anyone posting this deal although there was one for $19 on amazon but it was the origin edition.
This pack was introduced about 6 months ago with 15 bonus skins and other goodies.

$28 total with pickup from my local store,i am pretty sure it had it for ps4 and xbox1 too

To some it might not be a great deal but as I wanted the game a saving of $50 with a physical hard copy of the game and the bonus skins is a decent deal to me.
I believe to buy 5-10 loot boxes might cost you between $10-20usd and there are no guarantees that you'll get epic skins, you can grind the game and score some loot boxes.

Some might have bought it digitally when the game first came out and wanted the official box also to have a secondary smurf account ;)

Be quick not sure when it'll end.

This is part of Black Friday / Cyber Monday deals for 2018

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closed Comments

  • I was just about to buy this too, thanks.

  • Nw, I am surprised I didn't see this special on black friday. I might have missed it or maybe they just added in this promo like today.
    Can anyone clarify?

    • Hey, yeah I was looking for Overwatch on Friday and EB had Legendary edition at like $70 or something still. GOTY preowned for $28. Surprised - maybe a Cyber Monday deal (?)

  • +1

    should I buy 5 of them ?

  • lol why would u buy 5? They occasionally go on sale for around $40 I think. So even if you do end up selling it you'll make $10-20 a pop. Is it worth the effort?
    Or you could buy 9 accounts queue them up at the same time and boost my SR to GM/top500, I am happy for you to boost me.

    • Hey! Welcome to Ozbargain ttempter, just letting you know you can reply to comments by pressing "reply" under the comment next to "votes", rather than posting a new comment every time :)

      Great deal also, kind of regret getting GOTY for $19 - could've got legendary for only $9 more

  • Might want to add PC in title, it's $39 for PS4 xb1 platforms

  • I've sunk many many hours onto this on PS4, and with the free weekend currently in force I thought I'd give it a go on my 6yo PC. Lo and behold the damn game runs fine on high… stoked! And what a time to need to buy it ;)

    • yep enjoy the mechanical precise movements of the mouse :)

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